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A and R Collectibles (A and R Collectibles - United States) A.Karamitsos Stamps and Postal History of Greece (Greece) AA Collectors Banknotes, Flags, Stamps, Disney AB Philea (Christer Svensson - Sweden) Abe Stamp Collection (Abe Gallery - United States) Academy Stamp Company (Marshall Goldberg - United States) AD Stamps (Andrew Dyer - England) Adminware Corporation Canadian Stamps (Robin Harris - Canada) Adolf Kosel KG Stamps, Letters, FDCs, Maximum Cards (Austria) AFINSA Philatelic and Numismatic Collecting (Spain) Agent Service, Stamps, Philatelic Supplies and Literature (Sherry Straley and John Van Alstyne - United States) Airmail Collector (Colin Roberts - United Kingdom) Aktiv Software Corporation (Don Cal - Canada) Albany Stamp Company (Steve Radin - United States) All Nations Stamp and Coin (Brian Grant Duff - Canada) American Stamp & Coin Co. U.S. & Worldwide (Dale L. Williams and Peter N. Spooner - United States)
Americana Resources Antiques and Collectibles Including Stamps (United States) Americana Stamp & Coin Galleries Rare Stamps, Expert Witness & Appraisal (Jay Tell - United States)
AmeriCom Philatelic Mint U.S. Stamps (Martin L. Barron, Jr.- United States) Amos Press Owners of Linn's and Scott (United States) Anthony's Coins, Stamps, Paper (United States) Apex Philatelics Ltd Approvals, Mixes, Auctions (United Kingdom) Aron R. Halberstam Philatelists, Ltd. British Commonwealth (United States) Arpin Philately Inc. Stamps on Approval (Daniel Arpin - Canada) Artmaster Incorporated U.S. First Day Covers (United States) ATM Wiedemann & Maier GbR ATM Stamps (Belgium) Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association Inc (APTA) (Australia) Australian Coins, Stamps, Albums & Catalogues (Warren and Virginia Spence - Australia) Australian Philatelic Wholesalers PTY LTD (Adam FoX - Australia) Australian Sports Stamps (Noel G. Almeida - Australia) Australian Stamps (Glen Stephens - Australia) Bait Tov Topical & Countries Packets, Israel Stamps (Zvi Tov - Israel)
Bangladesh (Bangladesh) Bardo Stamps For Collectors (Jim Bardo - United States) Barewalls.Com Stamp Posters & Prints (Nick Reit - United States) Bel-Aire Collectibles (Greg Kellermann - United States) Benham First Day Covers (United Kingdom) Bicycle Stamps 10000 bicycle stamps / stationeries (Arnoldt Rehm - Germany)
Bill Barrell Ltd Great Britain Stamps and Postal History (Bill Barrell - United Kingdom)
Bjørn's Stamp Page (Bjørn Ommundsen - Norway) Blue Owl's Stamps (Tim Koch-Australia-New Guinea) Bob's Stamp Page Classic U.S. Singles (Bob Adair - United States) Bolaffi (Italy) Bombay Stamps (Bombay Stamps - United States) Books on Philately (Leonard H. Hartmann - United States) Briefmarkenecke (Carsten Mai - Germany) Briefmarkenversand Rosemarie Greuel (Rosemarie Greuel - Germany) Britzer's Stamp Friends (Germany) Brookman Stamp Company (Michael Jaffe - United States) Buffalo Stamp Scout Topicals (United States) Bulloch VFNH (Peter Bulloch - Canada) Bulterman Filatelie (The Netherlands) C & G Stamps United States (Greg Reeves - United States) Campbell Paterson Ltd (Campbell Paterson Ltd. - New Zealand)Can Stock Photo Stamp Images at Can Stock Photo (Nick Reit) Canadian Stamp Dealers' Association (CSDA - Canada) Canal Zone, USA, British Area, and Worldwide for Sale (Wayne Worthington) Candlish McCleery Ltd Great Britain (United Kingdom) Carolina Mountain Stamps (Sally Campbell - United States) Chalon Stamps Ltd New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain and Pacific Island (Peter Whittaker - New Zealand)
