The Unedited
Interview With
David Saks
University of Memphis
Alumni Association
What years did you attend the U of M?
began as a volunteer at The University of Memphis' (formerly Memphis State University) campus
radio station, WTGR (TGR for Tiger Radio) in 1969 just prior to the beginning of my senior year in
high school.
My first classes at
Memphis State University were in the summer of 1970. I was a music major.
My elected minor was psychology and I worked as an assistant in the psychology labs
along with Drs. Middleton, Lupfer, Kenny, and others. I've had the great privilege and honor to conduct
research with the late Dr. Joseph Krisak (March
14th 1950 - January 25, 2021). I was enrolled from 1970 until I left for the Middle East
in 1974 to serve in Israel with students from throughout the world.
I lived in the Middle East in Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Bethlehem and the Jordanian
/ Israeli border as an American volunteer in 1974. I spent a couple of months in Scotland
and England before returning to the United States.
How did you get your start
in radio ?
Radio and the associative technological aspect of it has always fascinated me.
I began as a shortwave listener
at the age of six and had one of the first callsigns for my hobby radio station issued by Popular
Electronics to their readers in the early 1960's. WPE4IVK (the "PE" in the prefix stood
for Popular Electronics).
I started experimenting
as a seven year old child by placing two tube receivers together, given to me by my great grandmother,
and I listened for heterodynes, a method of combining a radio frequency wave with a locally generated
wave of a different frequency to produce a new frequency equal to the sum or the difference between
the two from spurious local emissions generated by each receiver. After combining radio frequency
waves with locally generated waves of a different frequency produced by the faint emissions of the
adjacent receiver, I could produce new frequencies equal to the sum or difference between the
combined frequencies. The adjacent differing tuning capacitors and the emissions from
them served as a window to an emission form known as single side band with the harmonics generated
from the chassis of each receiver. When I discovered heterodyning from the local oscillations of the
two receivers it opened the world of Morse code and amateur radio to me. I had created what would
be known as a crude beat frequency oscillator with the two receivers.
I was an Explorer Scout with emphasis on amateur radio as a young teenager. I began
receiving Morse code training from the Navy at the age of thirteen in a special class
for Scouts in 1965 located at the Naval Reserve Facility on Avery Road in Memphis. I was
awarded a merit badge by the Chickasaw Council of The Boy Scouts of America for being the fastest
code receiver in my class. They clocked me at over thirty words a minute before my fourteenth birthday.
It helped being a musician because timing is everything with Morse code. My amateur radio license,
WK2B, is still active and I'm licensed as "Extra Class" with the Federal Communications
I've also had the great privilege
and honor of serving as a civilian trustee for the Millington Naval Air Stations' Amateur Radio Station,
W4ODR, and I've flown with general aviation and military pilots at the Millington Naval Air Station
flight club.
I completed three years of
ROTC and served as a lieutenant in the Civil Air Patrol. In addition to flying search and rescue missions,
I attended the United States Air Force Leadership Training Academy in the 1980's while working for a general aviation flight
school at Memphis International Airport as an airframe and powerplant student. I had a 3rd class recreational and general
aviation student pilots license. I had successfully completed and passed all of my ground school written examinations as mandated
by Federal Aviation Administration in the 1980's.
flight instructor, Ted Martens, was killed flying aerobatics to raise money for charity. I spent the day before the air show
with Ted assisting him with his plane, inspecting all of the instruments, fluids, tire pressure, wings and struts, avionics,
lights and electrical system preparing him for the air show. I worked for his flight school.
I remember the day before the air show watching Ted taxi down the runway in front
of me for the last time, saluting me, flying into the sun.
August 8th 1920, Edward "Ted" Martens was a fighter pilot.
Ted died on Sunday June 13th 1982. My dreams of becoming a pilot also died that day. He treated me like his
son. I rememebr how we laughed when he told me that I could play boogie woogie better than fly.
Can you talk a little about the early days of WUMR/WTGR and how different things are
was the beginning of college radio for me.
We were a ten watt radio station when I arrived in 1969 to work with Richard Hiller,
our engineer, faculty members Dr. David Yellin, Dr. Marvin Bensman, and others long before Dr. Richard
Ranta arrived to supervise what would become a jazz station. I was still a senior in high school when
I arrived.
You had to park your car under the window of the radio
station to hear the show back then. If you lived on the campus, then we used a transmission principle
known as "carrier current," a method of low power AM radio transmission that uses AC electrical
wiring to propagate an AM signal to a small area such as a college dormitory. You could plug
your table top radio into any wall receptacle on the campus and hear the station clearly.
It all changed when our station license was approved by the Federal Communications
Commission which included an effective radiating power increase.
We were an all-album station in 1969 which meant that you could play an album in
its entirety rather than just a selected cut here and there from the vinyl.
