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Palestine 1918

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Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "A"
No Name Language Description
1 A architect, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
2 A Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia S.A. Avianca airlines, Colombia overprint, first used July 12, 1950.
3 A overprint on SCADTA airmail issues, indicating a consular overprint sold in Germany, 1920.
4 A "A" inscription, US nondenominated stamp, valued 15-cents, placed on sale May 22, 1978.
5 A anotacion, Colombia registration inscription, 1865-70.
6 A and T, A&T Annam and Tonkin overprint, French Protectorate in Indo-China; Jan. 21, 1888-1892: stamps of French Colonies surcharged A & T, see: Annam and Tonkin.
7 A Certa Sp. Ancachs, 1884 Peru manuscript overprint, provisional issue; term is former canceling device used for another purpose.
8 A percevoir Fr. "to collect" inscription/overprint on postage dues of Belgium, Canada, Egypt, France, Haiti and Monaco.
9 A Receber Postage Due, Portugal, Portuguese Colonies inscription.
10 A. H. PD Angra, Horta, Ponta Delgado overprint on stamps of Azores, 1906.
11 A. R. Col¨®n Colombia Panama overprint on stamps of Colombia indicating acknowledgment of receipt.
12 A. T Army Telegraph; Orange Free State overprint.
13 A. Z. Albania 1927 overprint for President Ahmed Zogu.
14 A.D.P.O. Fr. Administration Dette Publique Ottomane," inscription; Administration of the Ottoman Public Debt, 1917, French military occupation, revenue stamps.
15 A.D.P.O./Z.O. Fr. Zone Ouest (Western Zone for Lebanon), inscription; see: A.D.P.O.
16 A.E. Fr. "affairs ¨¦trangcres" foreign affairs, French Colony Revenue inscription. 1912-1944: Italian issues overprinted "Egeo," "Isole Italiane Dell'Egeo" from various islands: Calchi, Calino, Caso, Coo, Fero, Nisiro, Patmo, Piscopi, Rhodes (Rodi), Scarpanto, Simi, and Stampalia, 1945-47: British Middle East Forces occupation overprint MEF (Middle East Forces), 1947: stamps of Greece overprinted SDD (Dodecanese Military Occupation).
17 A.G. Attorney General, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
18 A.I.F. Australian Imperial Forces overprint.
19 A.M.G. V.G. Allied Military Government Venezia Guilia, Trieste; 1945-47: Italy overprint, Allied Occupation, replaced by A.M.G. F.T.T.
20 A.M.G.F.T.T. Allied Military Government Free Territory of Trieste; 1947-54:Zone A, Italy, Trieste overprint on stamps of Italy.
21 A.O.F. "Afrique Occidentale Franeaise" French West Africa overprint, 1945: on stamps of semi-postal issue of France.
22 A.O.I. Italian East Africa Postage Due overprint, 1941: on stamps of Italy.
23 Abu Dhabi stamps overprinted United Arab Emirates, 1972.
24 Achin Sumatra local overprint, Japanese occupation, 1942-45.
25 Actes de Naissance Fr. birth certificates; French Colony revenue inscription.
26 Ad¨¦lie (Coast) Land "Terre Ad¨¦lie-Dumont Durville 1840" overprint on stamp of Malagasy Republic.
27 Adigey bogus Russian local overprint, 1993.
28 Admiralty Official Admiralty Dept., Great Britain 1903 overprint for official use.
29 Adygeia bogus Russian Federation Republic; local overprint and stamps.
30 Aeores Fr. Azores overprint and inscription on stamps of Portugal.
31 Aerea It. airmail overprint.
32 Aereo Sp. airmail overprint or inscription.
33 Aereo exterior Sp. Guatemala overprint for airmail.
34 Aereo interior Sp. Honduras overprint for official interior airmail.
35 Aereo Sedta Sp. "Sociedad Ecuatoriano de Transportes Aereos" Ecuador airmail overprint, 1938-40.
36 Aero correo Sp. Honduras airmail overprint.
37 Aero oy Finland inscription for 20th anniversary of Finnair, 1944.
38 Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia Sp. airline in Colombia; 1950-51: airmail stamps overprinted "A" for mail carried by AVIANCA.
39 Aff O Fr. with Foreign Legion cross, overprint for Tunisia, may be private issue.
40 Affiches Fr. public signs and posters; French Colony revenue inscription.
41 Affranch official mail overprint used as precancellation in Andorra, France, Monaco, and Morocco; also overprint on some French stamps issued to officials for government mail.
42 Affranchi ainsi faute figurine handstamp overprint on Madagascar and Diego Suarez during shortage of low values, may be private issue.
43 Afgooye inscription showing location of area depicted on 1980 stamp of Somalia.
44 Africa correios Portuguese territories overprint on the 1898 issue.
45 Africa Occidental Espanola Sp. Spanish West Africa inscription.
46 Africa Orientale Italiana It. Italian East Africa inscription.
47 Afrique Equatoriale Franeaise Fr. inscription on French Equatorial Africa.
48 Afrique Equatoriale Franeaise Fr. French Equatorial Africa overprint on stamps of Gabon, Middle Congo.
49 Afrique Franeais Libre Fr. Free French Equatorial Africa overprint and inscription.
50 Afrique Occidental Franeaise Fr. French West Africa; overprint: see: A.O.F.
51 Afrique Orientale Fr. German East Africa overprint; 1918: Belgian Congo Charity issue stamps.
52 Agencies consulaires Fr. consular agencies; French Colony revenue inscription.
53 Ag¨¹era, La part of Spanish Sahara, Africa; 1920-1923: used Spanish Rio de Oro stamps overprinted "La Ag¨¹era"
54 Aidez les Tuberculeux Fr. Tunisia surtax overprint semi-postal for tuberculosis.
55 Air Canada, inscription for airmail.
56 Airpost Newfoundland inscription for airmail.
57 Aitutaki overprint on stamps of New Zealand, 1903-32.
58 Ajanlos, Ajl.1, Ajl.2, Alahlas Hungary inscription for registered letters, 1946.
59 Alaouites, Alaquites 1925, Mar. 1: stamps of Syria overprinted Alaquites, 1931, July: first stamps as Latakia with "Lattaquie" overprint on stamps of Syria
60 Albania 1902-16: Italian stamps, Offices in Turkey, overprinted Albania with Turkish currency, 1909: each town, Durazzo, Scutari and Valona, received its own overprint, 1913: overprints on Turkey issues, 1939-43: Italian occupation with stamps overprinted; "Constituent Assembly 12 IV 1939 XVII" for Albanian crown being offered to Italy, XVII is the 17th year of Fascist rule in Italy, 1940-42: Greece overprint for southern Albania, 1943-44: Italian occupation stamps overprinted for German occupation, with some cities issuing their own stamps, 1945: Italian occupation stamps overprinted for new republic: see: Qeverija Demokrat (ike) E Shqiperise 22-X-1944.
61 Alcance Y.U.H. Uruguay inscription for late fee, 1936.
62 Alcoholes Sp. liquors; Spanish Morocco revenue inscription.
63 Alcools Fr. alcohol, liquors; French Colony revenue inscription.
64 Aledschen, Alsedziai Lithuanian city; 1941: German military overprint on Russian stamps "Laisa/Alsedziai/24-VI-41."
65 Alexanderstadt Ukranian city; 1941-42: Russian stamps overprinted/surcharged by the Germans "16.8.41/B.ALEX."
66 Alexandrie Fr. 1899-1900 overprint used in French Offices in Egypt; see: Alexandria.
67 Alg¨¦rie Fr. overprint and inscription on stamps of France for Algeria.
68 Allemagne Duitschland Dut. Germany occupation overprint on stamps of Belgium, 1919-21.
69 Allenstein 1920: Germany district used stamps of Germany overprinted "Plebiscite Olsztyn/Allenstein"
70 Allied Military Postage inscription for Allied Military Government, 1945-46.
71 Allumettes Fr. matches; French Colony revenue inscription.
72 Alphabetizacion/Alphabetisation Fr., Sp. Mexico and Haiti inscription to raise funds for the campaign against illiteracy.
73 Alto commissariato It. top, head commission; 1940: Italian overprint on stamps of Yugoslavia for Lubiana.
74 AM POST, M in oval Allied Military Post inscription; 1945-46: first issue of stamps after World War II in Germany.
75 Ambon local overprint, Japan Naval Control, 1942-45.
76 Ambulance laquintinie surtax overprint for Free French Army ambulances; 1941: with value in francs, for Cameroun.
77 Ambulante Bel., Fr. poste ambulante overprint on stamps of Belgium and France used for a mobile post office.
78 American Zone British, Russian and American occupying powers; 1946-48: one issue, overprinted with pattern of posthorns, for occupation of Germany, 1948-49: "Deutsche Post" inscription used.
79 Amsterdao Port. Portugal overprint to raise funds for Olympic team to go to Amsterdam.
80 Amtlicher verkehr Ger. inscription of the official (dienst) stamps; 1881-1919: W¨¹rttemberg.
81 Amure Russian inscription; 1929, Feb.: for autonomous administration at Blagovestchansk, Amur province
82 AN Turkey overprint; Annas, currency unit.
83 Anatolia Turkey in Asia; 1920: Turkish revenue stamps overprinted by Nationalist Government revolutionaries
84 Ancachs Hairez, Peru postal district; overprint "Franca" used in 1884; see: A Certo.
85 Anciens Combattants War Veterans, Tunisia overprint.
86 Andaman & Nicobar Islands part of India, twin island groups; when occupied by Japan in World War II, 1942-45, Indian stamps were overprinted by occupiers.
87 Andorre Fr. 1931 overprint on postage due stamps of France for Andorra.
88 Angora, Ankhara, Ankara 1921: Turkey overprint for city in 1921
89 Anjouan 1892-1914: French colonial stamps inscribed Sultanat d'Anjouan
90 Ann¨¦e Mondiale du R¨¦fugi¨¦ Fr. Year of the Refugee, overprint on stamps of Switzerland for United Nations.
91 Anotado overprint on Mexico 1868 issue, applied in 1872, some claim to make the stamp valid for temporary use such a reuse of an obsolete issue, others claim they were for registered letters.
92 Antananarivo British Madagascar hand stamp for mail inscribed "British Consular Mail Anatananarivo" now known as Tananarive, Madagascar.
93 Anzac commemoration overprint for Australian-New Zealand Army Corps.
94 AO 1918: overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo charity issue semi-postal.
95 AO Audit Office, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
96 Apurimac Arequipa, Peru provisional overprint, 1885; Chilean occupation of Peru.
97 Arad 1919: stamps of Hungary overprinted "Occupation Franeaise" now part of Romania.
98 Arbe 1920, Nov.- Dec. 1920: Fiume overprint.
99 Arequipa 1881: overprint on stamps of Peru for Chilean occupation
100 Armenwet overprint of stamps of The Netherlands; 1913: for official use for Poor Law Administration.
101 Armja Polska we Wloszech Pol. Polish Army in Italy handstamp, 1918.
102 Army official Sudan overprint, officials, 1905.
103 Army official Great Britain Foreign Offices overprint; 1896-1904: Paymasters and War Office.
104 Army post British forces overprint used in Egypt in 1936.
105 Army service Sudan overprint.
106 Arriba Espana "Spain Above All" overprint in Guipuzcoa Province.
107 Artigas Uruguay overprint honoring Gen. Artigas.
108 Arts Festival of St. Kitts St. Kitts-Nevis overprint, 1964.
109 Arviskarosultaknak Kulon Hungary semi-postal inscription, food sufferers, 1913.
110 Ascension overprint on stamps St. Helena, starting in 1922.
111 Asch local, Sudeten district in Czechoslovakia, had overprinted issues in 1938.
112 Asegurada Sp. inscription on insured mail labels used in Spanish speaking nations.
113 Asistenta sociala Rom. Romania charity stamp inscription.
114 Assab bogus overprint on Italian stamps 1880, possible Ethiopian city on the Red Sea.
115 Assicurato It. Italian inscription on insured mail labels.
116 Assistencia Sp. charity or assistance inscription for colonial stamps for funds to fight tuberculosis; Azores, Macao, Portugal.
117 Assistencia Nacional aos Tuberculoses-Porte Franco Port. Portugal National Aid Society for Consumptives, inscription.
118 Assistencia Publica Portuguese India and Mozambique inscription on postal tax stamps.
119 Assistencia-D.L. no. 72 Sp. Timor overprint for social welfare.
120 Assobla Sp. Spanish Guinea overprint for Elobey, Annabon and Corisco.
121 Assurances sociales Fr. social security; French Colony revenue inscription.
122 Asuncion Paraguay 1886 official overprint for founding of city, Aug. 15, 1536.
123 AT, A&T French Colonies, Annam and Tonkin overprint.
124 Atlantis y Lemuria bogus, overprints on Atlantis stamps.
125 A-U Colombia, Argentina, and Uruguay SCADTA consular overprint.
126 Au profit de la croix rouge Belgian East Africa Red Cross overprint for Ruanda Urundi.
127 Aunus Russia overprint on stamps of Finland; 1919: Finnish occupation; Russian town of Olonetz.
128 Austria 1918, Austrian Republic overprint "German Austria."
129 Austrian military post Bosnia stamps with "K.U.K. Feldpost"; 1912-14: stamps inscribed or overprinted used by Austrian forces in occupation of parts of Italy, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia, 1912-18: issues for Bosnia and Herzegovina had inscription "K.U.K. Militarpost," see: K.U.K. Feldpost, K.U.K. Militarpost.
130 Autopaketti Finland parcel post inscription.
131 Avion Fr., Sp. inscription for airmail, airplane, aviation, Alaouites, vertical overprint.
132 Avion Messre Tafari "Royal Airmail" overprint on Ethiopia air stamps.
133 Avionska Posta Jugoslavia airmail overprint.
134 Ayachucho overprint on stamps of Peru, 1881, for one of the Arequipa issues.
135 Azad hind bogus, "Free India" inscription printed in Germany in 1942.
136 Azerbaijan 1945-46: Persian stamps overprinted "Occupation Azirbaydejan" during Russian occupation; found to be bogus, 1945, May-Mar. 1946: occupied by Russia, set of 15 Iranian stamps overprinted "National Government of Azerbaijan, 11th May 1945."
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "B"
No Name Language Description
1 B overprint, British post office at Bangkok, 1882-85
2 B overprint; Colombia airmail sold in Belgium in early 1920s for mail from Belgium to Colombia via SCADTA air line; Belgian stamps were also required; also Colombia consular overprint; see: SCADTA
3 B overprint, 1904-1912, Nicaragua province of Zelaya
4 B Belgian stamp inscription, or "B" within an oval, with "Chemins Fer Spoorwagen" Railway Parcel Post, 1940-44 (overprint), 1949- (inscription)
5 B overprint; Belgian stamps to indicate railway parcel
6 B overprint on Straits Settlements stamps for Bangkok, 1882-85, see: Bangkok
7 B "B" inscription, US nondenominated stamp, valued 18¡é, placed on sale Mar.15, 1981.
8 B I E vertical overprint; 1946: Bureau International d'Education, Switzerland.
9 B L C I Urdu Language inscription on corners of stamps; 1800s-1900s: Feudatory State of Bhopal, India.
10 B O consular overprint, SCADTA stamps of Colombia, sold in Bolivia, 1920s.
11 B R overprint, indicating consular stamp sold in Brazil, 1920s: on SCADTA Colombia stamps.
12 B V C C A R I overprint; 1918: naval victory commemorated on Fiume stamps.
13 B. A. British Administration overprint on stamps of Great Britain, post World War II, British Offices Abroad, 1950, Jan. 2: Somalia, 1950, Feb. 6-Dec. 1951: Tripolitani, 1950, Feb. 14-Sept. 14, 1952: Eritrea. Baena: occupation of city of Baena, Spain, province of Cordoba, not valid for postage, 1937, July: overprint on stamp by Nationalist and Republican revolutionary forces.
14 B. A. Eritrea overprint, British Africa Eritrea; Middle East Forces, British Offices Abroad for Offices in Africa, 1950, Feb. 6-Sept. 14, 1952: overprint on stamps of Great Britain.
15 B. A. Somalia overprint, British Africa Somalia; Middle East Forces, British Offices Abroad for Offices in Africa, 1950, Jan. 2-1952: overprint on stamps of Great Britain.
16 B. A. Tripolitania overprint, British Africa Tripolitania; Middle East Forces, British Offices Abroad for Offices in Africa, 1950, Feb. 6-Sept. 14, 1952: stamps of Great Britain overprint. 1950, Feb. 6-Dec. 1951: valid only in Tripolitania.
17 B. C. A. British Central Africa ovpt;1891-95: stamps of Rhodesia; see: British Central Africa.
18 B. C. G. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (Anti-Tuberculosis League) inscription on postal tax issue of Dominican Republic.
19 B. C. M. overprint for Madagascar; 1884-86: British Consular Mail.
20 B. C. O. F. JAPAN 1946 overprint on Australian stamps;British Commonwealth Occupation Forces,1946-1947 Australian forces stationed in Japan (post WW II).
21 B. D. Barracks Department, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
22 B. Dpto. Zelaya overprint to prevent currency manipulation; Nicaragua, Province of Zelaya.
23 B. E. F. British Expeditionary Force overprint.
24 B. I. O. T. British Indian Ocean Territory; 1968: overprint on stamps of Seychelles.
25 B. I. T.-OCT. 1930 Bureau International du Travail overprint;1: 1930: Belgium, International Labor Bureau; 2: 1938: Switzerland.
26 B. L. P. It. overprint semi-postal with advertisements sold to benefit invalids; 1901-22: Buste Lettere Postali, Italy.
27 B. M. Bench of Magistrates, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
28 B. M. A. Burma on stamps of Burma; 1945-51: British Military Administration.
29 B. M. A. Eritrea overprint on stamps of Great Britain, Offices in Africa; 1948-49: British Military Administration.
30 B. M. A. Malaya overprint on Straits Settlements;1945-51: British Military Administration.
31 B. M. A. North Borneo overprint North Borneo; 1945-51: British Military Administration.
32 B. M. A. Sarawak overprint Sarawak; 1945-51: British Military Administration.
33 B. M. A. Somalia overprint Great Britain, Offices in Africa;1948-49: British Military Adm.
34 B. M. A. Tripolitania overprint on stamps of Great Britain, Offices in Africa; 1948, July 1-49: British Military Administration, 1950, Feb. 6-Dec. 1951: used in Tripolitania only.
35 B. N. F. Castellorizo Base Navale Francaise overprint on stamps of French Levant; 1920: French occupation of Turkey, Offices in Turkey.
36 B. R. A. overprint, British Railway Administration late letter fee; 1901: on stamps of China during Boxer rebellion.
37 B.G. It. inscription, Bollo Gazzatte, newspaper tax stamps for Modena.
38 B.G. Botanical Garden, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74
39 Bagages Reisgoed Flem. overprint on stamps of Belgium, baggage parcel post revenue.
40 Baghdad in British Occupation 1917 overprint on stamps of Turkey.
41 Baha 1943 surcharge; 1943: on Philippine stamps, Japanese occupation.
42 Bahrain 1933, stamps of India overprinted "Bahrain," 1948 -1960 stamps of Great Britain overprinted "Bahrain,"1971: State of Bahrain inscription.
43 Baikal local, Russian overprint, 1920.
44 Bajar Porto inscription on Indonesia stamps for Postage Due.
45 Baku overprint; 1922-24: on stamps of the Transcausasian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, 1993: Azerbaijan, local overprint.