Charity Signed Autographs Signed Covers from Great Britain (United Kingdom) Charlestown Stamps (Matt H. Matzoll - Australia) Chinese Stamps For Sale (Frank Wilson - United Kingdom) Chris' Stamp Room U.S. Used and Covers (United States) Collectibles Insurance Agency Insurance For Collectors (United States) Colorano Silk Cachets (United States) Commemoratives International, Ltd. Postage, Picture Postcards, FDC's (United States) Connecticut Cinderellas Worldwide Revenues and Cinderellas (Raymond E. Petersen - United States)
Cool Stamps for Sale (Greg Caron Stamps - United States) Coughlin's (Ray L. Coughlin - United States) County Stamp Center New Issues, Classic Items (Alex Birman - County Stamp Center - United States)
CS Philatelic Agency Singapore Mint & Used Stamps and First Day Covers (Tan Chun Lim - Singapore)
CS Philatelic Agency (Singapore) CTi Philatelic Displays (France) Cybercoins Stamps Baseball Stamps (Hiram C. Wilson - United States) CyberStamps (Yossi Nulamed - United States) Danish AFA Catalogue (Lars Boes - Denmark) Danish On-Line Collectors (Toke Norby - Denmark) Dave Kaplan Stamps (Dave Kaplan - United States) David Brandon Rare Classic Stamps Rare Stamps from G.B. (David Brandon - United Kingdom) Davidson's Stamp Service (United States) Deutscher Philatelie Service (Ronald Janasch - Germany) Dingus Worldwide Postal History and Revenue Documents (Dingus Moore and Louis) Disler Philatelie (Switzerland) DJ's Stamps (Danny - United States) DK Enterprises (Dick Keiser - United States) Dmitrij and Son Stamps Mint Stamps from Ex-USSR and World for Sale (D. K. Efremov - Russia)
Don Lewis Country Collections (Don Lewis - United States) Dragon Cards First Day Cover Cards (Lloyd A. de Vries - United States) E.S.J. van Dam Ltd. (Erling van Dam - Canada) Earl P. L. Apfelbaum, Inc. Mail Bid Sales and Public Auctions (Diane Apfelbaum - United States)
East European Stamps (D J M Kerr - United Kingdom) Eastgate Universal Stamps and Coins (Craig Rosen - South Africa) Ed and Matt's Stamp Page Stamps for Sale (Matt LaPlant - United States) Edmunds & Turner Ltd. eBay, Queen Victoria, Errors Varieties, Booklets (Nicholas Turner-Great
Britain) Ege Bjerregaard Frimærkehandel (Denmark) Empire Philatelists British Commonwealth Stamps and British Stamps (Stuart Chandler - United Kingdom) Eric Jackson Revenue Stamps (Eric Jackson - United States) Eric Paul Stamps Great Britain (United Kingdom) Espace Lollini, Space Philately Specialist, Album and Catalog Editor (Lollini Bernard and Alexandre - France) Everything for Collectors (Adolf Kosel - Austria) Falmouth Stamp & Coin United States and Foreign Stamps (United States) Fauquex Philatelie (FAUQUEX Philately - Switzerland) Filatélica Penny Black (Giorgio Radini - Brazil) Filatelia Martinez (Spain) Filkom Postage Stamps (Nackaerts Jan - Belgium) First Day Cover Cachet Catalogues and Upcoming Stamp Shows (4-Collectors - United States) Flying Buffalo Inc Genuine Revenue Stamps (Tax Stamps) for Illegal Substances (United States) Fogostamps (Argentina) FotoSearch 33 million stock photos, over 68,000 postage stamp images (Nick Reit - United States)
Foreign Sets for Sale (Ed Anderson - United States) Fortunes of War: Postage Stamps and Paper Collectibles (Michael Hyman - United States) Freeman's Postal History (Greg Sutherland - United States) Freeman's Home Page (Greg Sutherland - United States) Gabriele's Philatelic Service (Gariele Woodbine - Australia) Garfield Philately (A.L. Garfield - United Kingdom) Gary Anderson Postal History (Gary Anderson - United States) Gary Posner, Inc (United States) Gateway Stamp Company (Tom and Rose Wiley - United States) Geir & Jørgens Stamp Site (Norway) Georg's German Stamp Offers (Georg Hammrich - Germany) Gettysburg Flag Works (Philatelic Links) Glen Stephens (Sydney, Australia) Global Stamps (Global Stamps of Olympia - United States) Globe Stamps Ltd British Commonwealth (Sweden) GotStamps Specializing in German States, Europe, Scandanavia and Canada (GotStamps - United States)