The broadcast equipment was quite primitive by today's standards and consisted of
early analog equipment, circuits and devices having an output proportional to its
input as opposed to the digital technology we have today which, simply put, is a circuit or
device representing magnitudes in digits. The fundamental difference between the analog and today's
digital signal is that an analog signal is represented by sine waves, a wave whose waveform resembles
a sine curve, or the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, whereas,
the digital signal is represented by a square wave which we all know to be a plane rectangle with
four equal sides and four right angles. In digital technology, the analog wave is sampled at
some interval, and then turned into numbers that are stored in the digital device.
On a CD, the sampling rate is 44,000 samples per second. On a CD, there are 44,000 numbers stored
per second of music. This is what we hear today, and even better than ever.
Students received academic credit for participating. Not so today. I hope that will
change for our scholars.
What type of jazz do you play on your
WUMR show? Whats your favorite music genre?
I play music from the period between
bebop and the 1960s' and focus on music that blends jazz elements with other musical styles, such
as funk, soul, electronic dance music, and free improvisation. Bebop is a favorite with it's fast
tempo, instrumental virtuosity, improvisation and interesting harmonic structure that focuses on the
Jazz fusion is popular
and combines elements of jazz and rock with it's electronic instruments and long, creative solos.
Latin jazz is always in the mix and draws heavily on salsa and merengue influences with its heavy
use of percussion, congas, timbales, bongos, and more. The big bands of the 40's and swing are a hit.
There's so much in the jazz spectrum that
I love, but when it comes to my favorite musical style its stride piano.
Stride is nearly a lost art form and very difficult to master. The greatest of the
stride pianists played in a wide range of highly rhythmic tempos with great emphasis
on improvisation. Stride is fantastic!
What other stations have you worked at?
I assisted with the construction of WLYX, Southwestern at Memphis, now Rhodes College, in 1971 along
with station manager George McClintock and Mrs. Betty Ruffin from CBC. WLYX was destroyed by a construction
accident in 1991. I was the last person on the air the day it occurred. An earth mover plowing the
field near the transmitter shack ran over the transmission line and destroyed the transmitter.
CBC and WREC radio, 600AM, donated
much of the equipment to Southwestern. As Christian Brothers is focused on engineering, there were
plenty of enthusiastic electrical engineering students and amateur radio operators ready to lend a
hand and equipment.
Christian Brothers
College, now Christian Brothers University, operated WCBC at that time on the AM bands. I filled in
during the weekends in addition to my other air shift responsibilities. WCBC's antenna was a satellite
tower for the Military Affiliate Radio Station known as MARS, passing "good and welfare"
traffic to combat soldiers in Viet Nam and elsewhere. I had my amateur radio license at that time,
as I still do, and I'm licensed to pass traffic with MARS.
I was employed by WKNO-FM from January 1972 until January 1974 at which time I volunteered
to work in Israel and the middle east for a year with other students. WKNO's now retired
chief engineer, Pat Lane, is one of my oldest pals.
I assisted with the construction of WEVL with engineers Jim Maxwell and Doug Hirsch
in 1976, its first year of operation. WEVL was located in an old house on Court Avenue at the time.
WEVL's present location is in an old building in the 500 block of South Main Street that once belonged
to my relatives.
I served Rock 103 from
2002 until 2004. I was part of the Wake Up Crew with Tim Spencer, Bev Hart and the late, great John
"Bad Dog" McCormack. I had been a frequent guest on their program for several years prior
to being invited to become a regular part of the show. In addition to the great fun of working there,
we had a serious mission. The Wake Up Crew raised millions of dollars for local charities. The most
important aspect of radio is its power to do that which is good for our city, our neighbors
and the well-being of all. That was our mission.
What musical instrument do
you play?
a pianist.
As musician and composer,
two of my songs, "In Memphis" and "One Last Bridge", were adopted by the Memphis
City Council as "Official Songs of Memphis" in 1990 and 1991.
My music manuscripts and works for piano "Impressions of Memphis" are in the Library
of Congress.
Are you still working in real estate and addressing fair
housing and predatory lending?
I retired my broker's license in 2015.
I served the Fair Housing Committee for
the Memphis Area Association of Realtors.
I dedicated two decades
of my life to researching real estate fraud, predatory lending and fair housing.
I researched and reported on real estate fraud for several years for
the real estate community.
Discuss a little about your stamp collecting
and how you came to be honored
with the first officially
cancelled Elvis Presley first-day cover.
I began collecting stamps when I was five years
old. My grandfather had lived in Pretoria, Johannesburg and Durban, South Africa. When he arrived
in Memphis, in the very early twentieth century, he still had relatives in South Africa that corresponded
with him. I was fascinated by the flora and fauna, the ships and landscape on the stamps on
the envelopes. He removed the stamps from the envelopes and gave them to me to study.
It was a way for me to learn about the world as a child.