46 Balek, Balex overprint on Russian stamp, German occupation; 1941-42: Great Alexandrovka.
47 Ballon Mont¨¦ 1870-71: inscription for letters via piloted balloon during the Siege of Paris.
48 Ballon Non-Mont¨¦ 1870-71: inscription for letters dispatched by non-piloted balloon.
49 Bandaufdruck Ger. ribbon type overprint as used on Germany posthorn issue of 1948.
50 Bandjermasin local overprint, Japanese occupation, Naval Control Area, 1942-45.
51 Bangka & Billiton local overprint, Sumatra, Japanese occupation, 1942-45.
52 Banja Luka overprint on two Yugoslavian stamps by local partisans, northern Bosnia; WW II.
53 Bank & Insurance City Post inscription on locals by Hussey's Post, New York.
54 Baranja bogus, Jugoslavia stamps overprinted for Bosnian Republic.
55 Baranya Hungarian stamps overprint; 1919-Aug. 1921: during Serbian occupation.
56 Barawe Somalia inscription.
57 Barbados inscription, Attack of the Giant Jellyfish; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
58 Barbados inscription, Stamford Raffles as Nelson unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
59 Barberia overprint on stamps of Italy for Italian post offices in Tripoli.
60 Barbuda overprint on stamps of Antigua and Leeward Islands,1862: stamps of Antigua,1968.
61 Barbuda mail overprint on stamps of Antigua.
62 Barques Fr. boats; French colony revenue inscription.
63 Barranquilla with "Franqueo Particular" Colombia local post, 1882.
64 Base Atlantica overprint on Italian stamps; 1943-44: for use of military submarine personnel stationed in Bordeaux France.
65 Base Depot/ (date)/ Siberia Canadian Forces in Siberia.
66 Basutoland Africa, British protectorate, overprint; 1871-1910: stamps of Cape Hope, identified by date stamp or Cape numeral cancels,1910-1933: stamps of Union of South Africa, 1933, first inscribed stamps issued, 1945: "Basutoland" overprint on stamps of South Africa.
67 Bata Sp. overprint of capital of Rio Muni (Spanish Guinea); 1901: on issue of Fernando Poo.
68 Bataan & Corregidor overprint, Philippines, Japanese Occupation, 1942.
69 Batoeradja local overprint, Sumatra, Japanese occupation, 1942-45.
70 Bayern, Bayr Ger. inscription/overprint for Bavaria.
71 Bechuanaland Protectorate South Africa, overprint; 1888, Aug. 7-90: overprint "Protectorate" on stamps of Bechuanaland, 1889: overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope(1886),1897-1926: overprint on stamps of Great Britain (1881-87), 1910: overprint on stamp of Transvaal (Sc.274), 1945: overprint on stamps of South Africa (Sc.100-102).
72 Bechuanaland, British stamps of Cape of Good Hope (1871-75) ovptd/surcharged "British Bechuanaland,"1887: stamp of Great Britain overprinted "British Bechuanaland,"1887-88: British Bechuanaland, inscription, 1891-94: stamps of Great Britain overprinted "British Bechuanaland," 1893-97: stamps of Cape of Good Hope overprinted "British Bechuanaland."
73 Beirut formerly Beyrouth, Lebanon; 1905, Beyrouth, French overprint used, 1906, July: British overprint for provisional use,1909: ROPiT , Russia, issued overprinted stamps for Beirut.
74 Belgian Occupation of German East Africa Belgian Congo stamps overprint; 1916: "Est Africain Allemand Occupation Belge," 1924: became Belgian mandate and renamed Ruanda-Urundi. Belgian Occupation of Germany (part): Eupen, Malmedy stamps; 1919-20: "Allemagne/Duitschland"(Flemish) overprint, 1919-21: Poste Militaire postmark used for Belgian troops.
75 Belgie Fr. Belgium inscription.
76 Belgie posterijen Flemish inscription, 1891-96, Belgium post.
77 Belgien Ger. Belgium, overprint; 1914-18: on stamps of Germany, German Occupation, World War II occupation stamps consisted of surcharge, but no country name.
78 Belgisch Congo inscription 1910-60.
79 Belize overprint on British Honduras stamps, 1973.
80 Belize Relief Fund overprint on British Honduras semi-postals; for Sept.1931 hurricane relief.
81 Ben Kulen local overprint, Sumatra, Japanese occupation, 1942-45.
82 Benaders overprint, Persian port; 1911-12: stamps of Iran,1921: used at Iranian Persian Gulf ports,1922: overprint on stamps of Persia.
83 Benadir inscription; 1903-26: first stamps of Italian Somaliland.
84 Bengasi overprint on stamps of Italy.
85 Benin 1892: overprint "Benin" on stamps of French Colonies, 1893: inscribed "Golfe De Benin" full name ¨¦tablissements Franeais du Golfe de Benin, 1894: inscribed "Benin," 1899: Dahomey used "Dahomey Et Dependances," 1975: became People's Republic of Benin, including Dahomey, with inscription "Republique Populaire Du Benin."
86 Berlin Germany overprint in Russian Zone of Occupation, post WW II; 1946: Russia issued their own stamps with "O.P.D." overprint, 1948: "Sowjetische Besatzungs Zone" Russian Zone overprint, 1948: Allied occupation stamps overprinted in black for use in Western zone of Berlin, 1949: overprint in red for revised currency.
87 Bermuda inscription, Devil¡¯s Triangle, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
88 Bermuda inscription, Six Shillings, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
89 Besa "Genuine" overprint, 1921-22: Albania validity control.
90 Besetztes gebiet NordFrankreich Ger. overprint handstamp; 1940:on French definitives used by German troops after the British evacuation of Dunkerque.
91 Besetztes gebiet Nordfrankreich overprint; France, German Occupation.
92 Bessarabia bogus Russian overprint.
93 Beyrouth overprint for Beirut, Offices in Turkey; 1905: French Levant overprint stamp plus surcharge, 1909: overprint on stamps of Russia, Levant.
94 Bezirksaufdruck Ger. district, local overprint.
95 Bezirksmarke (HOPS) Ger. hand overprinted stamp cancelled for Russian occupation zone.
96 Biafra overprint, stamps of Nigeria.
97 Bijzonderevluchten Dut. inscription; 1933: airmail issue.
98 Bilbao local overprint, Spanish civil war, Nationalist and Republican forces, 1937.
99 Binit Bicska overprint on stamps of Hungary for Banat, district of Hungary.
100 Bjorn oya overprints on Norway stamps.
101 Black Honduras black overprint and surcharge for newly established airmail route; 1915-16: Honduras, only two copies known to exist.
102 Board of Education overprint; 1902-04: Great Britain Official.
103 Bocas del Toro Panama; 1903-04: overprint "R de Panama" used in City of Bocas del Toro.
104 Bohemia and Moravia 1939: Czech provinces declared German protectorate, used overprinted Czech stamps, then stamps inscribed Bohmen and Mohren, 1942-1945: Deutsches Reich and Grossdeutsches Reich issues.
105 B?hmen und M?hren Ger. inscription for Czechoslovakia, Bohemia and Moravia.
106 Boka kotarska (Cataro) Yugoslav province, overprints in Italian and German currency, 1944.
107 Bolivar, Sucre Miranda-decreto overprint of Escuelas Venezuela stamps as validation of non-postage school stamps.
108 Bosien i Herzegowina inscriptions on Bosnia and Herzegovina stamp, 1906-12.
109 Bosna i Hercegovina Jugoslavia overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
110 Bosnien-Hercegovina overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, 1918.
111 Bosnien-Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1906-17.
112 Bostgebiet Lithuania overprint on stamps of Germany, German occupation, 1916-17.
113 Botswana 1888: overprint on Cape of Good Hope stamps, followed by overprints on British stamps, 1966, Sept. 30-67: "Republic of Botswana" overprint on stamps of Bechuanaland Protectorate; see: Bechuanaland Protectorate.
114 Boughies Fr. candles; French Colony revenue inscription.
115 Bouvet Oya bogus Norway handstamp overprint (Bouvet Island), supposedly commemorates the visit of British Vice-Admiral Evans to the island in 1934, repudiated by Norwegian government.
116 Brac, Brac Franco island in the Adriatic Sea; stamps of Jugoslavia overprint; 1943: stamps of Yugoslavia unauthorized overprint by Germany, 1944, May: charity stamps printed when occupied by Germany, never issued.
117 British overprint variety (should be British) on British East Africa overprints.
118 British Central Africa (B.C.A.) 1891-95: stamps of Rhodesia overprinted "B.C.A," 1895-1907: inscription of British Central Africa Protectorate.
119 British East Africa 1890: "British East Africa Company" overprint on stamps of India, Zanzibar, 1890-94: stamps inscribed and handstamp of British East Africa Company, 1895-97: overprint on stamps of India,1896-1903: inscribed British East Africa Protectorate, 1895-97: British East Africa Protectorate on stamps of Zanzibar, 1903: area changed and stamps inscribed "East Africa and Uganda Protectorate,"
120 British East Africa Company 1890-94: overprint on stamps of Great Britain.
121 British East Africa Protectorate 1896-1903: inscription on stamps of Great Britain.
122 British Honduras inscription, Deafforestation, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
123 British Military Administration of Malaya 1945-48: Straits Settlements stamps overprinted BMA Malaya used, BMA overprint was used to 1951.
124 British Military Administration of North Borneo 1945: first stamps of North Borneo overprinted B.M.A.
125 British Occupation overprint on Russian stamps for Batum, used overprint types of Georgia.
126 Brunei:1906 first stamps were overprints on stamps of Labuan, 1942-44: stamps overprinted in Japanese characters during occupation, 1945: British occupation, stamps of North Borneo and Sarawak overprinted B.M.A.
127 Buchanan city in Liberia, registration inscription, 1893-1924.
128 Bulgarian Occupation of Romania an ally of Austria and Germany, 1916: overprint on stamps of Bulgaria for use in occupation of Romania.
129 Bureau International d'Education Switzerland overprint for International Board of Education.
130 Bureau International du Travail Switzerland; 1923-1950: official overprint for International Labor Bureau.
131 Burgenland 1945: German stamps overprinted diagonally "Osterreich" for use in Burgenland.
132 Burgos Spanish province; local overprint, Nationalist and Republican forces,1936-37
133 Burma:1937, April 1 stamps of India (1926-36) overprinted "Burma" when it became part of the British Commonwealth, 1943-45: Japanese occupation overprints and issues, 1942: Burmese emblem, the peacock, used as overprint during Japanese occupation.
134 Burundi 1953: overprint "Royaume du Burundi" on Ruanda-Urundi,1967: "Republique du Burundi" overprinted on Royaume du Burundi issues (Sc. 111, 113, 116, 118-25, 141-52, 154-56), 1967: first stamp with inscription of Republique du Burundi.
135 Bushire Persian Gulf port; 1915, Aug. 8-Oct. 16: British occupation
136 Butlin¡¯s Holidays For a King inscription, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "C"
No Name Language Description
1 C overprint on stamps of Colombia, sold in Cuba for SCADTA airline mail to Cuba.
2 C (Preceded by value with Japanese letters) Ryukyu Islands.
3 C Customs, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
4 C "Campana" overprint on stamps of Paraguay and Uruguay (1922) for country areas.
5 C. D. Convict Department, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
6 C. E. F. Cameroon overprint on stamps of Germany Kamerun, British Occupation. - stamps of India overprint for China Expeditionary Force, first issue in 1900.
7 C. G. H. S "Commission de Gouvernment Haute Sil¨¦sie" overprint on official stamps of Germany, for Upper Silesia, 1920-21.
8 C. G. R. Cape Government Railways; 1911-12: overprint on stamps for railway mail from Caledon, Cape Province.
9 C. I. H. S. "Commission Interalli¨¦e Haute-Sil¨¦sie" hand stamp/overprint on stamps of Germany, official use, for Upper Silesia, 1920.
10 C. S. Chief Secretary, South Australia official overprint,1868-74.
11 C. Sgn. Colonial Surgeon, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
12 C. T. Commissioner of Titles, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
13 C. X. C. Cyrillic overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina for Jugoslavia.
14 C.F.A. overprint on stamps of France for Colonies Francaises d'Afrique, 1945. - overprint on French issues for Reunion, March 1952. - overprint on stamps of France for Communaut¨¦ Financicre Africaine, 1960.
15 C.L.N. It. "Comitati di Liberazione Nazionale" (National Liberation Committees), 1943-44: inscription / overprint on stamps of Italy.
16 C.L.N./Ossola Libera/10.9.44 It. overprint for Domodossola, Italy, see: CLN.
17 C.L.N./Posta Italiane/Zona Aosta It. inscription for Aosta, Italy, see: CLN.
18 C.L.N./Sondalo/Pro/Tubercolotici It. overprint, see: CLN.
19 C.M.T. overprint on stamps of Austria, for Western Ukraine, Romanian occupation, 1919
20 CA overprint on stamps of Colombia, sold in Canada for SCADTA airline mail to Cuba.
21 CA overprint and surcharge on one semi-postal stamp of France to reduce national debt, 1927.
22 Cabo Sp. overprint on stamps of Nicaragua for Cabo Gracias A Dios, (Cape Thanks to God) 1904-09: own stamps required because currency was based on silver, while rest of Nicaragua used paper money, overprint used to prevent currency manipulation, 1907: overprinted "Costa/Atlantica/C ," 1909: overprinted "C/Dpto.Zelaya."
23 Cabo gracias local, overprint on stamps of Nicaragua, Zelaya, 1904-11.
24 Cabo Jubi overprint on stamps of Rio de Oro, for Cape Juby, 1916.
25 Cabo Juby overprint on stamps of Spain (1919-33), Spanish Morocco, (1934-48) for Cape Juby, see: Rio de Oro.
26 Cabo Verde inscription Cape Verde for Cape Verde Islands.
27 Caches overprint on postage dues of France and general stamps of French Colonies for use in French India postage dues.
28 Cadiz, Cadiz viva Espanol local overprint, Spanish civil war, Nationalist/Republican, 1936-37.
29 Caicos Islands 1981 stamps overprinted "Caicos Islands" see: Turks and Caicos Islands.
30 Caisse d'Amortissement Fr. inscription for reduction of national debt, semi-postal; 1927-31
31 Calimno, Calino Dodecanese Island, Aegean Sea; 1912-29: overprint "Egeo" on stamps of Italy, followed by "Calimno."
32 Callao Peru overprint on stamps of Chile, Chilean Occupation.
33 Cameroon, Cameroun West coast of Africa
34 Cameroons U.K.T.T (United Kingdom Trust Territory) overprint on stamps of Nigeria for Southern Cameroons.
35 Cameroun Occupation Franeaise on stamps of Middle Congo, 1916-17, 1921
36 Canal Zone Canal Zone overprint on stamps of Panama, 1904, US stamps overprinted, 1924.
37 Canarias local, Canary Islands, Spanish civil war overprint, Nationalist/Republican, 1936-37.
38 Canaro overprint for Fiume, Italian occupation of Arbe and Veglia.
39 Canceled British Colonial overprint for Specimen purposes.
40 Canceled V-R-I overprint for Transvaal, second British occupation, Wolmaranstad, 1900.
41 Canton Chinese treaty port; overprint on stamps of Indo-China, 1901-22.
42 Cantonal taxe with numeral 6, inscription on Zurich cantonal issue.
43 Cape Juby stamps of Rio de Oro overprinted and surcharged for Spanish troops, 1916, overprints on stamps of Spanish Morocco, 1919.
44 Carchi, Calchi and Karki on stamps of Italy, 1930, 1932: two sets overprinted with island's name issued, now part of Greece. 1912-40: stamps of Italy overprinted with names of islands: Calchi , Calimno, Caso, Coo, Fero, Fisso, Nisiro, Patmo, Piscopi, Rhodes, Scarpanto, Simi and Stampalia.
45 Caritas overprint/surcharge for charity stamps in Belgium, Denmark and Luxembourg (1914).
46 Casa de correos Sp. overprint on stamps of Ecuador to build a new general post office in Quito and Guayaquil.
47 Castelrosso overprint on stamps of Italy, 1922
48 Cavalle overprint and inscription on stamps of France, Offices in Turkish Empire 1893-1914;: overprint on stamps of Bulgaria, 1913.
49 Cave Ceylon control overprint to prevent theft.
50 Cayman Islands inscription, Rich People, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
51 Cazinska Krajina local overprint, rebel state Bihac, Bosnia, 1993-95.
52 Centesimi di Corona overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Occupation of Austria, Dalmatia.
53 Centimes Austria overprint, Offices in Crete. - overprint on stamps of Germany, currency unit, Offices in Turkey.
54 Centimos overprint on stamps of France, Offices in Morocco.
55 Cents (with crown) Straits Settlements overprint on stamps of India. - overprint on stamps of Russia, Offices in China.
56 Cerigo overprint on stamps of Greece for Ionian Islands.
57 Cerigo/Occupazione Militare Italiana private overprint on stamps of Greece for Ionian Islands.
58 Ceskoslovenski overprint on stamps of Austria for Czechoslovakia, semi-postals.
59 Ceskych Skautu Czech Scouts inscription on Czechoslovakia issue in Oct. 1918, Boy Scouts distributed mail.
60 Ceylon inscription Tamil Tiger, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
61 Ceylon inscription "the F-word" unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
62 CH Colombla-SCADTA consular overprint for Chile.
63 Ch. Taxe O.M.F. Syrie overprint of stamps of France for Offices in Turkey, Syria.
64 Chakasia bogus Russian local overprint.
65 Chala overprint on stamps of Peru, provisional issue, 1879-84.
66 Chamba India Convention State; 1886: first stamps with Chamba overprint valid throughout Indian Empire
67 Chiffre taxe inscription on postage due labels of France, French colonies and Turkey.
68 Chiffre taxe a percevoir inscription on postage due labels of Egypt.
69 Chilean Occupation of Peru stamps of Peru overprinted with arms of Chile, 1881.
70 Chimarra (Himera) provisional Epirus issue, 1914-16 issues during Greek occupation.
71 Chimborazo Riobamba control overprint on stamps of Ecuador, 1902.
72 China overprints/inscription; overprint on stamps of Germany, Offices in China. - China Post inscription for People's Republic of China. - overprint on stamps of Hong Kong, 1917-1927, British Offices Abroad.
73 China Expeditionary Force stamps of India overprinted "C.E.F."; 1900, Aug.-Nov. 25, 1923: for use of Indian and British troops during Boxer rebellion.
74 China, French Offices 1894: "Chine" overprinted on stamps of France, 1904-22: "Chine" overprinted on stamps of Indo-China.
75 China, Indian Forces 1900: overprinted "C.E.F." on stamps of India.
76 China, Japanese Occupation overprint stamps of China plus occupation issues, 20th century: Kwangtung Province including Canton; Inner Mongolia, including North Shansi, South Chara and Suiyuna; North China including Honan, Hopei, Meng Chiang, Shansi, Shantung and Supeh; Nanking and Shanghai including Anhwei, Chekiang, Fukien, Hunan, Hupe and Kiangsi.
77 China, Japanese Post Offices 1876, Apr. 15- 31 Dec.1899: overprint on stamps of Japan with Chinese characters
78 Chinese Imperial post inscription on stamps of China, 1898-1912.
79 Chios (Khios) Aegean Island captured by Greece from Turkey in 1912; 1913, May: overprint on stamp of Greece.
80 Chiriqui overprint on stamps of Panama.
81 Chop Japanese characters overprinted on stamps of territories occupied by Japanese troops during WWII and used until official occupation stamps became available.
82 Christmas Island Indian Ocean; 1958: provisionals overprinted and surcharged in Malayan currency
83 Christmas Island part of the Ellice group of islands in Pacific; 1958, Oct. 15: overprint on stamps of Australia for Christmas Island
84 Cierro Oficial Sp. inscription, official seals for Chile, El Salvador.
85 Cinquan Tenaire 24 Septembre overprint on stamps of French Colonies postage dues for New Caledonia.
86 Cirenaica overprint on stamps of Italy, for Cyrenaica, Tropolitania.
87 Citta aperta Roma Rome open city, overprint on Italian imperial series, may be bogus.
88 CL Crown Lands, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74.
89 Clipperton Island inscription for Pacific Island local post, started April 4, 1895 to frank mail between the island and the San Francisco, diagonal overprint on stamps of Mexico may be bogus.