Grahame W.Mann Philatelist Stamps of Great Britain 1840 - 1970 (United Kingdom) Gregg Nelson Stamps (Gregg Nelson - United States) Guy Olivier (Guy Olivier - Canada) Guy Shaw Latin American Stamps (United States) H.E. Harris Company (United States) Hallmark Stamp Issues Historic Commemorative Stamp Issues in Precious Metals (United Kingdom) Hard to Find Stamp Company Buyers and Sellers of Worldwide Stamps (Boyd and Dianna Eveland - United States) Heathside Collectibles U.S. & Worldwide Stamp Collecting Supplies and Stamps (Matthew Crandell - United States)
Henry Gitner Philatelists, Inc. United Nations (Henry Gitner Philatelists - United States) Hermann E. Sieger GmbH (Germany) Herrick Stamp Company New Issues (United States) HH Sales Limited Philatelic Literature (Stephen Holder - United Kingdom) Hugh Wood, Inc. Collectibles Insurance (United States) Hummel's Philatelie-Service (Martin Findel and Richard Hummel - Germany) Hunt & Co. (United States) Iberstamps (Spain) Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corporation (United States) Internet Antique Shop Chat (United States) Internet Philatelic Shop (Czechoslovakia) Iowa Stamps and Coins United Staes Stamps and Supplies (Terry & Rebecca Holdridge - United States) Island Stamp and Coin (Dick Bland - United States) J. Barefoot Ltd Older Stamps of Europe (John Barefoot - United Kingdom) J. Garvey & Sons Mail Auctions, Mail Orders, Appraisals (Joseph Sr. and Les Garvey - Canada) James E. Lee's Philately on the Web (James Lee - United States) James T. McCusker, Inc. (James McCusker - United States) Jamestown Stamp Company Approvals (United States) Japan, Ryukyus, and Worldwide for Sale (George C. Baxley - United States) Jay Smith & Associates Scandinavian Philately (United States) JCM Museum Shop (Jas W Felter - Canada) Jim Forte Postal History United States and Worldwide Postal History (Jim Forte - United States) JOBI Philatelic Services United States and Worldwide. Specializing in Postal History. (Bill Lehr - United States)
Joe Frasketi's Space Covers (Tony Frasketi - United States) John Lister Limited British Commonwealth (David Lister - United Kingdom) John Matthews Great Britain, Germany, Kuwait, Thailand, Bahain (United Kingdom) Jonal Art Covers Hand-Painted Covers (Eunice Alter - United States) Jonathan Tung World Wildlife Fund, Topical Issues (Jonathan Tung - Hong Kong) Judaica Sales (Isidore Baum - Canada) Judnick Postcards Covers & Stamps (United States) Kandi Ab (Robert Stolt - Sweden) Karl A Norsten AB (Karl A Norsten - Sweden) Keimar Stamps Worldwide Stamps and Topicals (Keith or Mary Rathbone - United States) Ken Srail United States Pre-1940 and 1893 Columbian and 1901 Pan-American World's Fair Memorabilia (United
States) Kennedy Stamps (Robert Kennedy - Australia) Klassische Philatelie (Germany) Knottywood Treasures-First Day Covers FDC's by Colorano & Collins. Illustrated Colorano catalog. (Rex Briggs-United States)
KOBRA - Sammlerbedarf (Frank Schlattner - Germany) La Maison du Timbre (Stamp House) French stamps and French Colonies, Andorre, Monaco, Europa (Christian Isaac - France)