I belong to the Memphis Stamp Collectors Society. I've been a member of the
American Philatelic Society for three decades. I'm the philatelic crossword puzzle author for Linn's
Stamp Weekly magazine and create the philatelic-themed crosswords monthly.
As for the Elvis Presley first day of issue cover, I was the first in line to have
my envelope cancelled by Graceland. It was a magical evening and the greatest event
in the history of stamp collecting!
have two letters from Graceland recognizing the January 8, 1993 Elvis Presley stamp-adorned envelope
as the "First to be cancelled by Graceland."
The envelope is signed by dignitaries who attended the event including Priscilla Presley.
The temperature on Graceland Plaza was around 30 to 35 degrees with light drizzle
from sundown on that day. No one cared about the bad weather. Something seemed to
say that Memphis was awaiting a grand arrival. Elvis couldn't have gotten a finer reception
from his hometown. While the bands were playing and the dignitaries were making their speeches and
presentations, the crowds grew. Nobody appeared to be impatient. This was a real family show that
special evening and the cast of characters was one of which everyone in attendance could have been
proud of.
At every corner of Graceland
Plaza, cables twisted and turned, microwave dishes towered over the heads of the crowds, and nervous
production crews checked their lists to make sure that everything had consistency and coherence with
clockwork precision. This would be the grandest event of the year for Memphis and the grandest event
for stamp collecting ever seen. To say that something like the Elvis stamp event will
never occur in my lifetime again would be safe.
Memphis is my home and native soil. The music is the language of many in my Tennessee
town. The river flows through this town like a stream of notes from a guitar on Beale Street.
Two bridges span the muddy water like strings across the bridge of a piano. That's my Memphis. And
on that day, January 7, 1993, it was as though we were all waiting for Elvis to come home. The rich,
the poor, black and white, men, women and children, young and old alike, all came to Memphis that
day for Elvis.
Through the many busy hours
we prepared for this homecoming not fully realizing the impact it would have on the rest of the world,
but at the same time curiously wondering if we would ever do this again.
The countdown to the release of the stamp began on June 4, 1992 with the unveiling
of the Elvis stamp design chosen by his fans. The choice for the illustration had
been made under the leadership of United States Postmaster General Anthony Frank, who also
signed the cover. Postmaster General Frank's tireless efforts to honor Elvis should never be forgotten
as Memphis remains grateful to him.
Plans were
also being made for Elvis' fifty eighth birthday celebration to coincide with the release of the stamp.
A gigantic cake with 58 candles on it had been created. A cake big enough to feed hundreds of fans
and stamp collectors! In the Graceland party room on the south side of the plaza local bakeries were
delivering truckloads of beautifully decorated birthday cakes with confection designs of the Elvis
stamp ready to be perforated by the chefs with their bakers' knives.
Balloons were everywhere with streamers and other colorful decorations adorning
the ceilings and walls. The months of preparation and the hundreds of media hours were
about to pay off in a big way.
In the tent
across the street from Graceland Mansion national media representatives from every corner of North
America readied the moment to pay homage to the King of Rock and Roll.
In addition to our local friends, the English, the Irish, Scottish, the Germans,
Austrians, Norwegians, Russians, Australians, Canadians, Mexicans, Japanese, Israelis, Finns
and South Africans made the pilgrimage to Memphis with their stamp collectors to honor
the greatest rock and roller in history.
was certainly enough cake to go around and even some peanut butter and banana sandwiches, Elvis' favorite
The celebration went on well through
the night and into the wee hours of January 8, 1993 even after all the dignitaries had spoken and
all the cake had been eaten.
The lines
around the postal station had grown very long, winding around Graceland Plaza all night. Faithful
Elvis fans patiently waited for their stamps which went on sale at exactly 12:15 A.M. on the early
morning of January 8, 1993 at the command of Graceland's executives.
I stood first in line and watched my first day cover fly through the cancellation
machine on command, when Governor Ned McWherter finished his address, making my Elvis
stamp the very first one to be canceled by the Graceland contract postal station. One
Elvis stamp had been removed from a full sheet of forty stamps about five minutes prior to midnight.
I was dazzled by the surrounding excitement and I recall the postal clerk asking me if I was going
to pay her. I fidgeted nervously for the twenty-nine-cent cost of the stamp and pulled a quarter and
a nickel out of my pocket and handed the change to the clerk. The clerk took a penny from her cash
drawer and gave it to me.
Adrenaline was
flowing while we waited for the order from Graceland executives Laura Ferguson and Shelly Evans standing
next to the cancellation machine. I handed Laura my envelope with stamp on it. She placed it on the
machine's tray and at that moment I realized my stamp would be the first one to be postmarked by Graceland.
The fireworks display stopped, and Shelly gave the order for Laura to postmark my stamp.
Graceland honored me with two letters attesting
the authenticity of the stamp.
On August 12, 2015, I obtained
the first Elvis Forever stamp at Graceland, as well.
collecting is the greatest hobby in the world.
Thank you, David