90 CLN Italia Posta Partigiana It. inscription for Parma, Italy, unissued, see: CLN.
91 CO Commissariat Officer, South Australia official overprint,1868-74.
92 Co. Ci It. "Commissariato Civile" Civil Commissioner, overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia for Ljubljana, Italian occupation.
93 Coamo inscription on provisional issue of Puerto Rico, US occupation, Aug.-Sep., 1898.
94 Colegio de Abogados Sp. inscription on fiscal stamps used by lawyers.
95 Colegio de Huerfanos Sp. inscription on semi-postals issued by Postal, Telegraph and Customs services to collect funds for colleges used by children of employees.
96 Colegio de Notarios Sp. inscription on fiscal stamps used by notaries.
97 Colon Sp. Columbus, inscription on first stamps of Chile.
98 Colonia de Rio de Oro inscription for Rio de Oro.
99 Colonia Eriteria inscription for Eritrea colony of Italy.
100 Coloniali Italiane It. inscription on stamps of Italy for Italian Colonies.
101 Colonie Italiane overprint on stamps of Italy for Italian Colonies.
102 Colonie Italiane It. overprint on stamps of Italy for Italian Colonies.
103 Colonies postes French Colonies regular issue overprint.
104 Colonies Postes inscription on the General Issue for French Colonies, 1881.
105 Comissao Portuguesa de Prosioneiros de Guerra Port. overprint on stamps of Portugal as Franchise stamps for prisoners' of war commission.
106 Comite Francais de la Liberation National Fr. inscription on French Colonies.
107 Commission d'Administration et de Plebescite Olszytn Alenstein-Traite de Versailles overprint on stamps of Germany for Allenstein plebiscite.Commission de Controle Provisoire Korca: inscription on stamps of Albania, 1914.
108 Commission de Gouvernment Haute Silsie inscription for Upper Silesia plebiscite issue.
109 Commission F¨¹r Retourbriefe Ger. inscription for returned letters of Bavaria.
110 Commission fur Retourbriefe (Ruckbriefe) Ger. inscription for return letters stamps, Bavaria, Nurenberg and Wurttemberg.
111 Commission Interalliee Mariendwerder inscription on stamps of Germany for Mariendwerder plebiscite.
112 Companhia de Mocambique inscription Mozambique Company, a territory in Portuguese East Africa.
113 Compania Colombiana de Navegacion Aerea Colombia airmail overprint, 1920.
114 Compre ud. Caf¨¦ de Costa Rica Sp. overprint in 1923 on stamps of Costa Rica as plea to taste and buy Cost Rican coffee.
115 Comunicaciones Sp. communications inscription on revenue issues of Spain, postal use is implied and understood.
116 Condominium New Caledonia overprint to note joint government by France and England.
117 Condorzusatz Ger. additional postage for forwarding via Condor airlines.
118 Confed. Granadina inscription on Colombia, Granadine Confederation.
119 Confe'on Argentina inscription first issue of Argentina, 1858-60.
120 Confoederatio Helvetica inscription National Fete Day, semi-postal, Switzerland, 1838-post.
121 Congo (If also inscribed "Portugal" or "Portuguesa") Portuguese Congo.
122 Congo, Indian Forces 1962: "U. N. Force (India) Congo"overprint on stamps of India.
123 Congo. Franeais overprint on stamps of French Colonies, see: French Congo.
124 Congratulations Fall of Bataan and Corregidor overprint on stamps of Philippines, Japanese occupation, 1942.
125 Constantinople (Stamboul) British stamps with "C" and "S ," 1857-85, stamps of the Russian Levant, 1909-10.
126 Constantinopol overprint on stamps of Romania, 1896-1919
127 Constantinopoli overprint on stamps of Italy, 1909-14 and1919-23
128 Constantinopol-Posta Romana overprint on stamps of Romania, Offices in Turkey.
129 Construccion overprint on stamps of Guatemala for a postal tax.
130 Consular Mail inscription O.H.M.S., O.H.M.S., unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
131 Consular overprints semi-official stamps issued by SCADTA, Colombian airline, 1921-23, sold at Colombian consulates to prepay postage within Colombia on mail sent from abroad; overprints on the stamps applied to indicate the originating country. A is Germany, A-U is Argentina or Uruguay, B is Belgium, Co is Bolivia, Br. Is Brazil, C is Cuba, CR is Costa Rica, Ca is Canada, Ch is Chile, D is Denmark, E is Spain, EU is United States, F is France, GB is Great Britain, I is Italy, H is Netherlands, P is Panama, PE is Peru, SU is Sweden, S is Switzerland and V is Venezuela.
132 Consular post office post offices in the Turkish Empire and China for which specially overprinted stamps were issued.
133 Contramarca Sp. Ecuador control overprint.
134 Contrasena/Estampillas de Correo overprint on Escuelas (school) issues for provisional use, Venezuela, 1874.
135 Controlle 1922 overprint on stamps of Persia (Iran) as a pictorial postcard tax, 1922.
136 Convention States convention status states in the Empire of India: Chamba, Faridot, Gwalior, Jind, Nabha and Patiala; each state had its own overprints on stamps of India, 1950: regular stamps of India replaced all the convention states' issues.
137 Cook Islands overprint 30 June 1948 Atomic Test Bikini Atoll, part of set of eleven overprints, unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
138 Copyright standard inscription placed in the sheet margin protecting design.
139 Corfu Ionian Island; 1923: stamps of Italy overprint for use on island, 1941: stamps of Greece overprinted
140 Corona Dalmatia overprint on stamps of Italy; also Austria, Italian Occupation.
141 Corps Exp¨¦ditionnaire Franco-Anglais Cameroun on stamps of Gabon
142 Corps Expeditionnaire/Franco-Anglais/Cameroun overprint on stamps of Gabon whose inscriptions read "Congo Francais" and "Afrique Equatoriale ,"1915.
143 Correio India inscription of stamps of Portuguese India.
144 Correo Urbano de Bogota Colombia (For City of Bogota).
145 Correos de los EE. UU. De Venuz inscription on stamps of Venezuela, 1865-70.
146 Correos y Telegrafos, Correos y Telegs Sp. Argentina inscription for mail and telegraph, 19th century issues.
147 Correspondencia a Debe Sp. inscription on stamps of Panama for postage due.
148 Correspondencia Urgente Sp. special delivery inscription, found on Express Letter stamps of Spain.
149 Cosme Colony Paraguay bogus overprint for Australian settlement.
150 Costa Atlantica B Sp. overprint on stamps of Nicaragua for use in province of Zelaya, 1907.
151 Costa Atlantica C Sp. overprint on stamps of Nicaragua for use in province of Cabo Gracias A Dios, 1907.
152 Cour Permanente de Justice Internationale overprint on stamps of Netherlands for mail from International Court of Justice, 1934, amended to "Cour Internationale de Justice."
153 Courland 1945, Apr.: four German stamps overprinted; see: Kurland.
154 Courrier de la Societe des Nations Fr. overprint on stamps of Switzerland for League of Nations.
155 Courrier du Bureau International d'Education Fr. overprint on stamps of Switzerland for International Bureau of Education.
156 Courrier du Bureau International du Travail Fr. overprint on stamps of Switzerland for International Labor Bureau. - Commissioner of Police, South Australia official overprint, 1868-74. - overprint on stamps of Ivory Coast for parcel post. - overprint on stamps of Colombia, sold in Costa Rica to frank mail carried by SCADTA airlines.
157 Crociera Italiana 1924 overprint on stamps of Italy for propaganda tour, 1924.
158 Croissant Rouge Turc Fr. Turkey Red Cross semi-postals.
159 Croix Rouge Fr. inscription for Red Cross on semi-postals.
160 Crveni Krst Jugoslavia overprint, Offices Abroad.
161 Cs overprint on stamps of Hungary to indicate validity, 1946.
162 Cuba impresos inscription for newspaper stamps of Cuba under Spanish administration.
163 Curacao 1873, May 23: inscription of "Curaeao" on their own stamps.
164 Cyprus overprint, Cyprus crossed out, replaced with Greek characters for Cyprus; unissued Great Britain cinderella by David Horry, 2001.
165 Cyrenaica 1923, Oct. 24: first stamps were stamps of Italy overprinted "Cirenaica."
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "D"
No Name Language Description
1 D (With no country name, with value and Queen's cameo) Great Britain.
2 D Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Denmark.
3 D Netherlands East Indies overprint.
4 D US Postage United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 22¡é, 1985.
5 D.B. South Australia Official overprint (Destitute Board).
6 D.B.L. Far Eastern Republic overprint; Siberia (with additional three bars).
7 D.D.R. German Democratic Republic (East Germany).
8 D.M. Danzig Official overprint.
9 D.R. South Australia Official overprint (Deeds and Registration).
10 D.V.R. Far Eastern Republic overprint on stamps of Russia.
11 Dahlak Islands Ethiopia local stamps.
12 Dahomey Currently Benin Republic.
13 Dai Nippon Malaya and States overprint, Japanese Occupation.
14 Damus Patimus Que Vicissim British Guiana.
15 Danmark Denmark.
16 Dans L'Inde French India inscription.
17 Dansk Vestindien Danish West Indies.
18 Dansk Vestindiske Danish West Indies.
19 Danzig Danzig overprint on stamps of Germany.
20 Dardanelles Russia overprint, Offices in Turkey.
21 Datia India Feudatory State of Duttia.
22 Davaar Island Great Britain Local carriage label.
23 Davis's Penny Post United States Local Post.
24 De Kandahar Afghanistan inscription.
25 De Leon Ecuador Control overprint.
26 Dedeagh France overprint, Offices in Turkey.
27 Deficiente Ecuador, Nicaragua Postage Due.
28 Deficit Peru Postage Due.
29 Del Golfo De Guinea Spanish Guinea.
30 Delegacoes Portugal.
31 Deming's Penny Post United States Local Post.
32 Den Waisen Sirotam Jugoslavia overprint on stamps of Italy, Ljubljana.
33 Dept. of Agriculture US inscription, official use.
34 Depto Zelaya Nicaragua, Department of Zelaya.
35 Derechos De Entrega Spain.
36 Derechos De Firma Philippines Revenue.
37 Deutchofterreich Austria.
38 Deutfchofterreich Austria.
39 Deutsch Neuguinea German New Guinea.
40 Deutsch Ostafrica German East Africa.
41 Deutsch Osterreich Austria overprint.
42 Deutsch Sudwest Afrika German SouthWest Africa.
43 Deutsche Demokratische Republik German Democratic Republic Russian Zone (East Germany).
44 Deutsche Feldpost Germany (Military Parcel Post).
45 Deutsche Militaerverwaltung Montenegro Montenegro overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, German Occupation.
46 Deutsche Post Germany (All zones).
47 Deutsche Post Osten Germany overprint for Poland, German Occupation.
48 Deutsche Reichs Post Germany.
49 Deutsches Reich Germany.
50 Deutsches Reich General Gouvernment Poland, German Occupation.
51 Deutschland Germany, Allied Occupation.
52 Deveria Demokratike E Shqipnis Albania.
53 Dhar India Feudatory State.
54 Dhufar Arabia (Propaganda labels sold as stamps).
55 Di Nero Peru, no country name, money unit.
56 Diegosuarez Diego Suarez overprint on stamps of French Colonies.
57 Dienst Netherlands Indies Official overprint.
58 Dienst Zegel Aan Teeken Recht Netherlands.
59 Dienstmarke Bavaria, Danzig, Germany, Prussia, Saar Official stamps.
60 Dienstsache Liechtenstein Official overprint.
61 Diligencia Uruguay Carrier issue.
62 Dinar Arab Language countries; Jugoslavia money unit.
63 Dinsin Ireland Postage Due inscription.
64 Dios Patria Libertado Dominican Republic.
65 Dios Patria Rey Spain Carlist issue.
66 Distrito 180 Peru overprint for Arequipaco, Cuzco Provisionals.
67 DJ Domali Coast overprint on stamps of Obock.
68 Djibouti Somali Coast overprint on stamps of Obock.
69 Dollar Russia overprint, Offices in China.
70 Dooy Nuunaay Inscription on stamps of Somalia.
71 Doplata Central Lithuania, Poland Postage Due.
72 Doplatit, Doplatne CzechoslovakiaPostage Due.
73 Douglas City Dispatch United States Local Post.
74 Dounane South Africa Customs Duty.
75 DPRK Korea, North.
76 Drachma Crete, Greece money unit.
77 Drake's Island Great Britain Local carriage label.
78 Drammen Bypost Local post of Norway.
79 Drijvende Brandkast Netherlands (Marine Insurance).
80 Drzava S.H.S. Jugosiavia inscription for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
81 Drzava, Drzavna Jugosiavia overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
82 Dubai Persian Gulf Sheikdom.
83 Duc.Di.Parma Parma (Duchy).
84 Due Grana Two Sicilies money unit.
85 Duitschoost Afrika Belgische Bezetting German East Africa overprint on stamps of Belgian Congo, Belgian Occupation.
86 Dungarpur India Feudatory State.
87 Dupuy & Schueck United States Local Post.
88 Durazzo Italy overprint, Offices in Turkey Postage Due.
89 Duttia India Feudatory State.
90 Dyeaskagway United States Local Post.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "E"
No Name Language Description
1 E Bavaria overprint (Railroads).
2 E Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Spain.
3 E South Australia Official overprint (Engineer).
4 E US Postage United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 25¡é,1988.
5 E.A. Greece overprint for Chios; Aegean Islands.
6 E.A.F. Great Britain overprint for Offices in Africa.
7 E.B. South Australia Official overprint (Education Board).
8 E.E.F. Palestine Inscription, British Occupation.
9 E.E.F. (with Arabic overprint) TransJordan.
10 E.F. Boliva overprint.
11 E.R. Great Britain (Without country name).
12 E.R.i. Transvaal overprint on stamps of South Africa.
13 E.U., EU Coiombia-Scadta consular overprints for United States.
14 E.U.DE Colombia Colombia air mail overprint.
15 EA Algeria overprint on stamps of France.
16 EAAAC, EAAAE, EAAAS (Resembles these letters); Greece.
17 Eaahnikh Aioikhcic (Resembles these letters); Albania, Greek Language countries overprint on stamps of Greece.
18 Eagle City Post United States Local Post.
19 Eamoy (Resembles these letters) Provisional government of Samos-Greece.
20 East Africa And Uganda Protectorate East Africa and Uganda or Kenya and Uganda.
21 East India Postage India; Overprinted with a crown and new values, Straits Settlement.
22 East River P.O. United States Local Post.
23 Eastern Roumelia Eastern Rumelia.
24 Eastern Rumelia Currently part of Bulgaria.
25 EBC European Brewing Convention
26 Ecuador Ecuador overprint on stamps of Colombia.
27 EDD Greece overprint for Dodecanese Islands.
28 EE.UU.DE C. Colombia, Department Tolma.
29 Een 1 Gld Netherlands overprint.
30 Eesteeesti Estonia Inscription.
31 EFO French Polynesia overprint.
32 Efterporto Danish West Indies Postage Due inscription.
33 EGEO Italy, Aegean Islands, General Issue; 1912-29: overprint on stamps of Italy, followed by "Calimno ," "Caso" 1912-29.
34 Egypte, Egyptiennes Egypt.
35 Einzuziehen Danzig Postage Due.
36 Eire Ireland.
37 Ejercito Renovador Mexico Revolutionary stamp, Sinaloa.
38 Ekoecic (Resembles these letters) Greece Postal Tax.
39 El Parlamento A Cervantes Spain Official, Cervantes.
40 El Salvador Salvador.
41 Elfafs France overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation.
42 Elsass Germany overprint, Occupation of Alsace.
43 Elu Keneta Hawaii.
44 Emirdites Albania (Unauthorized Issues).
45 Emp. Ottoman Eastern Rumelia, Turkey.
46 Empire City Dispatch United States Local Post.
47 Empire D'ethiopie Ethiopia (Abyssinia).
48 Empire Franc, Francais France, French Colonies.
49 Enaep. Tax Yap Eyrkoin (Resembles these letters) Greece Air mail overprint.
50 Enapiomon Rpammatoehmon (Resembles these letters) Greece Postage Due.
51 Encomendas Postais Portugal Parcel Post.
52 Encomiendas Uruguay Parcel Post.
53 Eonikh Greece Postal Tax.
54 Epirus Currently part of Albania and Greece.
55 Epmakb South Russia.
56 Equateur Ecuador.
57 Eritrea Great Britain overprint for Offices in Africa.
58 Erste K.K. Pr. Donau Dampfschiffahrt Private Post of Danube Steam Navigation Company.
59 Escuelas Venezuela Revenue inscription.
60 Espana Spain.
61 Espana Sahara Spanish Sahara.
62 Espana Valencia Spain Carlist issue.
63 Espanola, Espans Spain.
64 Essequibo Is Ours Guyana propaganda overprint.
65 Essex Letter Express United States Local Post.
66 Est African Allemand Occupation Belge Belgian East Africa overprint on stamps of Congo with new value; without value for German East Africa.
67 Estado Da India Portuguese India.
68 Estado Espanol Spain.
69 Estados Unidos De Nueva Granada Colombia (United States of New Granada).
70 Estensi Post Modena.
71 Estero Italy overprint, Offices Abroad.
72 Estland Estonia.
73 Etablissements Dans or De L'inde French India.
74 Etablissements De L'oceanie French Polynesia.
75 Etat Autonome Du Sudkasai South Kasai overprint on stamps of Congo.
76 Etat Comorien inscription for Comoro Islands, except for Mayotte, 1975.
77 Etat Du Cambodge State of Cambodia, 1989.
78 Etat Francais France.
79 Etat Ind. Du Congo Congo.
80 Ethiopie, Ethiopiennes Ethiopia (Abyssi nia).
81 Etiopia Ethiopia (Abyssinia), Italian Occupation.
82 Ets.Francs.De L'oceanie French Oceania, Polynesia.
83 Eupen Germany overprint on stamps of Belgium, Belgian Occupation.
84 Eupen & Malmedy Germany overprint on stamps of Belgium, Belgian Occupation.
85 Exped.Scient (with Oriental characters); China.
86 Exposcion De Barcelona Spain.
87 Exposcion General Espanola Spain.
88 Exposcion Gral Sevilla Barcelona Spain.
89 Exposition Coloniale Internationale Paris 1931 France, if without the name of a French Colony.
90 Exposition Industrielle Damas 1929 Syria overprint (Damascus Exposition).
91 Expres, Expresso Italy, San Marion, Vatican City Parcel Post.
92 Expresso Tobon Colombia local express stamp.
93 Eynhallow Great Britain for Holy Island, Scotland Local Carriage label.
94 Eyrir Iceland money unit.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "F"
No Name Language Description
1 F Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for France.
2 F For Us Addresses Only United States non-denominated postage stamps, value 29¡é, 1991.
3 F Stamp Rate United States non-denominated postage stamps, value 4¡é, 1991.
4 F US Postage United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 29¡é cents,1990.
5 F.A.F.L. Syria military overprint, Free French Administration.
6 F.G.N. Nigeria Unissued Official overprint.
7 F.M. France Military overprint (Francaise Militaire).
8 F.N.F.L. French Colonies overprint (Forces Navales Francaises Libres).
9 F.T.T. Trieste, Zone A overprint on stamps of Italy.
10 Fabian's Phantom Post United States Local Post.
11 Factaj Romania Parcel Post overprint.
12 Falta De Porte Mexico.
13 FAO United Nations inscription for Food and Agriculture Organization.
14 Far Eastern Republic Now part of Russia, formerly part of Siberia.
15 Faridkot India Convention and Feudatory State.
16 Faroe Islands Autonomous postal authority, part of Denmark.
17 Fauconniere Great Britain Local Carriage label for Jethou.
18 Faunce's Penny Post United States Local Post.
19 FDO. POO. Fernando PO.
20 Fearey & Co. Mustang Express United States Local Post.
21 Federata Demokratike Moerkombetare E Grave Albania.
22 Federated Malay States Malaya.
23 Federation Du Mali Formerly Senegal and French Sudan.
24 Feldpost Austria, Germany overprint.
25 FEN Poland overprint.
26 FEN, FN China, Manchukuo money unit.
27 Fernando Poo Fernando PO.
28 Feudatory State Raj Nandgamop India Nandgaon Feudatory State.
29 Fezmequinez Morocco Local Post.
30 Fezsefro Morocco Local Post.
31 Fezzan-Ghadmes Libya, French Occupation.
32 Fiera Compionaria Tripoli Libya.
33 Fiji Member of British Commonwealth.
34 Fil(s) Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, South Arabia, TransJordan, United Arab Emirates, Yemen money unit.
