Saturday, March 5, 2016
Jim Crews - Artist and Friend Two great things about Jim Crews: 1. He's a brilliant artist. 2. We've been friends for many years. Please visit Christian Brothers University and the beautiful Ross Gallery in the lower level of the Plough
Library through April 14, 2016 to see Jim's exhibit. Here
are few examples of Jim's award-winning work: 
Abstract Humanity III, mixed media on paper
, 36"x48" 
Radiance, serigraph on paper, 30" x
Young Couple, mixed media on paper, 60"
x 44" 
Triangularization, mixed media on paper 60"
x 40" 
Jim's exhibition is wonderful. Please Visit the Ross Gallery at 650 East Parkway South, Memphis,
Tennessee and call (901) 321-3432 if you need additional information. Please click any image to link to Christian Brothers University and The Ross Gallery. 
12:59 am cst
Friday, March 4, 2016
To Celebrate Two Great African Americans - Black History Month 1948Carter G. Woodson, an historian, was a remarkable man. In February of 1926 as director of "The Association for the
Study of Negro Life and History" he designated the second week of February as "Negro History Week". This week was chosen because it was because it was the same week
as the birthday of Abrahan Lincoln, February 12th, and that of Frederick Douglass, February 14th. The balck communities of my nation have celebrated the lives of Lincoln and Douglass since the late
19th century. Here is a Royal Crown Cola advertising
cover from February 24th, 1948, now known as "Black History Month", which celebrates the lives of two great men
upon the grand opening month of the post office at Hale's Ford, Virginia, known as the birthplace of Booker T. Washington.
The stamp, Scott #943 issued in January of 1948,
commemorates the date of the fifth anniversary of the death of George Washington Carver, botanist and inventor. The cachet on the left honors the life of Booker T. Washinton and
is a reproduction of an illustration from Mr.Washington's essay, "The Story of My Life and Work". Mr.Washington
is represented as the the child in the hat holding the stick in his hand in the lower center of the illustration.
Notice the circular date stamped machine cancellation
"Booker Washington Birthplace VA. FEB 24 5-PM 1948" and the motto "A Memorial to a Great American".
The cover was part of a collection from Saint Francis
county which also included the post office at Colt, Arkansas and was originally delivered to Crutcher's Grocery in Colt, perhaps
the location of the town post office.
Crutcher refused the cover but it still managed to
remain in the collection even after it was stamped with a "Return to Writer" handstamp with the "Unknown"
line checked in the body of the handstamp.
It's circular date and flag stamped COLT MAR
10 P.M. 1948 ARK The "P.M."
means it was recieved in Colt in the afternoon of March 10th, 1948, fourteen days after it was mailed from Virginia. 
And signed, on the back, "this don't belong
Why ?
8:41 am cst
Thursday, March 3, 2016
The Year Was 5718  The Hebrew Calendar is incredible. Fascinating and a marvel of space and time. September 4, 1957, the date of the first day cover issued in Jerusalem,
was three weeks to the day before the Jewish New Year which began on Thursday, the first day of Tishrei beginning the year
5718 according to the Hebrew calendar. The State
of Israel issued three beautiful stamps commemorating the Rosh Hashana, the New Year. They are the Ancient Seals of Israel,the horse, the Lion and the Gazelle. 
Scott Catalog #129, on the right, is the ancient horse
and seal 50 prutot denomination. It's ochre and black in color with 14 perforation per 2 centimeters and is watermarked on
the back. The 160 prutot denomination, Scott
Catalog #130, has 14 horizontal perforation per 2 centimeters and 13 perforation vertically per 2 centimeters. It has
no watermark. The 300 prutot denomination on
the left, Scott Catalog #131, is deep carmine, black and pink in color, has 14 perforations horizontally per two centimeters
and 13 perforations vertically per two centimeters. It has no watermark. 
I lived in Israel in 1974. I was a student. God is an ever present force in Israel and in my life. He's pretty good at blowing the garbage away.. 
אהבה ושלום
יכול להיות רצון האל לשארית
ימי חייך May
love and peace be the will of God for the rest of your life.
12:15 am cst
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Amateur Radio - The First 50 Years 1914 - 1964I've been a ham radio operator since I was a kid. The symbol above is a simple circuit diagram of
the most basic elements of a radio receiver, an antenna, an inductor and a ground. Stamp collecting and amateur radio have something in common: You can travel around the world from your chair and never leave your home. The difference, though, is that with ham radio you do it at the speed of light, and make new friends
in real time. Hams are vital to the communication
structure of the world. Amateur radio
operators seek to create a safe environment for all people in times of disaster and can relay communications in ways that
no other form of conveying information is capable of. Especially
in time of war or in a national emergency. Here's
an example of amateur radio represented on an American stamp from my collection honoring amateur radio operators and commemorating
the 50th anniversary of the American Radio Relay League 1914-1964:
Catalog U.S. #1260 5¢ Amateur Radio
Issue Date:
December 15, 1964 City: Anchorage,
AK Quantity: 122,230,000 Printed by: Bureau of Engraving
and Printing Printing Method: Rotary
Press Perforations: 10 1/2 x 11 Color:
Red lilac U.S. #1260 honors America’s amateur radio operators, of which
there were nearly 250,000 in 1964. It was on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the American Radio Relay League and
pictures a radio wave pattern and radio dial. On March 28, 1964, the largest earthquake in
the history of the United States devastated Alaska, impacting Anchorage, Valdez, and the immediate area. The earthquake measured 8.3 on the Richter scale and created a tsunami. 125 people were killed.