LC Stamps (Lee R. Clark - United States) Lehmann Christmas Test Seal Covers (Douglas Lehmann - United States) Lindner Hingeless Albums (United States) Lingen.com (Roy & Debbie Lingen - Canada) Linn's Zillions of Stamps (United States) Luk Vanduffel bvba (Luk Vanduffel - Belgium) Maddy's Philatelic Service (Ed Yonelinas - Canada) Mail by Rail (F. J. Wilson - England) Maine Stamp Shoppe (Maine Stamp Shoppe, Daniel Butler - United States) Mark Bloxham Stamps I.T Pickering World Famous Collection of Maltese Cross Cancellations (United Kingdom)
Mark Sargent Stamps (Mark Sargent - United Kingdom) Marlen Stamp and Coin Ltd. (Michael Almeida - United States) Mayflower Traders. Ltd (Joseph S. Colello - United States) MCXI Philatelics Europe and Colonies, British Commonwealth (Ralph Greenhut - United States) ME-FIL di Messeri Ugo Postal Stationery, San Marino, Vatican, Trieste and Italian Colonies (Italy) Meerdaal Fil Stamps of Belgium (Belgium) Michael Eastick & Associates P/L Stamps, Postal History, Coins, Banknotes, Collectables from Australia and the World (Australia)
Michael Rogers Inc. Asian Philately, World Wide Stamps, Postal History & Postal Stationery
(United States) Michel (Germany) Miller's Stamp Shop U.S. Classics (United States) Minnesota Stamp and Coin Company, Inc. (Rick Wolfe - United States) Mowbray Collectables: House of Stamps Ltd New Zealand Stamps and Accessories (New Zealand) Murray Payne Ltd King George VI (Stuart Murray Babbington and Richard George Payne Pollard (Dickon) - United
Kingdom) Nederlandsche Postzegel- en Muntenveiling (The Netherlands) Neil Creative Media Full Service Philatelic Ad Agency (Randy Neil - United States) NetStamps.Eu (Jens Jacobsen - Scandinavia) Stamps.Com (United States) New Zealand Stamps On-line (Auckland City Stamps, David Leng - New Zealand) Nicholas & Turner U.K. Stamps of Great Britain Located in London Noble's Catalog of Cacheted Inaugural Covers (Edward Krohn - United States) Nome Street Booklets of the World (United States) Nordisk Filateli (Morten Persson - Sweden) Norfolk Island Stamps (Sheila Grimshaw - Norfolk Island, South Pacific) North Toronto Stamp Club (North Tornto,Ontario Canada) Northwest Stamps (J. Lindsay - Worldwide) Oceania Philatelic Galleries : British Oceania (Richard M. Parke - United States) OH Frimærker (Denmark) Online Philatelic Literature Catalog (Phil Bansner - United States) Osborne-Kaufmann (Trish Kaufmann - United States) OZ Stamp (Queensland) Ozark Philatelics and Collectibles Boy Scout and Postage Stamp Collectibles (Kirk Doan - United States) Paperless Stamps The Electronic Stamp Store (Rick Mingee - United States) Park Cities Stamps Carriers & Locals of the United States (Byron Sandfield - United States) Parkstone Philatelics Michael B. Mercer (United Kingdom) Patrick Labbe (Lundy Island Stamps: Labbe's Specialized Guide to Lundy Island 2015) Pennies per Stamp Approvals (Roy Lingen - Canada) Pennymead Auctions West Indies (David Druett - United Kingdom) Pennyred.com (Gordon Carroll - United Kingdom) Personal Touch Stamps for Collectors (Duane Morford) Peter Mosiondz, Jr. United States Stamps (Peter Mosiondz, Jr. - United States) Phil Bansner (Phil Bansner - United States, Worldwide) Philagenta (Franz Fedra - Germany) Philasearch - Browse Through the World of Philatelie (Walter Christ - Germany) PHILATE-LIST (Jerry Jensen - United States) Philategenta GmbH (Franz Fedra - Germany) Philatelia Hungarica Hungary and Worldwide (Hungary) Philatelic Albums and Supplies (The Duncannon Partnership - United Kingdom) Philatelic Exposition Material for Sale (C.T.i. - France) Philatelic Market (PHILMART - Lots-A-Stamps) (Lots-A-Stamps - United States) Philatelic Publishers (James Bendon Ltd - Cyprus) philatelic-literature.com (Lawrence) Philately.ch Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, France, Europe (Henry Béhar - Switzerland)