35 Filipas, Filipinas Philippines.
36 Filler Hungary money unit.
37 Finsterwalde Germany WWII locals.
38 Fiske & Rice United States Express label.
39 Fiume Fiume overprint on stamps of Hungary.
40 Flera Dl Trieste Trieste overprint on stamps of Italy.
41 Florida Uruguay Assembly of Florida air mail issue.
42 Florin Hungary, Montenegro money unit.
43 Floyd's Penny Post United States Local Post.
44 Fluchtlingshilfe Montenegro Montenegro overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, German Occupation.
45 Flugpost Austria, Danzig, Germany, Memel air mail issue.
46 Folus India Faridkot money unit.
47 Fondul Aviatei Romania Postal Tax inscription.
48 Foochow China Treaty Port Local stamps.
49 Forces Francaise Libres Levant Syria overprint, Free French Administration.
50 Formosa China Formosa Local Post.
51 Foroyar Faroe Islands.
52 FR. French West Africa overprint on stamps of Mauritania, Senegal.
53 Franc Austria overprint, Offices in Crete.
54 Franc French Language money unit.
55 Franca overprint on stamps of Peru for Chiclayo, during war with Chile, 1879-84.
56 Francais, Francaise France or French Colonies.
57 France D'outremer French Colonies General issue.
58 France Libre French Colonies overprint.
59 France Libre F.N.F.L. St. Pierre and Miquelon overprint.
60 Francisco Bertrand Honduras.
61 Franco Philippines or Spain.
62 Franco Bollo (Without country name) Perforated stamps of Italy, imperforated stamps of Sardinia.
63 Franco Bollo Di Stato Italy inscription for Official stamps.
64 Franco Bollo Postale (On stamps with crossed keys) Roman States.
65 Franco Bollo Toscano Tuscany.
66 Franco Marke Bremen, German States.
67 Franco Scrisorei Romania Moldavia Wallachia.
68 Frank Albania money unit.
69 Frankeerzegel Netherlands Antilles, Surinam overprint.
70 Franqueo Peru Arequipa Provisional issue.
71 Franqueo Deficiente Ecuador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Salvador Postage Due inscription.
72 Franqueo Oficial Ecuador, Guatemala Official Postage.
73 Franquicia Spain Franchise stamps.
74 Franz Joseph Land Labels for a North Pole Expedition in 1872.
75 Frazer & Co. United States Local Post.
76 Frederica Bypost Denmark Local Post.
77 Freeman & Co. Express United States Local Post.
78 Frei Durch Ablosung-Nr 16 Baden Nr 21 Prussia Official stamps.
79 Freie Stadt Danzig Danzig (Free State).
80 Freiftaat Bayern Bavaria, Germany overprint.
81 Freimarke (Without country name) Baden, GermanyThurn & Taxis, Prussia, Wurttemberg.
82 Freistaat Bayern Bavaria, Germany overprint.
83 Frejus France semipostal overprint.
84 French Equatorial Africa Former colonies of Chad, Gabon, Middle Congo, Ubangi Shari.
85 French Guinea Currently Guinea Republic.
86 French Somali Coast Currently Djibouti Republic.
87 French Sudan Currently Mali Republic.
88 Fresno And San Francisco Bicycle Mail Route United States Local Post.
89 Fri Marke Kgl.Post Denmark.
90 Friendly Islands Tonga.
91 Friend's Boarding School United States Local Post.
92 Frimarke Denmark, Norway or Sweden.
93 Frimarke Lokalbref Sweden City Postage.
94 Frimerki Iceland.
95 FT Hungary money unit.
96 Fujeira Persian Gulf Shiekdom.
97 Funafuti One of the Tuvalu islands.
98 Funf Grote Bremen, German States.
99 Furstentum, Fuerstentum, Fverstentum Liechtenstein.
100 Futsches Reich Germany colloquialism for Ruined Empire from a British WWII propaganda forgery.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "G"
No Name Language Description
1 G Griqualand West overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope.
2 G D Luxembourg inscription.
3 G First-Class Presort United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 25¡é, 1992.
4 G Official Mail USA United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 32¡é, 1992.
5 G Postcard Rate United States non-denominated postcard rate, value 20¡é, 1992.
6 G Rate Make-Up United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 3¡é, 1992.
7 G US Postage United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 32¡é, 1991
8 G&D G et D Guadeloupe.
9 G.C.M. Mexico script overprint (Constitutional Government of Mexico).
10 G.E.A. German East Africa overprint on stamps of East Africa, Uganda.
11 G.E.A. Tanganyika overprint on stamps of Kenya.
12 G.F South Australia Official overprint (Gold Fields).
13 G.F.B. Tonga Official overprint.
14 G.O. Philippines Official overprint.
15 G.P. South Australia Official overprint (Government Printer).
16 G.P. DE M Mexico Official overprint.
17 G.P.E. Guadeloupe overprint on stamps of French Colonies.
18 G.R. Mafia, G.R. Post Mafia British occupation of an island off German East Africa.
19 G.R.I. New Britain overprint on stamps of German New Guinea, Marshall Islands.
20 G.R.I. Samoa overprint on stamps of German Samoa.
21 G.S. South Australia Official overprint (Government Storekeeper).
22 G.T. South Australia Official overprint (Goola Tramway).
23 G.W. Griqualand West overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope.
24 Gab, Gabon Gabon overprint on stamps of French Colonies.
25 Gahagan & Howe, G & H United States Local Post.
26 Gandershe Inscription on stamps of Somalia.
27 Garch Nejd, Saudi Arabia money unit.
28 Garzon ColombiaTolima Provisional label.
29 Gazetei Romania.
30 GB, G.B. Colombia Scadta consular overprint for Great Britain.
31 GD Liban Lebanon overprint on stamps of France, French Mandate.
32 Gdansk Formerly Danzig.
33 Gdot Czechoslovakia, Bohemia and Moravia Newspaper stamps.
34 General Gouvernement Poland, German Occupation.
35 Geneve Switzerland Canton inscription.
36 Gengouv. Warschau Poland overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation.
37 Georgia Currently part of Russia.
38 Georgie, Georgienne Georgia.
39 German Democratic Republic Known as East Germany.
40 German East Africa Currently Tanzania.
41 German New Guinea Currently part of Papua New Guinea.
42 German Samoa Currently Samoa.
43 German Southwest Africa Currently Namibia.
44 German Togo Currently Togo.
45 Germany Known as West Germany.
46 Gerusalemme Italy overprint, Offices in Turkey, Jerusalem.
47 Gewerkschafts Bewegung60 Jahre Austria overprint.
48 Ghadames Libya, French Occupation.
49 Ghana Independence Ghana overprint on stamps of Gold Coast.
50 Ghorush Turkey money unit.
51 Gibraltar Gibraltar overprint on stamps of Bermuda.
52 Gilbert And Ellice Islands Currently Tuvalu.
53 Gilbert And Ellice Protectorate Gilbert and Ellice Islands overprint on stamps of Fiji.
54 Giornali Stampe Sardinia, Italian States Newspaper stamps.
55 GL O.Z. Haiti provisional overprint.
56 Glen Haven Daily Mail United States Local Post.
57 Gnadeloupe Spelling error of Guadeloupe overprint.
58 GNR Italy overprint (Republican National Guard).
59 Gobierno Peru overprint.
60 Gobierno Constitucionalista Mexico overprint.
61 Golaleey Inscription on stamps of Somalia.
62 Golfe De Benin Benin.
63 Golfo De Guinea Spanish Guinea.
64 Gorny Slask Upper Silesia Private stamps.
65 Goteborgs Stadspost Sweden Local Post.
66 Gourde Haiti monetary unit.
67 Governatorato Del Montenegro Montenegro overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, Italian Administration.
68 Governo Militare Alleato Italy overprint, Allied Military use.
69 Govt Parcels Great Britain overprint.
70 Goya Spain.
71 Graffin's Baltimore Dispatch United States Local Post.
72 Graham Land Falkland Islands overprint for Graham Land.
73 Grana Two Sicilies, Italian States money unit.
74 Granada, Granadina Colombia.
75 Grand Comore Comoro islands.
76 Grand Liban Lebanon overprint on stamps of France.
77 Great Barrier Island New Zealand Local stamps.
78 Greenville Liberia Registration stamps.
79 Grimstad Bypost Norway Local Post.
80 Gronland Greenland.
81 Groschen German States money unit.
82 Grosion Crete money unit.
83 Grossdeutsches Reich Germany.
84 Grossdeutsches Reich Bohmen And Mahren Czechoslovakia, Bohemia and Moravia.
85 Grossdeutsches Reich General Gouvernment Poland, German Occupation.
86 Groszy Poland money unit.
87 Grote Bremen money unit.
88 Grouch Turkey.
89 Gt. Pre Haiti Provisional overprint.
90 Guadalajara Mexico Provisional issue.
91 Guadeloupe Guadeloupe overprint on stamps of French Colonies.
92 Guam Guam overprint on stamps of United States.
93 Guanacaste overprint on stamps of Costa Rica, 1885-89, to celebrate sovereignty.
94 Guerche Ethiopia, Nejd, Saudi Arabia money unit.
95 Gugh Island Great Britain Local Carriage label.
96 Guine Portugueza Portuguese Guinea overprint on stamps of Cape Verde.
97 Guinea Contial Espanola Spanish Guinea.
98 Guinea Continental Spanish Guinea overprint on stamps of stamps of Elobey, Annobon and Corisco.
99 Guinea Correos, Espanola Spanish Guinea.
100 Guinea Ecuatorial Equatorial Guinea.
101 Guinebissau GuineaBlssau, formerly Portuguese Africa.
102 Guinee French Guinea.
103 Guinee Francais French Guinea.
104 Gulden Austria, Netherlands money unit.
105 Gultig 9. Armee Romania overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation.
106 Guy. Franc. French Guiana overprint on stamps of France.
107 Guyana Guyana overprint on stamps of British Guiana.
108 Guyanais French Guiana air mail.
109 Guyane Francais French Guiana.
110 Guy's City Dispatch United States Local Post.
111 Gwalior India Convention State
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "H"
No Name Language Description
1 H Colombia Scadta consular overprint for Netherlands and Curacao.
2 H South Australia Official overprint (Hospital).
3 H Rate US Stamp United States non-denominated make-up rate, value 1¡é, 1999.
4 H US Postage United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 33¡é, 1999.
5 H.A. Siberia overprint on stamps of Russia.
6 H.A. South Australia Official overprint (House of Assembly).
7 H.B.A. Siberia overprint on stamps of Russia.
8 H.E.H. The Nizam's India, Feudatory State of Hyderabad.
9 H.H. Nawab Shah Jahanbegam India, Feudatory State of Bhopal.
10 H.I. & U.S. Hawaii.
11 H.P. (Followed by Russian letters) Bulgaria.
12 Habilitado Cuba overprint, U.S. Administration.
13 Habilitado Correos Philippines overprint on Revenue and Telegraph stamps, Spanish Dominion.
14 Habilitado Para Comunicacaciones, Correos Philippines overprint.
15 Habilitado Por La Nacion Philippines overprint.
16 Hackney & Bolte, H & B United States Local Post.
17 Hadhramaut Aden Protective State.
18 Hale & Co. United States Local Post.
19 Halfpenny St. Christopher overprint.
20 Hall & Mills Dispatch Post United States Local Post.
21 Hammerfest Bypost Norway Local Post.
22 Hampton City Dispatch United States Local Post.
23 Hancock, John Postal Card United States non-denominated postal card, value 10¡é, 1978
24 Hanford's Pony Express United States Local Post.
25 Hangkhong VietNam air mail stamps.
26 Hankow L.P.O. China Treaty Port Local Post stamp.
27 Hannover Hanover, German State.
28 Harper Liberia Registry stamp.
29 Harris City Dispatch Post United States Local Post.
30 Hartford Mail Route United States Local Post.
31 Hashemite Kingdom Jordan.
32 Hatay Devleti Hatay overprint on stamps of Turkey.
33 Haut Senegalniger Upper Senegal and Niger.
34 Haute Silesie Upper Silesia.
35 Haute Volta Upper Volta.
36 Hedjaz & Nedje, Hejaz & Nejd Nejd (Saudi Arabia).
37 Hellas Crete, overprint on stamps of Crete, 1908, for union with Greece.
38 Hellas Greece.
39 Heller Austria, Bosnia Herzegovina, Corinthia, Liechtenstein money unit.
40 Helsingfors Norway Local Post.
41 Helvetia Switzerland.
42 Herm Island Great Britain Local Carriage label.
43 Herzogthholstein, Schleswig Schieswig Holstein.
44 Hill's Post United States Local Post.
45 Hinkley's Express Co. United States Local Post.
46 Hirlapjegy Hungary Newspaper stamps.
47 Hneipoe (Resembles these letters) Epirus.
48 Hoby (Resembles these letters) Montenegro money unit.
49 Hoherinne Hungary Hotel Post.
50 Hoi Hau overprint for Hoihow, French post offices in China, 1900.
51 Hoihao France overprint on stamps of Indo China, Offices in China.
52 Holkar State India Feudatory State of Indore.
53 Holmestrand Bypost Norway Local Post.
54 Holte Land Post Denmark Local Post.
55 Homan's Empire Express United States Local Post.
56 Honda Colombia Provisional overprint.
57 Hopedale Penny Post United States Local Post.
58 Horsens Bypost Denmark Local Post.
59 Howell's City Dispatch United States Local Post.
60 Hoyt's Letter Express United States Local Post.
61 Hrvatska Croatia, Jugoslavia.
62 Hrzbl Post Frmrk SchleswigHolstein.
63 Hrzgl Post F.R.M. SchieswlgHolstein.
64 Ht. (Haute) Senegalniger Upper Senegal and Niger.
65 Humboldt Express United States Local Post.
66 Hussey's Post United States Local Post.
67 Hutt River Province Australia Local stamps of Secessionist State.
68 Hyderabad India Feudatory State.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "I"
No Name Language Description
1 I Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Italy.
2 I Gildi Iceland overprint.
3 I.A. South Australia Official overprint (Immigration Agent).
4 i.B. West Irian.
5 I.E. South Australia Official overprint (Intestate Estates).
6 I.E.F. India (Indian Expeditionary Forces).
7 I.E.F.'D' Mesopotamia overprint on stamps of Turkey.
8 I.O.V.R. Romania Postal Tax.
9 I.R. United States Internal Revenue overprint.
10 I.R. Official Great Britain overprint (Inland Revenue).
11 I.S. South Australia Official overprint (Inspector of Sheep).
12 ICAO United Nations inscription for International Civil Aviation Organization.
13 ICC Indo China, Laos, Vietnam overprint on stamps of India for International Control Commission.
14 ICHANG China Treaty Port Local stamp.
15 ICY United Nations inscription for International Cooperation Year.
16 IDAR India Feudatory State.
17 Idrovolante Italy air mail overprint.
18 Ierusalem Russia overprint for Offices in Turkish Empire.
19 Iiopto Ckpncopn First stamps of Moldavia, listed under Romania.
20 Ikapiae Greece-Icaria (Nicaria).
21 Ilavoamena Madagascar local issue.
22 Ile De La Reunion Reunion.
23 Ile Rouad Rouad.
24 Iles Wallis Et Futuna Wallis and Futuna Islands.
25 ILO United Nations inscription for International Labor Organization.
26 Imadi Yemen money unit.
27 IMCO United Nations inscription for Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization.
28 Imperial British East Africa Company British East Africa.
29 Imperio Colonial Portugues Portuguese Africa Postage Due.
30 Imprime Turkey newspaper overprint.
31 Impto. De Guerra Spain War Tax stamp.
32 Impuesto De Guerra Puerto Rico, Spain overprint.
33 Inci Yil Donumu Turkey.
34 Inde Fcaise French India.
35 India Portugueza Portuguese India.
36 Indochine IndoChina.
37 Indonesia (Without Republik) Netherlands Indies overprint on stamps of Dutch Indies.
38 Indonesia (With Republik) Indonesia overprint on stamps of Dutch Indies.
39 Indore India Feudatory State.
40 Industrielle Kriegswirtschaft Switzerland overprint on stamps for War Board of Trade.
41 Inhambane Inhambane overprint on Mozambique.
42 Inland Liberia.
43 Inselpost overprint on WW II German military stamps for German troops in Crete.
44 Insufficiently Prepaid Zanzibar.
45 Intruccion Venezuela.
46 Ionikon Kpatoe lonian Islands.
47 IPSA United States Local Post (Independent Postal System of America).
48 Iquique Peru overprint on stamps of Chile, Chilean Occupation.
49 Iran, Iraniennes Iran (Persia).
50 Iraq Mesopotamia overprint on stamps of Turkey.
51 Irian Barat West Irian overprint and inscription on Indonesia.
52 Islamique De Mauretanie Mauretanla.
53 Island Iceland.
54 Islas De Juan Fernandez Chile overprint.
55 Islas Galapagos Ecuador Galapagos Islands.
56 Islas Malvinas Argentine name for Falkland Islands.
57 ISO Sweden BOGUS local Post.
58 Isole Italian Dell'egeo Italy, Aegean islands overprint.
59 Isole Jonie lonian islands overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Occupation.
60 Istria Jugosiavia overprint on stamps of Italy for Istria.
61 Itakarjala Karelia overprint on stamps of Finland, Finnish Administration.
62 Italia Occupazione Militare Ionian Islands overprint on stamps of Greece, Italian Occupation.
63 Italia, Italiane, Italiano Italy.
64 Italia/Occupazione Militare/Italiana Isole/Celalonia E Itaca Italian Military occupation of the Islands of Cephalonia and Ithaca, on stamps of Greece, overprinted by Italy, 1941.