This U.S. postage stamp
honors the Amateur Radio Relay League for its important work during the 1964 Alaska earthquake. Amateur radio operators
provided emergency communications, which assisted relief and rescue operations. Amateur radio operators are vital to
this nation and the world when they serve during emergency situations. I'm very proud to be an amateur radio operator. WK2B / David
12:15 am cst
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
The Waters of Mineral Wells, Texas & The 1939 New York World's FairIn 1877 an man by the name of J.A. Lynch from Denison,
Texas decided to pick of his 50 head of cattle and his family and move west. They were seeking a climate that was free of
the ravages of malaria, An infectious disease caused by sporozoan parasites that are transmitted through the bite of an infected
Anopheles mosquito and has symptoms marked by sudden attacks of chills and fever. Mr. Lynch suffered from pain in the connective tissues and joints of his body, as did his wife. As Indians, specifically the Comanches, were on the warpath, Mr.Lynch
made the decision to settle in Palo Pinto County, Texas. Since
they was four miles from the Brazo River, the only source of water, Mr.Lynch made a deal with a well driller, a man by the
name Providence, to drill a well in exchange for some of the family oxen. The Lynch's started drinking from the new well and began feeling better. News of the great water began to circulate fast and soon thousands
of people were making the pilgrimage to the area to taste the water as though it had become a sacred place. Since Mr. Lynch could only produce 100 gallons a day at that time
he had strangers sign a declaration that they were sick and needed the water. In 1881 Mineral Wells was born and Mr.J.A. Lynch the new mayor. In 1939, Mineral Wells drove a stage coach to the New York World's Fair to promote the healing power
of their extraordinary water and it's benefits to health as "nature's gift to suffering humanity".
Here are some items from my collection recalling
that great event.
Scott Catalog U.S. #853 1939
3¢ Trylon and Perisphere
Issue Date: April 1, 1939 First City: New York, New
York Quantity Issued: 101,699,550 Printed by: Bureau of Engraving
and Printing Printing Method: Rotary
Press Perforation: 10
½ x 11 Color: Deep
Purple The New York World’s Fair, featured
on U.S. #853, was the largest world’s fair ever. The stamp showcases the “Trylon” and “Perisphere,”
two of the most famous images of the Fair. Over 44 million people attended the fair. The Trylon was a 700-foot-tall spire that
was connected to the Perisphere – a sphere with a diameter of 180 feet. Their images were issued on U.S. #853
on April 1, 1939, but were open to the public later that month at the Grand Opening held on April 30. The Perisphere
housed a “world of tomorrow” model city that could be viewed by visitors on a moving walkway. Photo by Sam Gottscho
And the great pamphlet that was enclosed inviting
you to come to Mineral Wells:
The stamp on this great advertising cover from the
1939 New York World's Fair represents the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition which was taking place the same year in
San francisco.
Scott Catalog U.S. #852 1939
3¢ Golden Gate International Exposition Issue Date: February
18, 1939 First City: San
Francisco, California Quantity Issued: 114,439,600 Printed by: Bureau of Engraving
and Printing Printing Method: Rotary
Press Perforation: 10
½ x 11 Color: Bright
Purple The Post Office Department issued Scott
Catalog U.S. #852 in conjunction with the Golden Gate International Exposition – and on the same day it opened. The
Exposition was a World’s Fair, celebrating two new bridges – the Golden Gate Bridge (opened in 1937) and the
San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge (opened in 1935). The
stamp illustrates the “Tower of the Sun,” symbolizing the “Pageant of the Pacific” theme. The
tower was 400 feet high and surrounded by four statues representing Science, Agriculture, Industry, and Art. The cachet on the Mineral Springs cover above has the New York World's Fair circular date cancel.
We could have had fun there dining on cotton candy and mineral water and listening to Albert Einstein lecture about cosmic rays.
5:28 am cst
Monday, February 29, 2016
Please Hire the DisabledScott Catalog U.S. #1155 1960 4¢ Employ the Handicapped Issue
Date: August 28, 1960 City: New York, New York Quantity: 117,855,000 Printed
By: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Printing Method: Rotary
Press Perforations: 10 ½ 11 Color: Dark
blue Scott Catalog U.S. #1155
was issued in conjunction with the Eighth World Congress of the International Society for the Welfare of Cripples. The
President’s Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped sponsored the Congress. Designed by Carl Bobertz,
the stamp was released to promote the hiring of the handicapped, and shows a man in a wheelchair using a drill. The Congress was held in New York City, opening on the same day the stamp was issued. Over
3,000 people attended, including doctors, nurses, therapists, and voluntary workers. The reverse with the circular
date stamp from Parkin, Arkansas. Please help those who need your help and
provide them with the jobs and resources they need to improve the quality of their lives.
12:48 am cst
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Polio is a crippling and potentially fatal infectious
disease. There is no cure, Only immunization can prevent it from spreading. We must fight this disease and all birth defects with the help
of God. Please support the March of Dimes. 
4:15 am cst