PHILIMPEX (A. Zbojnowicz - Germany) Philnet Online (France) PhilNet Mirror Site. Also an English version (PhilNet - France) Pittwater Philatelic Service Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific Islands (John & Tracy Pearson - Australia)
Plate Block Stamp Company (Richard Lazorow - United States) Post-Age Collectibles (United States) PostalNet (Don Tocher - United States) PostBeeld (PostBeeld, Rob Smit - The Netherlands) Potomac Supplies (United States) Price Lists for German and Austrian Areas (Ralph Schneider - United States) QVPennies (Geoffrey Chappell - United Kingdom) Rainer's Stamp Corner : Fine Stamps and Postal History Worldwide (Rainer Fuchs - Germany) Red Dwarf Stamp-Centre First Day Covers (United Kingdom) Richard Borek GmbH & Co. KG (Jens Heise-Engelschalk - Germany) Richard Stenlake Postcards (United Kingdom) Rigastamps (United States) Robin Linke Australian Stamp Dealer Australia & the South Pacific (Australia) Robinhood Stamp Company (Chris Howard - United Kingdom) Robstine Stamps (Robstine Stamps - United Kingdom) Romberg Philatelie GmbH (Germany) Royal Philatelic Society The Royal Philatelic Society London est. 1869 (United Kingdom) Royale Stamp Great Britain including Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man & Alderney (United Kingdom)
S.C.Virtes Stamps (S.C.Virtes - United States) SAFE Collecting Supplies (United States) Salvation Army Collectables Memorabilia Including Stamps and Covers (Adele Miller - United Kingdom) Samler-Borsen (Norway) Saskatoon Stamp Centre (John Jamieson - Canada) SBZ - Swiss Philatelic Newspaper (Markus Seitz - Switzerland) Schmitt Investors Ltd. Postal History (Fred Schmitt - United States) Scotia Philately (Colin Harding - United Kingdom) Scotstamps Great Britain and the British Commonwealth (David Buchanan - Scotland) Seven Continents Philatelics United States Stamps, Worldwide Disney Stamps (Frank Bachenheimer - United
States) Seven Seas Stamps Pty Ltd Stamps and Philatelic Supplies (Australia) Shades Stamp Shop Ltd (Steven McLachlan - New Zealand) Sherwood Commemoratives Pty Ltd (Australia) Silombra House (Jean Silombra - France) Silver Jubilee Stamps (Tony Ainscough - Commemorating 1935 Silver Jubilee of King George V. - Great Britain)
Sliema Stamp Shop Malta Specialists (Malta) Space and other Topical Covers (Joe Frasketi - United States) Stamp Accessories (Michael Kay - United Kingdom) StampBoards.Com Fine Stamp Collecting Forum (Glenn Stephens - Australia - Worldwide) Stamps Center United State - Worldwide (Alex Birman) Stamp and Coin Shop (Stamp and Coin Store - United States) Stamp and Postal Stationery Sites (Andrew Gondocz - Canada) Stamp Fair Online Stamp Auction (Worldwide) Stamp Professor (Frederick Bean - United States) Stamp Shows Stamp Show Directory (Worldwide) Stamp Studio (Bill Kemp - United States) Stamp-Street (Japan) StampWorld (Johanna Paz) The Most Complete Online Stamp Catalogue in the World StampandCoin (DeKalb Stamp and Coin Co. - United States) StampFinder Global Electronic Stamp Exchange (Richard Lehmann, President - United States) Stamps and Philately (SAMMLER.COM - Germany) Stamps for Collectors (Stuart Katz - United States) Stamps International (Harry Eaby - United States - Worldwide) Stamps of Bulgaria & The World (Bulgaria) Stamps on the Web (Rob van de Weghe - Netherlands) Stamps Online (Germany) Stamps Oversea Topics Mint and Postcards (Claudia Greuel - Germany) Stamps Shop (Germany) Stamps Studio (Austria) Stamps.com Mailing and Shipping Solutions (United States) Stampsite.com - Moo Stamp Company (Chuck Moo - United States) StampStudio.com (Bill Kemp - Worldwide) stampview.com (Alan Anderson - United States) Stanley Gibbons Great Britain, Commonwealth, European and World Stamps, Online Auctions (United Kingdom)