65 Italiana Isole Cefalonia E Itaca lonian Islands overprint on stamps of Greece.
66 ITU United Nations inscription for International Telecommunications Union.
67 IWY United Nations inscription for International Women's Year.
68 Izmir Himayei Etfal Cemiyeti Turkey Tax stamps.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "J"
No Name Language Description
1 J PeruYca overprint.
2 J.D. Soomaaliya, Soomaaliveed Somalia.
3 Jaffa Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire.
4 Jaipur India Feudatory State.
5 Jamhuri Zanzibar overprint.
6 Janina Italy overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire.
7 Japanese Japan.
8 Jasdan India Feudatory State.
9 Java Netherlands Indies overprint.
10 Jedda Hejaz Railway Tax overprint (Not used).
11 Jeend India-Jind, Feudatory and Native State.
12 Jefferson Market P.O. United States Local Post.
13 Jenkins' Camden Dispatch United States Local Post.
14 Jersey British Crown Dependency.
15 Jerusalem Russia overprint, Offices in Turkey.
16 Jethou Great Britain Local carriage label.
17 Jeurgdzorg Inscription on stamps of Netherlands Indies.
18 Jhalawar India Feudatory State.
19 Jhind, Jind India Feudatory and Native State of Jind.
20 Johnson & Co. United States Local Post.
21 Johor, Johore Malaya overprint on stamps of Straits Settlements, Johore.
22 Johor-Malaysia Malaysia-Johore.
23 Jones' City Express United States Local Post.
24 Jornaes Mozambique overprint, Portugal inscription.
25 Journaux Dagbladen Belgium Newspaper stamp overprint.
26 Jowhar Inscription of stamps of Somalia.
27 Juan Fernandez Chile overprint.
28 Jubaland Oltre Giuba, currently Somali.
29 Jubile De L'union Postale Universelle Switzerland, Universal Postal Union.
30 Jugoslavija Jugoslavia.
31 Junagarh India Feudatory State of Soruth.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "K"
No Name Language Description
1 K (Without country name) Bosnia and Herzogovina money unit.
2 K (Number) K Far Eastern Republic surcharge stamps on Russia.
3 K 60 K Armenia overprint on stamps of Russia.
4 K. Cpbcka Nomta (Resembles these letters) Serbia.
5 K. Und K. Militarpost Bosnia and Herzegovina.
6 K. Wurtt Wurttemberg Official inscription.
7 K.C. Nowta (Resembles these letters) Serbia.
8 K.G.C.A. Jugoslavia, Carinthia Plebiscite Issue.
9 K.G.L. (With cents) Danish West Indies or (With skillings) Denmark.
10 K.N. (Resembles these letters) Postal tax overprint of Greece.
11 K.P. Philippines Official overprint, Japanese Occupation.
12 K.U.K. Austria or Bosnia and Herzegovina (Imperial and Royal).
13 K.U.K. Feldpost Austria Military stamps, Austria overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
14 K.U.K. Milit.Verwaltung Montenegro overprint on stamps of Austria.
15 K.U.K. Militarpost Bosnia and Herzegovina Military stamps.
16 K.Und K. Feldpost Austria.
17 Kais Kon (IGL) Austria.
18 Kaiserliche Konigliche Osterreichische Post Austria.
19 Kalaallit Nunaat Greenland.
20 Kalatdlit Nunat Greenland.
21 Kalayaan Nang Pilipinas Philippines, Japanese Occupation.
22 Kamerun German Colonial designs overprint for Cameroons, 1897.
23 Kamerun Cameroun, inscription on stamps, 1897.
24 Kampuchea Cambodia.
25 Kans United States Protective overprint for use in Kansas.
26 Kap Latvia money unit.
27 Kapnatcbkaykpaiha (Resembles these letters) CarpathoUkraine.
28 Karjala Karelia overprint on stamps of Finland.
29 Karjala Karelia.
30 Karki Italy, Aegean Islands overprint on stamps of Italy Caichi.
31 Karlfonds Austria or Bosnia.
32 Karnten Abstimmung Austria overprint for Carinthia.
33 Karolinen Caroline islands.
34 Karten Ubstimmung arnten Ubstimmung: Carinthia, stamps of Austria overprinted and surcharged for a plebiscite to determine whether people wanted to remain with Austria or become part of Yugoslavia; vote was in favor of Austria, 1920.
35 Kasai, South Kasai Congo non recognized state.
36 Katanga Congo nonrecognized state, currently Zaire.
37 Kathiri State Of Seiyun Aden, currently Yemen.
38 Kaulbach Island Canada Local Post.
39 Kedah Malaya, Malaysia.
40 Keeling Cocos Islands.
41 Kelantan Malaya, Malaysia.
42 Kellogg's Penny Post United States Local Post.
43 Kemahkotaan Johore overprint.
44 Kenttaposti, Postia Finland Military stamp.
45 Kenya And Uganda Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
46 Kerassunde Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire.
47 Kermadecs Local stamp of a Pacific Island.
48 Kers Canada BOGUS Local stamp.
49 Ketahkotaan Johore.
50 Kewkiang China Treaty Port Local stamp.
51 Kgl. Baver Statseisenb. Bavaria Railway stamps.
52 Kgl. Post Frm Denmark inscription.
53 Khmere Cambodia.
54 Khor Fakkan Sharjah Dependency.
55 Khtah Cyrillic alphabet, stamps of Russian overprint, China, Russian Post Offices, 1899.
56 Kiautschou Kiauchau.
57 Kibris (Cumhuriyeti) Cyprus.
58 Kibris Turk Federe Devleti Cyprus, Turkish Cypriot Post.
59 Kidder's City Express Post United States Local Post.
60 Kigoma RuandaUrundi overprint on stamps of Congo.
61 King Edward Vii Land New Zealand overprint for Shackleton Expedition.
62 Kingston Relief Fund Barbados overprint.
63 Kionga Kionga overprint on stamps of Lourenco Marques.
64 Kirobo Madagascar local issue.
65 Kishangarh India Feudatory State.
66 Kk Post Stampel Zeitung Austria Newspaper stamps.
67 Kk Post Stempe (Kreuzer denominations) Austria; (Cents denominations) Austria, Lombardy Venetia.
68 Klaipeda Memel, Lithuanian Occupation.
69 Kn.Cpn. Nonta (Resembles these letters) Serbia.
70 Kntah (Resembles these letters) Russia, Offices in China.
71 Kolding Bypost Denmark Local Post.
72 Kon Batum, Far Eastern Republic, Finland, Latvia, Russia, White Russia money unit.
73 Kongelight Danish West India or Denmark.
74 Kongelight Post Frimaerke Denmark.
75 Kop Finland money unit.
76 Kopek Russia money unit.
77 Korca, Korce, Korces Albania.
78 Korolinen inscription and overprint on German colonial stamps for Caroline Islands,1899, 1919.
79 Korona Hungary money unit.
80 Koruna Czechoslovakia money unit.
81 Kouangtcheou(wan) France overprint on stamps of Indo-China, Offices in Chinakwangchowan.
82 Koweit Kuwait overprint on stamps of India.
83 Koztarsasag Hungary overprint.
84 Kpajbebctbo C.X.C. (Resembles these letters) Jugosiavia.
85 Kpajbebnha (Resembles these letters) Jugoslavia.
86 Kphth Crete.
87 KR. Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Germany, Hungary, Wurttemberg money unit.
88 Kra1 B. Uphatopa (Resembles these letters) Montenegro.
89 Krageroe Norway Local Post.
90 Kraljevina(sto) Srba, Hrvata I Slovenaca (Resembles these letters) Jugoslavia.
91 Kran Monetary unit of Persia (Iran).
92 Kreis RussiaWenden (Livonia) money unit.
93 Kreuzer Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Germany, Hungary, Thurn and Taxis, Wurttemberg money unit.
94 Krioymoy Atzinae Aenta (Resembles these letters) Thrace overprint on stamps of Turkey.
95 Kristianssunds Bypost Norway local post.
96 Krona Iceland, Sweden money unit.
97 Krone(n) Austria, Bosnia, Denmark, Flume, Western Ukraine money unit.
98 Kroon(i) Estonia money unit.
99 Kruna Montenegro money unit.
100 KSA Saudi Arabia.
101 KUK Feldpost (With Bani or Lei) Romania, Austrian Occupation.
102 Kume Shima Ryukyu Islands Provisional stamps.
103 Kupa Jugosiavia overprint, Italian Occupation.
104 Kurhaus Auf Den Honen Rinne Hungary Hotel Post.
105 Kurland Latvla overprint on stamps of Germany.
106 Kurort Stoos Switzerland Hotel Post.
107 Kurtz Union Dispatch Post United States Local Post.
108 Kurus Turkey.
109 Kustendje & Czernawoda Romania Local stamp.
110 Kuwait Kuwait overprint on stamps of India, Great Britain.
111 Kuzey Kibris Cumhuriyeti Cyprus, Turkish Cypriot Republic Post.
112 Kyat Burma money unit.
113 Kynpoe Cyprus.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "L"
No Name Language Description
1 L Colombia overprint for Lansa Airlines.
2 L. Marques Lourenco Marques overprint on stamps of Mozambique.
3 L.A. South Australia Official overprint (Lunatic Asylum).
4 L.A.R. Libya (Libyan Arab Republic).
5 L.C. South Australia Official overprint (Legislative Council).
6 L.L. South Australia Official overprint (Legislative Library).
7 L.L.L.R. Georgia.
8 L.O.P.P. Poland semiofficial air mail.
9 L.P. Latvia overprint on stamps of Russia, Russian Occupation.
10 L.T. South Australia Official overprint (Land Titles).
11 La Aguera Aguera.
12 La Canea overprint on stamps of Italy for Crete, Italian Offices, 1900.
13 La Cruz Roja Espanola Spain Red Cross.
14 La Georgie Georgia.
15 La Guaira Venezuela Local stamps.
16 Labrador USA Postage BOGUS stamps for a Canadian Province.
17 Labuan Labuan overprint on stamps of North Borneo.
18 Laibach Jugosiavia Ljubljiana (Laibach), German Occupation.
19 Lajta Bansag Western Hungary Unrecognized stamps.
20 Landpost Portomarke Baden, German State.
21 Landstorem Sweden Semi Postal issue.
22 Lansa Colombia air mail issue.
23 Las Bela India Feudatory State.
24 Las Malvinas Son Argentinas Argentina overprint for Falkland Islands.
25 Lattaquie Latakia overprint on stamps of Syria.
26 Latvija, Latwija Latvia.
27 Ledger Dispatch United States Local Post.
28 Legiposta Hungary air mail inscription.
29 Lei Romania money unit on Austria, Austrian Occupation.
30 Lek Albania money unit.
31 Lepta Crete money unit.
32 Lero(s) Italy, Aegean Islands overprint.
33 Lesotho Lesotho overprint on stamps of Basutoland.
34 L'etat De Katanga Congo Unrecognized state.
35 Letter Express United States Local Post.
36 Leu Romania money unit.
37 Lev(a) Bulgaria money unit.
38 Levanger Bypost Norway Local Post.
39 Levant (With "Poste Francaise") France, Offices in Turkish Empire.
40 Levant Great Britain overprint, Offices in Turkey.
41 Levant Poland overprint, Offices in Turkey.
42 Levante Italy overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire.
43 Libau Latvia overprint on stamps of Germany.
44 Libia Libya.
45 Libra Spain.
46 Libya Libya overprint on stamps of Fezzan and Ghadames, Cyrenaica.
47 Libye Libya.
48 Lietuva Lithuania overprint on stamps of Russia.
49 Lietuva, Lietuvos Lithuania.
50 Lignes Aeriennes Syria overprint (plus Cross of Lorraine).
51 Lignes Seriennes De La France Libre Syria Free French Military air mail stamp.
52 Lihou Great Britain Local Carriage label.
53 Lima Peru overprint on stamps of Chile, Chilean Occupation.
54 Limbagan-1593-1943 Philippine overprint, Japanese Occupation.
55 Lipso Italy, Aegean Islands overprint.
56 Lire Italy overprint on stamps of Austria, money unit, Austrian Occupation.
57 Lire Di Corona Dalmatia overprint on stamps of Italy.
58 Lisban, Libanaise Lebanon.
59 Lisboa Portugal Postal Tax.
60 Lisso Italy, Aegean Islands overprint.
61 Litas Lithuania money unit.
62 Litwa Srodkowa Central Lithuania.
63 Ljubljanska Jugoslavia (Laibach), German Occupation.
64 LMcL Trinidad, Private issue (Lady McCloud).
65 Loja Franca Ecuador Control overprint.
66 Lokal Bref Sweden City Postage.
67 Loomis Letter Express United States Local Post.
68 Los Rios Ecuador Control overprint.
69 Losen Sweden Postage Due.
70 Lothringen France overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation.
71 Lotnicza Poland air mail overprint and inscription.
72 Ltsr Lithuania overprint, Russian Occupation.
73 Lubeck German State.
74 Lubiana Italy overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, Occupation of Ljubljana.
75 Luebeck Lubeck, German State.
76 Luftfeldpost Germany Military air mail.
77 Luftpost Danzig, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Saar, Switzerland air mail issue.
78 Lundy Great Britain Local Carriage label.
79 Luxemburg Luxembourg overprint on stamps of German semi-postals, German Occupation.
80 Luxemburg, Luxemberg Luxembourg.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "M"
No Name Language Description
1 M Belgium Military Parcel Post overprint.
2 M South Australia Official overprint (Military).
3 M. Kir. Hungary.
4 M.B. South Australia Official overprint (Marine Board).
5 M.B.D. India Official overprint for Feudatory State, Nandgaon.
6 M.G. Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of War).
7 M.H. Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of Finance).
8 M.I. Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of the Interior).
9 M.J.I. Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of Justice and Instruction).
10 M.M. Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of Marine).
11 M.O.P. Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of Public Works).
12 M.Q.E. Martinique overprint on stamps of French Colonies.
13 M.R. South Australia Official overprint (Manager of Railways).
14 M.R.C. Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religion).
15 M.R.G. South Australia Official overprint (Main Roads, Gambierton).
16 M.V.I.R. Romania overprint, German Occupation (Militar Verwaltung in Rumanien).
17 MA Argentina Official overprint (Ministry of Agriculture).
18 Macau, Macav Macao.
19 Madagascar Madagascar overprint on stamps of France.
20 Madeira Madeira overprint on stamps of Portugal.
21 Maderanerthal Switzerland Hotel Post.
22 Madrid Spain, Universal Postal Union Congress.
23 Mafeking Besieged Cape of Good Hope overprint on stamps of Bechuanaland Protectorate.
24 Magdalena Colombia, Department of Magdalena.
25 Magic Letter Express United States Local Post.
26 Magyar Hungary inscription or overprint.
27 Magyarorszag Hungary.
28 Mahra Sultanate Of Qishn And Socotra South Arabia.
29 Mai Gt.Pre.1902 Haiti overprint.
30 Makeaohnja (Resembles these letters) Macedonia.
31 Malacca Malaya.
32 Malaga Spain overprint.
33 Malagasy Madagascar.
34 Malawi Formerly Nyasaland.
35 Malayan Postal Union Malaya Postage Due.
36 Malaysia Malay Peninsula and North Borneo.
37 Maldives Maldive islands overprint on stamps of Ceylon.
38 Malert Budapest Hungary semi-official air mail.
39 Malgache Madagascar.
40 Mali Formerly French Colonies of Senegal, French Sudan.
41 Malmedy Germany overprint on stamps of Belgium, Belgian Occupation.
42 Malmo Gamla Sweden Local Post.
43 Maluku Selatan South Moluccas Private labels.
44 Malvinas Argentine name for Falkland Islands.
45 Manama Ajman Dependency.
46 Mandal Bypost Norway Local Post.
47 Manizales Colombia Private Local Post; Antioquia.
48 Mapka Finland, Russia, Serbia money unit.
49 Marca Da Bollo Italy Revenue issue.
50 Marianas Espanolas Mariana islands overprint on stamps of Spain, Spanish administration.
51 Marianen Mariana islands overprint on stamps of Germany.
52 Marica Inscription on stamps of Somalia.
53 Marienwerder Marienwerder overprint on stamps of Germany.
54 Mark Germany money unit.
55 Marka Estonia, Poland money unit.
56 Markka Finland money unit.
57 Maroc France inscription or overprint, Offices in Morocco.
58 Marocco Germany overprint, Offices in Morocco.
59 Marokko Germany overprint, Offices in Morocco.
60 Marotiri Island New Zealand Local stamps.
61 Marruecos Spanish Morocco overprint on stamps of Spain.
62 Marshall Inseln Marshall islands inscription.
63 Martinique Martinique overprint on stamps of French Colonies.
64 Martin's City Post United States Local Post.
65 Mason's New Orleans United States Local Post.
66 Matabeleland Local stamp from Rhodesia.
67 Mauritanie Mauritania.
68 Maurruecos Morocco-Northern zone.
69 Mayreau One of the islands of Grenadines of St. Vincent.
70 Mazagan Morocco Local Post.
71 Mbledhja Kushtetuese Albania, Italian Dominion.
72 McGreely's Express United States Local Post.
73 McIntire's City Express Post United States Local Post.
74 McMillan's City Dispatch Post United States Local Post.
75 Mearis' City Dispatch Post United States Local Post.
76 Mecklenb Strelitz Mecklenburg Streiitz, German State.
77 Mecklenb, Schwerin Mecklenburg Schwerln, German State.
78 Medellin Colombia, City of Medellin; Antioquia.
79 Media Onza Spain Official stamps.
80 Medio Real Dominican Republic.
81 MEF Middle East Forces, overprint on stamps of Great Britain, when Caso transferred to Greece, 1945-47
82 MEF Middle East Forces, overprint on stamps of Great Britain for Cyrenaica, 1942-48.
83 Mejico Mexico inscription.
84 Melaka Malaysia State issue for Malacca.
85 Melilla Morocco Military label.
86 Memel Memel overprint on stamps of France.
87 Memelgebiet Memel overprint on stamps of Germany.
88 Memelklaipeda Memel, Lithuanian Occupation.
89 Menant& Co. United States Local Post.
90 Menge Outer Mongolia.
91 Mensajerias Uruguay Parcel Post.
92 Mercantile Library Association United States Local Post.
93 Merry Christmas 1975 United States non-denominated postage stamp, value 10¡é, 1975.
94 Messenkope's Union Square United States Local Post.
95 Metalik Crete, (Russian Sphere of Administration Dist. of Rethymnon).
96 Metelin Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire.
97 Metropolitan Errand & Carrier United States Local Post.
98 Metropolitan Post Office United States Local Post.
99 Mexicano Mexico.
100 Miasta Przedborza Poland Local Post.
101 Mihon Japan Language for Specimen.
102 Milit, Militar Post Portomarke Bosnia and Herzegovina.
103 Militarpost Eilmarke Bosnia and Herzegovlna.
104 Mill, Milliemes France overprint, Offices in Egypt.
105 Mills' Free Dispatch Post United States Local Post.
106 Mily Admin Burma overprint.
107 MN Korea money unit.
108 Mocambique Mozambique.
109 Modones Modena, Italian States.
110 Mogador Morocco Local Post.
111 Mohlon (Resembles these letters) Mongolia.
112 Moldova Former USSR Republic of Moldavia.
113 Mon Japan money unit.
114 Monastir Turkey overprint.
115 Mongtseu IndoChina overprint (with value in Chinese letters).
116 Mongtze France overprint on stamps of IndoChina, Offices in China.
117 Monrovia Liberia Registry stamp.
118 Monster Dutch and Afrikaans word found on stamps of Netherlands and Transvaal indicating "specimen."
119 Mont Athos Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire.
120 Monte Carlo Monaco.
121 Monte Cassino Poland (Polish Government in Exile in Great Britain).
122 Montenegro Montenegro overprint on stamps of Austria and Jugoslavia.
123 Monterey Mexico BOGUS Provisional issue of Monterrey.
124 Montevideo Uruguay.
125 Montserrat Montserrat overprint on stamps of Antiqua.
126 Moody's Penny Dispatch United States Local Post.
127 Moquea Peru Provisional issue for Moquea.
128 Mora Ukraine.
129 Morelia Mexico BOGUS Provisional issue for Morelia.
130 Morocco Agencies Great Britain overprint on stamps of Gibraltar or Great Britain, Offices in Morocco.
131 Morris, Robert Postal Card United States non-denominated postal card, value 13¡é, 1981.
132 Morvi India Feudatory State.
133 Mostra Italian Language for specimen.
134 Mount Currie Express South Africa local post stamp.
135 Mount Everest Expedition India Local Stamps for Tibet.
136 Moyen Congo Middle Congo inscription.
137 Mpretnija Shqyptare Albania, Italian Occupation.
138 Muestra Spanish Language for Specimen.
139 Multa Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Portugal Postage Due.
140 Mung Outer Mongolia.
141 Muqdisho Inscription on stamps of Somalia.
142 Muscat And Oman Oman.
143 Musee Philatelique Switzerland overprint.
144 Muster German Language for specimen.
145 Mustique One of the islands of Grenadines of St. Vincent.
146 Myanmar Formerly Burma.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "N"
No Name Language Description
1 N.C.E. New Caledonia overprint on stamps of French Colonies.
2 N.D. Hrvatska Croatia.
3 N.F. German East Africa overprint on stamps of Nyasaland Protectorate, British Occupation (Nyasaland Force).
4 N.FL. Armenia inscription.
5 N.I.W.I.N. Netherlands Antilles overprint.
6 N.M.S. Madagascar Local stamps of Norwegian Missionary Society.
7 N.S.B. Nossi Be overprint on stamps of France.
8 N.S.W. New South Wales.
9 N.Sembilan Malaya, Malaysia, State overprint on Strait Settlements.
10 N.T. South Australia Official overprint (Northern Territory).
11 N.W. Pacific Islands North West Pacific Islands overprint on stamps of Australia.
12 N.Z. New Zealand.
13 Na Slask Central Lithuania overprint.
14 Nabha India Convention State.
15 Naciones Unidas United Nations.
16 Nagaland India Propaganda label.
17 Namibia Formerly South West Africa.
18 Namsos Bypost Norway Local Post.
19 Nandgam IndiaNandgoan, Feudatory State.
20 Nanking China Treaty Post Local stamp.
21 Nanumaga, Nanumea Two of the Tuvalu islands.
22 Napa, Nape (Resembles these letters) Montenegro, Serbia money unit.
23 Napoletana Two Sicilies.
24 Naskarb Poland semipostal stamps.
25 Nationaler Verwaltungsuasschuss Montenegro overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, German Occupation.
26 Nations Unies United Nations.
27 Nations Unies Office Europeen Switzerland overprint forUnited Nations.
28 Nations Unieshelvetia Switzerland, United Nations Offices.
29 NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
30 Nauru Nauru overprint on stamps of Great Britain.
31 Nawabshan Jahanbecam India-Bhopal Feudatory State.
32 Naye Paise Arab Shiekdoms, India money unit.
33 Ne Pas Livrer Le Dimanche Belgium Tab label (Do not deliver on Sunday).
34 Neba, Nebb (Resembles these letters) Bulgaria money unit.
35 Nebr. United States Protective overprint for use in Nebraska.
36 Ned (Erlands) Nieuw Guinea Netherlands New Guinea.
37 Ned (Erlandsch) Indie Netherlands Indies.
38 Ned. Anti Llen, Nederlandse Antillen inscription on stamps of Curacao, 1949 also used on stamps of other Netherlands Antilles islands; Aruba, Bonaire, Saba, Eustatius and part of St. Maartin
39 Nederl Indie Netherlands Indies.
40 Nederland Netherlands.
41 Netb (Resembles these letters) Bulgaria.
42 New Hebrides Condominum New Hebrides overprint on stamps of Fiji, British and French Joint Government.
43 New York City Express Post United States Local Post.
44 Nezavisna Drzava Hrvatska Croatia.
45 Nieuw Guinea Dutch New Guinea.
46 Nieuwe Republiek New Republic.
47 Niger Niger Territory.
48 Nippon Japan.
49 Nisiro(s) Italy, Aegean Islands overprint.
50 Niu, Niutao Two of the Tuvalu islands.
51 Niuafo'ou Known as Tin Can Island.
52 Niue Niue overprint on stamps of New Zealand.
53 Nlle. Caledonie New Caledonia.
54 No Hay Estampillas Colombia-Cauca (There are no stamps).
55 Nodfrimaerke Indenlandsk Brevporto Denmark emergency postal stamps. Stamps are in red, text in white.
56 Nonte (Resembles these letters) Montenegro.
57 Nopto Mapka (Resembles these letters), Serbia.
58 Nopto Porto Jugosiavia, Serbia Postage Due.
59 Norddeutschepost Germany, North German Postal District.
60 Norddeutscher Postbezirk Germany.
61 Noreg Norway.
62 Norfolk Island Dependency of Australia.
63 Norge Norway.
64 North German Confederation Germany.
65 Nossibe Currently part of Madagascar.
66 Nouvelle Caledonie New Caledonia.
67 Nouvelle Hebrides New Hebrides.
68 Noviny Czechoslovakia Newspaper overprint.
69 Nowanuggur India Feudatory State.
70 Nowta Napa, Nape (Resembles these letters) Serbia money unit.
71 Noyna, Noyta (Resembles these letters) Russia.
72 Noyt Mapka Azerbaijan.
73 Noyta (Resembles these letters) Russia (means Postage).
74 Noyta Pycchon Apmin (Resembles these letters) Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire.
75 Nponoia (Resembles these letters) Postal tax overprint of Greece.
76 Nueva Granada Colombia.
77 Nukufetau, Nukulaelae Two of the Tuvalu islands.
78 Nyassa Nyassa overprint on stamps of Mozambique.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "O"
No Name Language Description
1 O.A. South Australia Official overprint (Official Assignee).
2 O.B. Philippines Official overprint.
3 O.F. Castelrosso Occupation Franeais, 1920, for Castellorizo, Castelrosso, 1920.
4 O.H.B.M.S. Great Britain Official overprint for "On His Brittanic Majesty's Service."
5 O.H.E.M.S. Egypt Official overprint for "On His Exalted Majesty's Service."
6 O.H.H.S. Egypt Official overprint for "On His Highness" Service."
7 O.H.M.S. Great Britain Official overprint for "On His Majesty's Service."
8 O.M.F. Syrie Syria overprint on stamps of France.
9 O.N.F. Castellorizo Occupation Navale Franeais, for Castellorizo, Castelrosso, 1920.
10 O.S. Australian States overprint (On Service).
11 O.S. Norway Official stamps.
12 O.S.G.R.I. New Britain overprint on stamps of German New Guinea.
13 O.S.G.S. Sudan Official overprint.
14 O.T. Czechoslovakia overprint.
15 O.W. Official Great Britain Official overprint (Office of Works).
16 Oaha Mapka Finland.
17 Oaxaca Mexico Civil War issue.
18 Oaymrarqnee (Resembles these letters) Greece.
19 Obelisk Ethiopia overprint.
20 Obock Obock overprint on stamps of French Colonies, currently Djibouti.
21 Occupation Azirbayedjan Azerbaijan overprint on stamps of Russia.
22 Occupation Francaise Hungary overprint, French Occupation.
23 Occupation Franeaise Du Cameroun overprint on stamps of French and Middle Congo,1916.
24 Occussi-Ambeno Timor BOGUS Labels sold as stamps for nonexistent Principality.
25 Oceanie French Polynesia.
26 Odense Bypost Denmark local post.
27 Oesterr Post Austria, With name of Liechtenstein, Austrian Postal Administration.
28 Oesterreich Austria.
29 Oeuvres De Solidarite Francaise French Colonies General issue.
30 Of Castellorisco Casteilorizo overprint on stamps of France.
31 Off Sak Norway.
32 Offentlig Sak Norway Official Use.
33 Official Tanganyika overprint on stamps of Kenya and Uganda.
34 Officiel Luxembourg, Switzerland Official overprint.
35 Offisieel (Without Official) South West Africa.
36 Offisieel Official Union of South Africa.
37 Oficial Portugal, Spain Official overprint.
38 Ofterreich Austria.
39 Ohu Post Estonia air mail.
40 Oil Rivers Niger Coast Protectorate.
41 Okca Russia Army of the North Issue.
42 Oltre Giuba Oltre Gluba, Jubaland overprint on stamps of Italy.
43 Olympic Games-1948 Great Britain.
44 Oman, State Of Arabia Propaganda Labels.
45 On C.G.S. India overprint for Feudatory State of Cochin.
46 On H.M.S. India Official overprint for "On Her Majesty's Service."
47 On K.S.D. India Official overprint for Feudatory State of Kishengarh.
48 On S.S. India Official overprint for Feudatory State of Travancore
49 On S.S.S. India Official overprint for Feudatory State of Sirmoor.
50 On State Service Iraq Official overprint, British Mandate.
51 One Anna India Feudal State of Jasdan.
52 One Cent Dispatch United States Local Post.
53 Onza Spain money unit.
54 Oohab Cahatopnymb (Resembles these letters) Bulgaria.
55 OPSO New Zealand Official overprint (On Public Service Only).
56 Or K.C. Novita Serbia.
57 Orange River Colony Orange River Colony overprint on stamps of Cape of Good Hope.
58 Orange Vrij Staat Orange River Colony.
59 Orchha India Feudatory State.
60 Ore Denmark, Norway, Sweden money unit.
61 Organisation International Les Refugies Switzerland overprint.
62 Organisation Meteorologique Mondiale Switzerland overprint.
63 Organisation Mondiale De La Sante Switzerland overprint.
64 Ortspost (Poste Locale) Switzerland Federal Administration.
65 Orval Belgium.
66 Osten Poland overprint on stamps of Germany.
67 Osterreich Austria.
68 Osterreichische Post Austria.
69 Ostland Russia overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation.
70 Otvorenie Slovenskeno Czechoslovakia overprint.
71 Oubangi-Chari overprint for Central African Republic, Republique Centrafricaine 1922
72 Oubangi-Chari/Afrique Equatorial Franciase overprint for Central African Republic, Republique Centrafricaine, 1924.
73 Oubangui-Chari-Tchad overprint for Central African Republic, Republique Centrafricaine 1910
74 Overton & Co. United States Local Post.
75 Oymatikqn T.T.T. (Resembles these letters) Greece.
76 OZ Peru.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "P"
No Name Language Description
1 P South Australia Official overprint (Police).
2 P (With star and crescent in circle) Straits Settlements, Malaya overprint for Perak.
3 P (With no country name, with value and Queen's cameo) Great Britain.
4 P Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Panama.
5 P (number) P Switzerland inscription,
6 P.A. South Australia Official overprint (Protector of Aborigines).
7 P.C.C.P. Russia (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).
8 P.D. and numeral St. Pierre and Miquelon overprint on stamps of French Colonies.
9 P.E. Egypt.
10 P.G.S. Perak Official overprint on Straits Settlements.
11 P.L. Teheran Iran overprint.
12 P.M. Italy overprint (Military Stamps).
13 P.O. South Australia Official overprint (Post Office).
14 P.O.n.N.T. (Resembles these letters) Ukraine overprint on stamps of Russia, Offices in the Turkish Empire.
15 P.P. France Postage Due overprint, Offices in Morocco.
16 P.P.C. Poland overprint, Offices in Turkey.
17 P.P.C. China overprint on stamps of Wuhu Treaty Port stamps.
18 P.S. South Australia Official overprint (Private Secretary).
19 P.S.N.C. (One letter in each corner of stamp) Peru.
20 P.W. South Australia Official overprint (Public Works).
21 Pa'anga Tonga money unit.
22 Pabay Great Britain Local Carriage labels.
23 Pacchi Postali (With "Sul Bolletti no Sull Ricevuta") Italy; (With "Bolleta Ricevuta") San Marino; (With star and crescent) Somalia.
24 Packenmarke Russia, Wenden-Livonia.
25 Packhoi France overprint on stamps of Indo-China, Offices in China.
26 Padroes De Grande Guerra Portugal Postal Tax overprint.
27 Pahang Straits Settlements, Malaya, Malaysia.
28 Paisa Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan money unit.
29 Paise Arab Language countries money unit.
30 Paita Peru Provisional issue overprint.
31 Pakhoi IndoChina overprint.
32 Pakistan Pakistan overprint on stamps of India.
33 Pakkeporto Greenland Parcel Post.
34 Palau Currently Palau Republic, former U.S. Trust Territory.
35 Palestine Egypt overprint, Occupation of Palestine.
36 Palestine Palestine overprint with Hebrew, Arabic letters, British Mandate.
37 Papua Papua New Guinea overprint on stamps of British New Guinea.
38 Papua And New Guinea Papua New Guinea.
39 Para, Paras Austria, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Romania, Russia overprint, money unit.
40 Paris 1931 France (Without name of French Colony).
41 Parm, Parma, Parmensi ParmaItalian States.
42 Particular Nicaragua overprint.
43 Pasco Peru Provisional issue overprint.
44 Patiala India Convention State overprint.
45 Patmos Italy, Aegean Islands overprint.
46 Patzcuaro Mexico BOGUS Provisional Issue.
47 PE Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Peru.
48 Pechino stamps of Italy overprinted for Peking, China, Italian Offices.1917.
49 Pen, Penni, Pennias Finland money unit.
50 Penang Malaya, Straits Settlements State Issue.
51 Penny Express Co. United States Local Post.
52 Penrhyn Island Penrhyn Island overprint on stamps of Cook Islands, New Zealand.
53 People's Democratic Republic Of Of Yemen Yemen.
54 People's Republic Of Southern Yemen Yemen overprint on stamps of South Arabia.
55 Per Pacchi Vatican Parcel Post overprint.
56 Perak Malaya, Malaysia.
57 Perlis Malaya, Malaysia State Issue.
58 Persane(s) Iran (Persia).
59 Persekutuan Tanah Melayu Malaya.
60 Persia Iran.
61 Peruana Peru.
62 Perv Peru.
63 Pesa German East Africa overprint on stamps of Germany, money unit.
64 Peseta(s) (Coat of arms) Peru; (No coat of arms) Spain.
65 PF, PFG Germany overprint, Offices in China; Estonia overprint on stamps of Russia, German Occupation.
66 Pfennig German Language countries money unit.
67 Philippines Philippines overprint on stamps of United States, American Dominion.
68 PI (With Arabic writing) Thrace overprint on stamps of Turkey.
69 Piaster Austria, Germany, Offices in Turkey.
70 Piastra France, Great Britain, Russia overprint, money unit, Offices in Turkey; Italy, Offices in Crete, Turkey.
71 Piastro Italy overprint, money unit, Offices in Crete.
72 Piastro Italy overprint, Offices in Turkey.
73 Pice Nepal money unit.
74 Pies India money unit.
75 Pilgrim Tercentenary United States inscription.
76 Pilipinas Philippines, Japanese Occupation.
77 Pinkney's Express Post United States Local Post.
78 Pinsin(e) Ireland money unit.
79 Pisagua Peru overprint on stamps of Chile, Chilean Occupation.
80 Pisco Peru Provisional issue overprint.
81 Piscopi Italy, Aegean Islands overprint.
82 Piura Peru Provisional issue overprint.
83 Pjon, Pjonustu(sta) Iceland inscription or overprint.
84 Plauen Germany WWII local issue.
85 Plebiscit Slesvig Schieswig.
86 Plebiscite Olzstyn Allenstein Allenstein overprint on stamps of Germany.
87 Poccir Russia, South Russia.
88 Poczta Poland.
89 Poczta Litwa Srodkowa Central Lithuania.
90 Poczta Polska Poland; Germany overprint, Polish Occupation; Also Poland overprint on stamps of Austria.
91 Poftgebiet Ob.Oft Lithuania overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation.
92 Pohjois Inkeri North Ingermanland.
93 Polecona Poland Officials.
94 Polska Poland.
95 Polska Poczta Poland overprint on stamps of Austria.
96 Polynesie Francaise French Polynesia.
97 Pomeroy's Letter Express United States Local Post.
98 Ponce Puerto Rico, American Dominion.
99 Poonch India Feudatory State.
100 Port Cantonal Switzerland Envelope used as adhesive.
101 Port Gdansk Poland overprint, Offices in Danzig.
102 Port Lagos Francs, Offices in Turkey for Port Lagos.
103 Porte De Conduccion Peru Parcel Post.
104 Porte De Mar Mexico (Indicated the amount to be paid to sea captains for taking outgoing foreign mail.)
105 Porte Franco (Correos) Peru; Portugal inscription.
106 Porteado Portugal Postage Due.
107 Porto Austria Postage Due overprint, Offices in Turkey.
108 Porto Denmark, Jugosiavia Postage Due inscription.
109 Porto Gazetei Romania, Moldavia. PORTO MARKA Croafia Postage Due.
110 Porto Rico Puerto Rico overprint on stamps of United States, American Dominion.
111 Portomarke Bosnia and Herzegovina, Norway Postage Due.
112 Port-Said France, Offices in Egypt.
113 Posseel-Postage South Africa.
114 Post & Receipt India with value in annas, Hyderabad.
115 Post Schilling SchieswigHoistein money unit (with no country name).
116 Post Stamp India with value in annas-Hyderabad.
117 Post USSR Octagonal design in Russian on stamped envelopes. Applied in Kiev post office.
118 Post Zegel Netherlands Postage Due (with no country name).
119 Posta 15, Posta 35 Tannu Tuva.
120 Posta Ceskoslovenske Armady Sibirske Siberia (Czechoslovak Army Post).
121 Posta Romana Romania.
122 Posta Romana Constantinople overprint on stamps of Romania, Constantinople,1919.
123 Postage Grenada overprint on bisected stamps with Queen's head. Also India with inscribed value in annas. Hyderabad.
124 Postage Camb Aust Sigillum Nov New South Wales.
125 Postage Correos Ponce issue of Puerto Rico.
126 Postage Due Australia, Great Britain with value in pence or shilling; Ireland with value in pinsin.
127 Postage, Postage & Revenue (With picture of King or Queen and value in penny, pence, pound or shilling) Great Britain.
128 Postagei.E.F.'D. Mesopotamia overprint on stamps of Turkey.
129 Postal Commission Ceylon overprint on the 4-cent stamps of 1883, used to denote the extra commission charged by the post office on money orders which had not been cashed within three months of issue.
130 Postal Union Congress London 1929 Great Britain.
131 Postas De Hioc(Nioc) Ireland Postage Due.
132 Postat Shqiptare Albania.
133 Poste Aerieo, Aerienne Iran air mail overprint (with no country name).
134 Poste Centime (With fine line network in background) France, Alsace and Lorraine, German Occupation.
135 Poste Coloniali Italiane Italian Colonies.
136 Poste De Geneve Switzerland Canton of Geneva.
137 Poste Di Fivme Flume.
138 Poste Estensi Modena.
139 Poste Italiane Italy.
140 Poste Khedive Egiziane Egypt.
141 Poste Locale Switzerland Canton of Geneve; Also Turkey (Liannos's Local Post).
142 Poste Vaticane Vatican City.
143 Postek Hedeuieegiziane Egypt.
144 Postes Belgium, France, French Colonies, Luxembourg.
145 Postes (With red crescent and 1954) Afghanistan Tax Stamp.
146 Postes Afghanes Afghanistan.
147 Postes De Coree Korea.
148 Postes Egyptiennes Egypt.
149 Postes Hedjaz & Nedjde Nejd, Saudi Arabia.
150 Postes Lao Laos.
151 Postes Ottomanes Turkey.
152 Postes Paye Haiti provisional overprint.
153 Postes Persanes Iran (Persia).
154 Postes Serbes Serbia overprint on stamps of France for Corfu.
155 Postfaerge Denmark Parcel Post.
156 Postgebiet Ob.Oft Lithuania overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation.
157 Postmarke Brunswick.
158 Pouls Afghanistan money unit.
159 Prangko Taboengau Pos Indonesia overprint, Japanese Occupation (Savings stamps).
160 Prensa Uruguay Newspaper overprint.
161 Preussen Prussia.
162 Price's 8th Ave. Post Office United States Local Post.
163 Price's City Express United States Local Post.
164 Priest's Paid Despatch United States Local Post.
165 Prima Valores Declarados Dominican Republic overprint.
166 Prince Farouk Egypt.
167 Prince Letter Dispatch United States Local Post.
168 Principaute De Monaco Monaco (Principality).
169 Prir Iceland overprint.
170 Pristina Turkey overprint.
171 Private Post Office United States Local Post.
172 Pro Tacna Y Arica Peru Postal Tax.
173 Pro Tuberculosos Pobres Spain Postal Tax.
174 Pro Union Iberoamericana Spain (Spanish American Union).
175 Protectorado Espanol Spanish Morocco.
176 Protectorate Bechuanaland Protectorate overprint for Bechuanaland.
177 Protectorate Francais France overprint on stamps of stamps inscribed "Chiffre Taxe", Offices in Morocco.
178 Providence Despatch United States Local Post.
179 Provincie Franco Bollo Modonesi Modena.
180 Provinz Laibach Italy overprint for Ljubljana, or Laibach, German Occupation.
181 Provinz Sachsen Germany WWII local issue.
182 Prussia German State. PS Colombia, (Script letters) Cauca.
183 Pto. Rico Puerto Rico overprint on stamps of United States, American Dominion.
184 Public Letter Office United States Local Post envelope.
185 Publisher's Paid Stamp United States, Wells Fargo Local Post.
186 Puerto Rico Puerto Rico overprint on stamps of United States, American Dominion.
187 Pul Afghanistan money unit. PULAU PENANG, PINANG Malaysia (State).
188 Puno Peru Provisional issue overprint.
189 Puolustusvoimat Finland (Military stamps).
190 Pus Indonesia Postage Due.
191 Puttiala India overprint for State of Patiala.
192 Pyas Burma money unit.
193 Pyb Finland, Russia, South Russia.
194 Pycchion (Resembles these letters) Russia overprint for Offices in Turkey (Wrangel Issue).
195 Pycckar Noyta (Resembles these letters) Latvia overprint on stamps of Russia, Russian Occupation (Prepared but never used).
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "Q"
No Name Language Description
1 Qarku Albania inscription.
2 Qarku Korces Albania.
3 Qatar Qatar overprint on stamps of Great Britain.
4 Qeverries Se Perkoheshme Albania.
5 Qind, Qindar, Qintar Albania money unit.
6 Qu'aiti State In Hadhramaut Aden (Protectorate State).
7 Qu'aiti State Of Shihr And Mukalla Aden (Protectorate State).
8 Quan Buu Viet Nam (Military stamps).
9 Quelimane Quelimane overprint on stamps of Portuguese Colonies.
10 Quetzel Monetary unit of Guatemala.
11 Quinta De Goya Spain.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "R"
No Name Language Description
1 R (With value) Reunion overprint on stamps of France, French Colonies.
2 R Registration or Registered.
3 R India inscription on stamps of Jind.
4 R Colombia inscription or overprint, Panama Registration.
5 R. Commissariato Jugosiavia oveprint for Ljubljana, Lubiana, Italian Occupation.
6 R.B. South Australia Official overprint (Road Board).
7 R.F. France overprint on stamps or United States (Republic Francais).
8 R.F. (With no country name) France. (With country name) France, French Colonies.
9 R.G. South Australia Official overprint (Registrar General).
10 R.H. Haiti Postage Due (Republique D'Haiti).
11 R.H.Official Great Britain Official overprint (Royal Household).
12 R.O Eastern Rumelia overprint on stamps of Turkey (Rumelie Orientale).
13 R.O.Del Uruguay Uruguay.
14 R.P.R. Romania overprint.
15 R.R. Germany overprint for Rhine Republic.
16 R.R. Poste Italiane/Comune De Camione inscription for Campione d'Italia, Italian enclave within borders of Switzerland, issued its own stamps for local mail and mail to Switzerland, inscribed, 1920.
17 R.S.M. San Marino.
18 Rabaul-G.R.I New Britain overprint (Georgius Rex Imperator).
19 Rajasthan India overprint on stamps of Jaipur, Kishangarh.
20 Randers Bypost Denmark local post.
21 Rappen Liechtenstein, Switzerland money unit.
22 Rarotonga Cook Islands overprint on stamps of New Zealand; inscription on Cook Islands, 1919-32.
23 Rasalkhaima Persian Gulf Sheikdom.
24 Raseiniu Lithuania local issue.
25 Rattlesnake Island United States Local Post.
26 Rau Syria overprint.
27 Rayon Switzerland Federal Administration.
28 Recapito Autorizzato Italy inscription (Authorized Delivery).
29 Recargo Spain War Tax.
30 Recuerdo Del I'de Febrero Honduras.
31 Redonda Antigua overprint.
32 Reed's City Despatch Post United States Local Post.
33 Reformed Legislature India Feudatory State of Hyderabad.
34 Regatul Romaniei Hungary overprint, Romanian Occupation.
35 Regence De Tunis Tunisia.
36 Reggenaza/Italiana/Del/Carnaro Carnaro, overprint on stamps of Fiume during occupation by Legionnaires of d'Annunzio, 1920.
37 Regno D'italia Italy overprint with."Venezia Giulia" or "Trentino" for Austria, Italian Occupation; Fiume overprint with "Fivme".
38 Reich Germany.
39 Reichpost Germany.
40 Reis (With no country name) Portugal money unit.
41 Rep. Di S. Marino San Marino.
42 Rep. Italiana Italy.
43 Rep.Shqiptare Albania.
44 Repbulica Peruana Peru.
45 Repub. Franc France, French Colonies General issue.
46 Repubblica Di San Marino San Marino.
47 Repubblica Sociale Italiana Italy (Italian Socialist Republic).
48 Republic Maluku Selatan South Moluccas (Unrecognized stamps).
49 Republic Of Botswana Botswana overprint on stamps of Bechuanaland Protectorate.
50 Republica De Guinea Ecuatorial Equatorial Guinea.
51 Republica De La N'granada Colombia inscriptionCauca.
52 Republica Dominicana Dominican Republic.
53 Republica Espanola Spain.
54 Republica Inhambane Inhambane overprint on stamps of Portuguese Colonies.
55 Republica Mocambique Mozambique overprint.
56 Republica Oriental Uruguay inscription.
57 Republica Populara Romina Romania.
58 Republica Portuguesa Portugal.
59 Republiek Van Suid Afrika South Africa.
60 Republik Indonesia Serikat Indonesia.
61 Republika Ng.Philipnas Philippines, Japanese Occupation.
62 Republika Shqiptare Albania.
63 Republique Arabe Unie United Arab Republic, Syria.
64 Republique Autonome Du Togo Togo.
65 Republique Centrafricaine Central African Republic.
66 Republique D'azerbaidjan Azerbaijan.
67 Republique De Cote D'ivoire Ivory Coast.
68 Republique De Guinee Guinea.
69 Republique De Haute Volta Upper Volta.
70 Republique Des Comores inscription for Comoro Islands, 1977.
71 Republique D'haiti Haiti.
72 Republique Du Cameroun inscription for independent State of Cameroun, 1960.
73 Republique Du Congo Congo.
74 Republique Du Dahomey Dahomey.
75 Republique Du Mali Mali.
76 Republique Du Niger Niger.
77 Republique Du Senegal Senegal.
78 Republique Du Tchad inscription for Chad, as independent state in the French Union, 1958.
79 Republique Du Togo Togo.
80 Republique Franciase France, French Colonies General issues.
81 Republique Gabonaise Gabon.
82 Republique Georgienne Georgia.
83 Republique Islamique De Mauritanie Mauritania.
84 Republique Khmere Cambodia.
85 Republique Libanaise Lebanon.
86 Republique Malgache Madagascar.
87 Republique Populaire overprint on Congo (Kinshasa) stamps by rebels in Stanleyville, 1964.
88 Republique Rwandaise Rwanda.
89 Republique Togolaise Togo.
90 Republique Tunisienne Tunisia.
91 Republique Uni Du Cameroun/Republic Of Cameroon bilingual inscription, Cameroun Republic, UKTT area named Federal Republic and incorporated into Southern Cameroons, 1961.
92 Repulo Posta Hungary air mail overprint.
93 Resistance Syria overprint on stamps of Free French.
94 Resmi Turkey Official overprint.
95 Retymno Crete.
96 Reunion Reunion overprint on stamps of French Colonies.
97 Revalidado Portugal (Revalidation).
98 Rheinlandpfalz Germany, French Occupation.
99 Rhodesia Rhodesia overprint on stamps of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.
100 Rials Iran money unit.
101 Rialtar Sealdac Na Heireann Ireland overprint on stamps of Great Britain.
102 Riau Riouw Archipeligo overprint on stamps of Indonesia.
103 Rickett's & Hall United States Local Post.
104 Riel Cambodia money unit.
105 Rigsbankskilling Denmark money unit.
106 Rin Japan money unit.
107 Rio Muni Formerly Fernando POO and Spanish Guinea.
108 Rios Ecuador Control overprint.
109 Ris Indonesia overprint on stamps of Netherlands Indies.
110 Rivers Niger Coast Protectorate overprint on stamps of half stamp.
111 Rizeh Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire.
112 Rl.Plata F. Cuba, Philippines money unit.
113 RN Japan money unit.
114 Roavoamena Madagascar local issue.
115 Robertsport Liberia Registry.
116 Robison & Co. United States Local Post.
117 Roche's City Dispatch United States Local Post.
118 Rodi Italy, Aegean Islands, Rhodes overprint.
119 Roger's Penny Post United States Local Post.
120 Rohania Romania.
121 Romagne Romagna.
122 Romana, Romi Na Romania.
123 Romana, Zona De Occupatie Hungary overprint, Romanian Occupation.
124 Ross Dependency New Zealand, Antarctic Territory.
125 Rossija Russia, a former republic of the Soviet Union.
126 Roumania Romania.
127 Roumelie Orientale Eastern Rumelia overprint on stamps of Turkey.
128 Royal Mail Steam Packet Company Caribbean shipping company stamp.
129 Royaume De L'arabie Nejd.
130 Royaume De Yemen Yemen.
131 Royaume Du Burundi Burundi.
132 Royaume Du Cambodge Cambodia, inscription when became member of the French Union, 1951.
133 Royaume Du Laos Laos.
134 Royaume Du Maroc Morocco.
135 RP Liechtenstein, Switzerland money unit.
136 RPF Luxembourg overprint, German Occupation (Reichpfennig).
137 RPK Handstamp on Cambodian stamps for Republic of Kampuchea.
138 RSA South Africa.
139 Ruanda German East Africa overprint on stamps of Congo.
140 Ruandaurundi Belgian East Africa.
141 Ruhleben British prisoner camp stamps from Germany WWI.
142 Rumanien Romania overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation.
143 Russell 8th Ave Post Office United States Local Post.
144 Russisch Polan Poland overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation.
145 Rwandaise Rwanda.
146 Ryukyus Ryukyu Islands.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "S"
No Name Language Description
1 S Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Switzerland.
2 S South Australia Official overprint (Sheriff).
3 S Straits Settlements-Selangor overprint.
4 S. Thome E. Principe St. Thomas and Prince Islands.
5 S.A. Saudi Arabia.
6 S.A. Latvia overprint, Russian Occupation.
7 S.A.K. Saudi Arabia.
8 S.C. South Australia Official overprint (Supreme Court).
9 S.D. Hong Kong overprint (Stamp Duty).
10 S.D.N. Bureau International Du Travail Switzerland Official for International Labor Bureau.
11 S.G. South Australia Official overprint (Surveyor General).
12 S.G. Sudan Official overprint.
13 S.H.S. Jugosiavia overprint on stamps of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary.
14 S.M. South Australia Official overprint (Stipendary Magistrate).
15 S.Marino San Marino.
16 S.O. Eastern Silesia overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia (Silesia Orientale).
17 S.O.1920 Eastern Silesia overprint on stamps of Czechoslovakia, Poland.
18 S.P. Luxembourg Official overprint (Service Publique).
19 S.P.M. St. Pierre and Miquelon overprint on stamps of French Colonies.
20 S.Q. Trstavuja Zracna P. Jugosiavia, Trieste air mail issue.
21 S.T. South Australia Official overprint (Superintendent of Telegraphs).
22 S.T. Trstavuja TriesteZone B.
23 S.T.T.V.U.J.A. Jugosiavia overprint for TriesteZone B.
24 S.U. Malaya-SungeiUiong overprint on Straits Settlements.
25 S.Ujong Malaya-Sunge Ujong.
26 S.W.A. South West Africa overprint on stamps of South Africa.
27 Saare Saar overprint on stamps of Germany.
28 Saargebiet Saar overprint.
29 Saarland Saar.
30 Saarpost Saar.
31 Sabah Sabah overprint on stamps of North Borneo.
32 Sachsen Saxony, German State.
33 Sadipu South Africa overprint.
34 Saggio Italy, Italian Colonies, overprint for specimen.
35 Sahara Espanol Spanish Sahara overprint on stamps of Spain.
36 Sahara Occidental Spanish Sahara.
37 Saint Christopher Nevis, Anguilla St. KittsNevis.
38 Saintpierre Et Miquelon St. Pierre & Miquelon.
39 Salonicco Italy overprint, Offices in Turkey.
40 Salonika Turkey overprint.
41 Salonique Russia overprint, Offices in Turkey.
42 Samoa Samoa overprint on stamps of Germany.
43 Samoa (Without Western) Samoa overprint on stamps of New Zealand.
44 Samoa I Sisifo Western Samoa.
45 Sanda Great Britain Local Carriage label.
46 Sandjak L'alexandrette Alexandretta overprint on stamps of Syria.
47 Sans Dinero Latin America mythical country
48 Santander Colombia, Department.
49 Saorstat Eireann Ireland overprint on stamps of Great Britain.
50 Sar Syria.
51 Sark Guernsey Dependency, Local carriage label.
52 Sarkari India Feudatory State of Soruth.
53 Sarre Saar overprint on stamps of Germany.
54 Saseno Saseno overprint on stamps of Italy.
55 Satang Thailand money unit.
56 Satise South Africa overprint.
57 Saurashtra India Feudatory State of Soruth.
58 Scadta Colombia (Sociedad Colombo-Alemana de Transportes Aeros).
59 Scarpanto Italy, Aegean Islands overprint.
60 Sch German States money unit.
61 Schilling (Without country name) MeckienburgSchwerln money unit.
62 Schleswig SchieswigHolstein, German State.
63 Scinde District Dawk India-Scinde District Post.
64 Scrissorei Romania Moldavia-Wallachia.
65 Scudo Roman States money unit.
66 Scutari Di Albania Italy overprint, Offices in Turkey, Scutari.
67 SD Haiti provisional overprint.
68 SDD Dodecanese Military Occupation, overprint on stamps of Greece, for Caso, 1947.
69 Sealand Great Britain fantasy country.
70 Sedang IndoChina fantasy stamp.
71 Sede Vacante Vatican City overprint, inscription.
72 Sefkat Pullari Turkey Postal Tax.
73 Segna Tassa' Segnatasse Italy, Italian Colonies, San Marino, Vatican City Postage Due.
74 Seguro Social Del Campesino Ecuador Postal Tax overprint.
75 Seim 1919 Roky Poland.
76 Seiyun Aden Protectorate State.
77 Sejm Wilnie Central Lithuania.
78 Selangor Straits Settlements, Malaya, Malaysia.
79 Selatan South Moluccas (Unrecognized issue).
80 Sen Indonesia, Japan, Malaya, Ryukyu Islands money unit.
81 Senegal Senegal overprint on stamps of French Colonies.
82 Senegambie Et Niger Senegambis and Niger.
83 Seniti Tongs money unit.
84 Serbes Serbia overprint on France.
85 Serbien Serbia overprint on stamps of Austria, Bosnia, Austrian Occupation, Serbia overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia, German Occupation.
86 Service De La Societe Des Nations Switzerland overprint for League of Nations.
87 Service Two Annas India official stamp.
88 Servicio Ordinario Nicaragua overprint on stamps of air mail (Validating for ordinary use).
89 Servicio Postal Mexicana Mexico Official.
90 Sevilla "Viva Espana" Spain Barcelona.
91 SGR German States money unit (Silbergroschen).
92 SH (in upper corners) Schieswig-Hoistein, German State.
93 Shahi Afghanistan, Persia money unit.
94 Shanghai L.P.O. Shanghai Local Post Office.
95 Shanghai Municipality Shanghai.
96 Shanghai/China overprint on stamps of U.S. for use in Shanghai on mail to the U.S., 1919.
97 Sharjah And Dependencies Persian Gulf Shiekdom.
98 Shekel Israel money unit.
99 Shihr And Mukalla Aden Dependency stamps.
100 Shkodra, Shkodre, Shkoder Albania overprint.
101 Shqipenie, Shqiperia, Shqiperise, Shqipnija Albania.
102 Shquipenia Albania.
103 Shqyptare Albania.
104 Shuna Great Britain Local carriage label.
105 Si Mi Italy Aegean Islands overprint.
106 Siam Thailand.
107 Siberske Siberia.
108 Sicilie Two Sicilies.
109 Siege Of Mafeking Cape of Good Hope.
110 Sigillum Nov Camb Aust New South Wales.
111 Sikajy Madagascar local issue.
112 Sin Valor Postal Spain Charity seals (No postal value).
113 Singapore Malaya-Singapore.
114 Sirmoor India Feudatory State.
115 Sivas Turkey overprint.
116 Skilling Denmark, Iceland, Norway money unit.
117 SLD Austria money unit, Offices in Turkey.
118 Slesvig Schieswig-Hoistein.
119 Sloveni Jugoslavia overprint, Italian Occupation.
120 Slovenija Formerly part of Jugoslavia.
121 Slovenskeno Czechoslovakia, Slovakia overprint.
122 Slovensko Jugoslavia-Istria.
123 Slovensko Czechoslovakia, Siovakia.
124 Slovensky STAT Czechoslovakia, Sbvakia overprint.
125 Smirne Italy overprint, Offices in Turkey-Smyrna.
126 Smith & Stephens' City Delivery United States Local Post.
127 Smyrne Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire-Smyrna.
128 SN Japan money unit.
129 Sobre Clota Para Multos Postales Mexico Parcel Post inscription.
130 Sobreporto Colombia Postage Due.
131 Sobretasa Aerea Colombia air mail.
132 Sociedadcolomboalemana Colombia air mail.
133 Sociedade De Geographia De Lisboa Portugal franchise issue (Geographic Society).
134 Sociedade De Portugueza Da Cruz Vermelha Portugal franchise issue (Red Cross).
135 Sociedade Humanitarva Cruz Da Oriente Mozambique Postal Tax inscription.
136 Societe Des Nations Switzerland overprint for League of Nations.
137 Sof. Hallinto Kareila.
138 Sokolski Slet Jugosiavia.
139 Sol Peru money unit.
140 Soldi Austria, LombardyVenetia, Tuscany money unit.
141 Solidarite Francaise French Colonies semipostal.
142 Somali Democratic Republic Somalia.
143 Somalia Somalia overprint on stamps of Italy.
144 Somalis Somali Coast.
145 Somaliya Somalia.
146 Sonora Mexico Civil War issue.
147 Soomaaliya Somalia.
148 Soruth India Feudatory State.
149 Sosnowice Poland Local issue.
150 Soudan French Sudan overprint French Colonies, Niger, Upper Senegal.
151 Soudan Sudan overprint on stamps of Egypt.
152 Soudan Francais French Sudan.
153 Sourashtra India Feudatory State-Soruth.
154 South Arabia Formerly Aden.
155 South Australia Currently part of Australia.
156 South Georgia Falklands Islands overprint for South Georgia.
157 South Orkneys Falklands Islands overprint for South Orkneys.
158 South Shetlands Falklands Islands overprint for South Shetlands.
159 Southern Rhodesia Southern Rhodesia Postage Due overprint on stamps of Great Britain.
160 Southwest Africa SouthWest Africa overprint on stamps of South Africa.
161 Sovrano Militare Ordine Di Malta Sovereign Military Order of Malta, unrecognized issue.
162 Sowjetische Besatzungs Zone Germany overprint for Russian Zone.
163 Spaulding's Penny Post United States Local Post.
164 Specimen Universal Postal Union overprint, or for publicity purposes.
165 Spence & Brown Express Post United States Local Post.
166 Spidam Framcaos French Sudan.
167 Spidsbergen, Spitsbergen Local post stamp of Norway.
168 Spoorwegen Belgium.
169 Sqay Great Britain Local carriage label.
170 Squier & Co's City Letter Dispatch United States Local Post.
171 Sri Lanka Formerly Ceylon.
172 Srodkowa Litwa Central Lithuania.
173 ST (Without country name) Thailand, (Siam) money unit.
174 St. Kilda Great Britain Local carriage label.
175 St. Louis City Delivery United States Local Post.
176 St. Pierre Et Miquelon St. Pierre & Miquelon.
177 St. Pierre Mon St. Pierre & Miquelon.
178 Stadt Storkow Germany WWII local issue.
179 Stadt Strausberg Germany WWII local issue.
180 Stadtpostbasel Switzerland Canton of Basel.
181 Staffa Great Britain Local carriage label.
182 Stamp (Design of Lion and oriental letters) Tibet Official issue.
183 Stampalia Italy, Aegean Islands overprint.
184 Staten Island Express Post United States Local Post.
185 Stati (Parm) Parma inscription.
186 Steep Holm Great Britain Local carriage label.
187 Steinmeyer's Post United States Local Post.
188 Stempelcentes Austria, Lombardy=Venetia.
189 Stempelkreuzer Austria.
190 Stothhkh Bulgari money unit.
191 Straf Porto (Penalty Postage) Denmark postage due.
192 Straits Settlements Straits Settlements overprint on stamps of Labuan.
193 Straordinario Tuscany Newspaper Tax.
194 Stringer & Morton's City Despatch United States Local Post.
195 Stroma Great Britain Local Carriage label.
196 SU Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Sweden.
197 Submarino-Correo Spain submarine mail.
198 Sucre Ecuador money unit.
199 Sud Kasai Congo, South Kasai (Un-recognized State).
200 Suid-Afrika South Africa.
201 Suidwesafrike South West Africa.
202 Sul Bolletti No Italy, Italian Colonies (With colony name).
203 Sulla Ricevuta Italy, Italian Colonies (With colony name).
204 Sullivan's Dispatch Post United States Local Post.
205 Sultanat D'anjouan Anjouan.
206 Summer Isles Great Britain Local carriage label
207 Sungei Ujong MalayaSungei Ujong.
208 Suomi Finland.
209 Suriname Suriname, Dutch Guiana.
210 Sutherland & Co. Japan local post stamp.
211 Svarslosen Sweden (Reply Paid stamps).
212 Svendborg Bypost Denmark local post.
213 Sverige Sweden inscription.
214 Swarts Dispatch United States Local Post.
215 Swazieland Swaziland overprint.
216 Syrian Arab Republic Syria.
217 Syrie, Syrienne Syria.
218 Szeged 1919 Hungary overprint.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "T"
No Name Language Description
1 T (In circle) Peru-Huacho overprint.
2 T ("T" in each corner with value in center of stamp) Dominican Republic Postage Due.
3 T Abyssinia overprint on Postage Due stamps.
4 T South Australia Official overprint (Treasurer).
5 T. TA.C. Turkey Postal Tax Air Mail stamps.
6 T.A.B.R.O.M.I.K. (Under design) Poland semiofficial air mail stamp.
7 T.A.G. French Gulanla air mail.
8 T.C. India overprint on stamps of Cochin for TravancoreCochin.
9 T.C. Turkiye Postalari Turkey.
10 T.C.E.K. Turkey Postal Tax stamps.
11 T.E.O. Cilicia, Syria overprint on stamps of French Offices in Turkey.
12 T.E.O.Cilicie Cilicia overprint on stamps of Turkey.
13 T.E.O.Milliemes Syria overprint on stamps of France.
14 T.R. Southern Australia Official overprint (Titles Registration).
15 T.S. DE C. Honduras overprint.
16 Tacna Y Arica Peru Postal Tax stamps.
17 Tahiti Tahiti overprint on stamps of France, French Colonies, French Oceania.
18 Takca Bulgaria Postage Due.
19 Takse Albania Postage Due.
20 Talca Chile Postal Tax stamps.
21 Tammerfors Finland Local Post.
22 Tanga Portuguese India Money Unit.
23 Tanganyika & Zanzibar Tanzania.
24 Tanganyika, Kenya And Uganda Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
25 Tanger France, Spain overprint, Offices in Morocco.
26 Tanger Elksar Morocco Local Post.
27 Tangerfez Morocco Local Post.
28 Tangier Great Britain, Offices in Morocco.
29 Tangier-Morocco-Laraiche Morocco Local Post.
30 Tanzania, Kenya And Uganda Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
31 Tanzania, Zanzibar Zanzibar.
32 Tassa Gazzette Modena Newspaper Tax stamp, Italian States.
33 Tati Concessions South Africa Local Post.
34 Taxa De Guerra Macso, Value in AVOS Portuguese Africa, Value $0; Portuguese India, Value in RP; Guinea, Value in REIS.
35 Taxa Devida Brazil Postage Due.
36 Taxe Albania Postage Due overprint.
37 Taxes Belgian Congo, RuandiUrundi overprint for Postage Due.
38 TbBA TannuTuva.
39 Tchad overprint on stamps of Middle Congo, Chad, 1922.
40 Tchongking overprint for Chungking, 1902-1922. French post offices in China.
41 Te Betalen Curacao, Netherlands, Netherlands Indies. (preceded by "A Payer") Belgium Postage Due.
42 Te Betalen Port (When stamps are printed in green ink) Curacao (When printed in blue ink) Netherlands (When printed in lilac ink) Surinam.
43 Teese & Co. Penny Post United States Local Post.
44 Teheran Persia overprint.
45 Telegraph Despatch Post United States Local Post.
46 Temphat Vietnam Postage Due stamps.
47 Territoire De L'inini Inini overprint on stamps of French Guiana.
48 Territoire Du Niger Niger overprint on stamps of Upper Senegal and Niger.
49 Territoire Francaise Des Afars Et Des Issas Afars and Issas.
50 Territoire Militaire Fezzan Fezzan, French Occupation of Libya.
51 Territorio De Ifni Ifni overprint on stamps of Spain.
52 Territorios Del Africa Occidental Espanola Spanish West Africa.
53 Territorios Espanoles Del Golfo De Guinea Spanish Guinea.
54 Terrs. Espanoles Del Golfo De Guinea Spanish Guinea.
55 Tete Tete overprint on stamps of Portuguese Colonies.
56 Tetouan Maroc Chechouan Morocco Local Post.
57 Tetuan Spanish MoroccoTetuan overprint on stamps of Spain.
58 Tetuansheshuan Morocco Local Post.
59 Thai, Thailand Thailand (Siam).
60 Thailand-Cents Malaya, Siamese Occupation.
61 The Gilbert Islands Gilbert islands overprint on stamps of Gilbert & Ellice Islands.
62 Theresienstadt Czechoslovakia Concentration Camp Post.
63 Thirty Two Cents Liberia overprint.
64 Thomond Ireland Phantom country.
65 Thrace Interalliee Thrace overprint on stamps of Bulgaria, Allied Occupation.
66 Thrace Occidentale Thrace overprint on stamps of Bulgaria, Allied Occupation.
67 Throndhjems (Trondhjems) Bypost Norway Local Post.
68 Thule Greenland Local Post.
69 Thuringen Germany Russian zone stamps.
70 Thurn And Taxis Germany-Thurn and Taxis, private postal operation.
71 Tibet An unofficial overprint applied to stamps of India by Indian postal officials at temporary post offices in Tibet in 1903.
72 Tical Thailand monetary unit.
73 Tientsin overprint for Tientsin, 1917, Italian post offices in China.
74 Tierra Del Fuego Argentina Local Post
75 Timbre Imperial Journaux France Newspaper stamp.
76 Timbre Movil Spanish Language countries Tax stamp.
77 Timbre Poste France overprint on Postage Due stamps. Offices in Morocco.
78 Timbre Taxe (With numeral and no country name) French Colonies General Issue.
79 Timbrul Aviatiei Romania Postal Tax stamps.
80 Timor Timor overprint on stamps of Macao, Mozambique.
81 Timor Portugues Timor.
82 Tin Can Island Niuafou island-Tonga.
83 Tirane Kallnuer Albania overprint.
84 Tjenestefrimarke Denmark Official stamps.
85 To Pay Great Britain Postage Due stamps.
86 Toga Tonga.
87 Togo Togo overprint on stamps of Dahomey, Germany, Gold Coast.
88 Togolaise Togo.
89 Tokelau Islands Tokelsu Islands overprint on stamps of New Zealand.
90 Tolima Colombia-Tolima Department.
91 Tomans Persia (Iran) Money Unit.
92 Tonsberg Norway Local Post.
93 Toscano Tuscany.
94 Touva Tannu Tuva.
95 Tovva Tannu Touva overprint on stamps of Mongolia.
96 Traite De Versailles Ailenstein overprint on stamps of Germany.
97 Transjordan Jordan.
98 Transkei South Africa Homeland State.
99 Transporto Pacchi In Concesslone Italy Parcel Post stamps.
100 Travancore-Anchal, Anchel India Feudatory State.
101 Travancore-Cochin India Feudatory State.
102 Trebizonde Russia overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire.
103 Trengganu Malaya, Malaysia.
104 Trentino Austria overprint, Italian Occupation.
105 Tridentina Austria overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Occupation.
106 Trieste Trieste overprint on stamps of Italy.
107 Tripoli Tripolitania.
108 Tripoli (Preceded with "XII CAMPIONARIA"), Libya.
109 Tripoli Dl Barberia Italy overprint, Offices in Tripoli.
110 Tripoli Maggio Tripoiltanla overprint on stamps of Libya for air mail.
111 Tripolitania Tripolitania overprint on stamps of Italy.
112 Tristan Da Cunha Tristan Da Cunha overprint on stamps of St. Helena.
113 Tromso Bypost Norway Local Post.
114 Trucial States Persian Gulf Sheikdoms.
115 Tu Maco Colombia-Cauca Postmaster Provisional Labels.
116 Tunis, Tunisie Tunisia.
117 Turk Postalari Turkey.
118 Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus Formerly part of Cyprus, formed in 1983.
119 Turkiye (Cumhuriyeti) Turkey.
120 Tuscany Italian State.
121 Tuvalu Tuvalu overprint on stamps of Gilbert and Ellice Islands.
122 Two Pence (With Queen on a throne, above inscription) Victoria.
123 Two Sicilies Italian State.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "U"
No Name Language Description
1 U.A. Emirates United Arab Emirates.
2 U.A.E. United Arab Emirates overprint on stamps of Abu Dhabi.
3 U.A.R. United Arab Republic.
4 U.A.R. (With value in "p") Syria; (With value in "m") Egypt.
5 U.C.CO. Canada, Upper Columbia Co. Local Post.
6 U.G. (With value) Uganda Protectorate.
7 U.K.T.T. Cameroons overprint on stamps of Nigeria, Southern Cameroons.
8 U.N. Force (India) Congo India overprint on military stamps.
9 U.P.U. Inscription on many stamps for Universal Postal Union.
10 U.R.I. Jugosiavia overprint, Semipostal without official postal value.
11 U.S. United States.
12 UAPCTBO (Resembles these letters) Bulgaria.
13 UCIA (On vertically cut half stamp) St. Lucia.
14 Udine Italy Local Post.
15 Uganda Uganda overprint on stamps of British East Africa.
16 Uganda, East Africa, Kenya Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
17 Ukraine Russia overprint on stamps of Germany, German Occupation.
18 Ukrainian Post In Russian framed inside a stamp outline on postal meter paper. Applied in Kiev post offices.
19 Ultramar Portuguese Language for specimen.
20 Ultramar (With year) Cuba, Puerto Rico.
21 Ultramar (With value in avos or reis) Macao, Portuguese Guinea.
22 UM Abbreviation of Ouguiya, monetary unit of Mauritania.
23 Umm Al Quwain Persian Gulf Sheikdom.
24 Unef India overprint for military stamps.
25 UNESCO United Nations inscription for Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
26 Unie Van Zuid Afrika South Africa.
27 Union Island in Grenadines of St. Vincent.
28 Union Francaise Royaume Du Laos Laos.
29 Union Internationale Des Telecommunications Switzerland Official stamps for International Telecommunications Union.
30 Union Of South Africa South Africa.
31 Union Post United States Local Post.
32 Union Postale Arabe Libya, Arab Postal Union.
33 Union Postale Universellehelvetia Switzerland Official stamps of the Universal Postal Union International Bureau.
34 Union Square P.O. United States Local Post.
35 United Republic Of Tanganyika & Zanzibar Tanzania.
36 Universal Postal Union 18741949 (With King George VI and Crown) Great Britain.
37 UNTEA West Irian overprint on stamps of Netherlands New Guinea for United Nations Temporary Executive Authority.
38 Uopto Ckpncopn (resembles these letters) Romania-Moldavia.
39 UPHA Ropa Montenegro, Italian Occupation.
40 Upper Yafa Part of Aden Protectorate.
41 Urundi German East Africa overprint on stamps of Congo. Belgian Occupation.
42 USA United States inscription.
43 Uskub Turkey overprint.
44 USSR Russia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
45 Utah BOGUS stamps of United States.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "V"
No Name Language Description
1 V Colombia-Scadta consular overprint for Venezuela.
2 V. South Australia Official overprint (Volunteers).
3 V.A. South Australia Official overprint (Valuator and Auctioneer).
4 V.N. South Australia Official overprint (Vaccination).
5 V.R. Fiji overprint.
6 V.R. Special Post stamps of Transvaal handstamped under British occupation, Cape of Good Hope, 1900.
7 V.R. Transvaal Transvaai overprint.
8 V.R.I. Orange Free State, Transvaal overprint, British Occupation.
9 V.U.J.A.S.T.T. Trieste, Zone B overprint on stamps of Jugoslavia.
10 Vadso Norway Local Post.
11 Vaitupu One of the Tuvalu islands.
12 Vale Nicaragua overprint.
13 Vallees D'andorre Andorra.
14 Valona Italy overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire.
15 Valparaiso Multada Chile Postage Due.
16 Van Diemen's Land Original name of Tasmania.
17 Vancouver Island British Columbia and Vancouver Island.
18 Vanuatu Formerly New Hebrides.
19 Vardo Bypost Norway Local Post.
20 Vathy France overprint, Offices in Turkish Empire.
21 Vaticana, Vaticane Vatican City.
22 Veglia Fiume overprint on stamps of Fiume.
23 Veile Bypost Denmark Local Post.
24 Venda South Africa Homeland State.
25 Venez (Olana) Venezuela.
26 Veneza Venezuela.
27 Venezia Giulia Austria overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Occupation.
28 Venezia Tridentina Austria overprint on stamps of Italy, Italian Occupation.
29 Vereinte Nationes United Nations, Vienna Office.
30 Vetekeverria Albania.
31 Viborg Bypost Denmark Local Post.
32 Victoria Land New Zealand overprint for 1911 South Polar Expedition.
33 Viet Nam, Buu Chi Nh Viet Nam.
34 Viet Nam, Buu Chinh, Conghoa Viet Nam, South Viet Nam.
35 Viet Nam, Dan Chu, Conghoa Viet Nam, North Viet Nam.
36 VIII Varlospost Kongress Stockholm Sweden.
37 Vilnius Lithuania overprint on stamps of Russia.
38 Viva Espana Spain overprint.
39 Vjetori I Mbretnis Albania.
40 Voamena Madagascar local issue.
41 Vojenska Posta Siberia, for Czechoslovakian Army stationed in Siberia.
42 Vojna Uprava Jugoslavenske Armije Jugoslavia overprint for Istria and Slovene Coast.
43 Vom Empfanger Einzuziehen Danzig Official stamps.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "W"
No Name Language Description
1 W South Australia Official overprint (Waterworks).
2 W(est) Australia Western Australia.
3 Wadhwan India Feudatory State.
4 Wallis Et Futuna Waills and Futuna overprint on stamps of New Caledonia.
5 War, War Stamp, War Tax British Commonwealth of Nations overprint.
6 Warszawa Poland.
7 Weihnachten Italy overprint on stamps of Rhodes for Aegean Islands, Unofficial German Overprint.
8 Wells Fargo & Co. United States Local Post.
9 Wenden(sche) Russia-Wenden, former Province.
10 Wendenschen Russia-Wenden, Kreis, former Province.
11 West Irian Formerly Netherlands New Guinea.
12 West New Guinea Formerly Netherlands New Guinea.
13 West Town United States Local Post.
14 Western Samoa Samoa.
15 Westervelt's Post United States Local Post.
16 Wharton's Post United States Local Post.
17 Whittelsey's Express United States Local Post.
18 Wilayah Persekutuan Malayasia-Kuala Lumpur.
19 William's City Post United States Local Post.
20 Winan's City Post Bogus United States Local Post.
21 Wipa Austria Postal Exhibition Souvenir Sheet.
22 Wir Sind Frei Czechoslovakia overprint, German Occupation, unofficial stamp.
23 Won, Wn, Wun Korea Money Unit.
24 Wood & Co. City Despatch United States Local Post.
25 Wurttemberg (Natives and Scenes) Germany, French Occupation, German State.
26 Wyman United States Local Post.
27 Wyst. Filat 1934 Katowice Poland overprint
28 Wyyaah Mongolia.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "X"
No Name Language Description
1 Xaptoehmon Greece Tax stamps.
2 Xeaepa Montenegro.
3 Xeimappa (Resembles these letters) Epirus overprint on stamps of Greece.
4 Xejepa Montenegro Acknowledgement of Receipt stamps.
5 XII Campionaria Tripoli Libya (Twelfth Tripoli Fair).
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "Y"
No Name Language Description
1 Y 1/4 Cuba overprint.
2 Y.C.C.P. Ukraine overprint on stamps of Russia.
3 Yar Yemen Arab Republic.
4 Yca PeruYca Provisional Issue overprint.
5 Yctab Montenegro.
6 Yemen PDR Yemen, People's Democratic Republic.
7 Yen Japan Money Unit.
8 Ykp. H.P. (Pen) Western Ukraine overprint on stamps of Austria and Bosnia.
9 Ykpaihcbka (Resembles these letters) Ukraine.
10 Yksi Markka Finland.
11 YN Japan, Manchukuo Money Unit.
12 Yugoslavia Jugoslavia.
13 Yunnanfou France overprint on stamps of IndoChina, Offices in China.
14 Yunnansen inscription for Yunnanfu (Kunming), French post offices in China; 1903.
Inscriptions Overprints On Stamps "Z"
No Name Language Description
1 Z. Afr. Republiek (Republik) Transvaal, South African Republic.
2 Z.A.R. Cape of Good Hope overprint for Vryeburg-Boer Occupation.
3 Z.S.G.T. Hungary Local stamps (Zala Somogyi Steamship Co.).
4 Zaire Congo.
5 Zalotkop Poland Money Unit, Russian Occupation.
6 Zambia Formerly Northern Rhodesia.
7 Zanzibar France overprint, Offices in Zanzibar.
8 Zanzibar Zanzibar overprint on stamps of British East Africa, India.
9 Zanzibar-Tanzania Zanzibar.
10 Zarkach Poland-Zarki Local Post.
11 Zarska Burgarska Posta Royalist Bulgaria-Government in Exile labels.
12 Zawiercie Poland Local Post.
13 Zegelregt Transvaal Revenue stamps.
14 Zeitungs Austria Newspaper stamps.
15 Zelaya Nicaragua Province.
16 Zentraler Kurierdienst overprint on four stamps issued in 1947 by East Germany for sealing official correspondence.
17 Zieber's One Cent Dispatch United States Local Post.
18 Zil Eloigne (Elwagne, Elwannyen) Sesel Outer islands of Seychelles.
19 Zimbabwe Formerly Rhodesia.
20 Zimska Pomoc Overprint of Italian stamps for occupation of Ljubljana, Yugoslavia.
21 Zloty Poland Money Unit.
22 Zona De Ocupatie Romana Hungary overprint, Romanian occupation.
23 Zona De Protectorado Espanol En Marruecos Spanish Morocco overprint on stamps of Spain.
24 Zona Occupata Fiumano Kupa Jugosiavia overprint, Italian Occupation.
25 Zone Francaise Germany, French Occupation.
26 Zracna Posta Trieste, Zone B, Issued by Jugoslv Military Government.
27 Zuid Afrikaansche Transvaai, South African Republic.
28 Zuidwest Afrika South West Africa.
29 Zulassungmarke German military stamp inscription.
30 Zululand Zululand overprint on stamps of Great Britain, Natal.
31 Zurich Switzerland Canton.
32 Zwykla Poland Official stamps.

David Saks

Winner of the Coveted Memphex 2019 Marshall Trophy for "Best of Show"
Philatelic Exhibit "The Famous American Stamp Series of 1940"