Stanley Lisica (Peter Hagler - United States) Stephabel Stamps for Collectors How to Become a Dealer - Gérard Rault (Canada) Subway Stamp Shop America's Largest Stamp Album and Supply Company (Hugh M Goldberg
- United States) Supplies for Stamp and Coin Collectors (Lighthouse Publications - Germany) Swedish Stamp and Postcard Magazine (Bo Bergforsen) Sydney Philatelics Pty Ltd Australasia, British Commonwealth, Booklets, Asia (Sydney Phil. Pty. Ltd. - Australia)
Tazi Tiger's Den: The Stamp Place Great Britain & Pacific countries (David Newell - Australia) Tecol International (Victor Slonim - United States)
The Collectible Stamp Gallery Worldwide Topical and Thematic Stamps (Dan & Stephanie Nieuwlandt - United States)
The Stamproom (United Kingdom) Thematic Stamp Catalogues (Domfil - Spain) The Ultimate Guide to Stamp Collecting Start Local Web Services (Jacob Crane - Australia) Thomas Gompf's Stamp Shop Bargain-Specialist (Thomas Gompf - Germany) Timbre Orbite Inc. (Timbre Orbite - Canada) Timbres-Themes Topicals (Janice Dugas - Canada) Topical Philately for Sale (Loïc Marchat - France) Topical Stamps (United States) Topical Stamps (Svein Bjerkholt - Norway) Tremoncard Versandantiquariat Postcards (Gerhard Fleitmann - Germany) Trevor Pateman Russia and Related Areas Philately (United Kingdom) U.S. Mint Stamps for Sale (Mark Leon - United States) U.S. Net Price List and Color Catalog (Century Stamps - United States) U.S. Plate Number Coils (Ed Denson - United States) U.S. Postal History for Sale (Jim Forte - United States) U.S. Stamps for Sale DJ's Stamps (Daniel Weissmann - United States) U.S. Stamps on Approval (Duane D. Morford - United States) Ume 98 (Toshihiko Tanaka - Japan) Unicover Corporation (S. K. McConnell - United States) United Nations Philatelists, Inc. (Dennis Hamilton - United States) United States Mint (United States) United States Postal Stationery (Philip and Henry Stevens - United States) Unitrade Associates Philatelic Books and Supplies (Doug Robinson and Al (Gino) Casa - Canada) US First Day Ceremony Programs for Sale (Oxnard Stamp, Bob Thompson - United States) USA Postal History (Stephen T. Taylor - United Kingdom) VACCARI srl Philately (Italy) Vera Trinder Ltd Comprehensive Philatelic Book List (Vera Trinder - United Kingdom) Vista Canada and Worldwide (Canada) Vlastos Philatelic Center / Maria Vlastos Stamps Auctions, Etc. (Phoebus R. Dokos, Jeff Carnahan - Greece) WAIGAND Sammlerwelt Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein (Würzburg). Washington Press ArtCraft, White Ace, and Stamp Mount brand names (Michael August - United
States) West Nissouri Stamp Company (West Nissouri Stamp Co. Dennis Jorgensen - Canada) Western Mountain Stamp and Coin Shop US Stamps, Coins, Postcards, & Accessories (Dave and Brenda
Trench - United States) Westminster Collection British Stamps (Will Hall - United Kingdom) Westminster Stamp Gallery, Ltd (Don & Noreen Palazzo - United States) William Lawrence Philatelics (Bill Martin - United States) Wonderful World of Stamps (Isidore Baum - Canada) World Forum Philatelist (WFP) Worldwide Collections (C. de Ruiter - Netherlands) Worldwide Covers and Scandinavian Booklets (Atlas Haftes AB - Sweden) Worldwide Postal History and Covers for Sale (Sören Andersson and Co - Sweden) Worldwide Revenues and Cinderellas (Rigastamps - United States) Worldwide Stamp Collections for Sale (Colin Deane - Canada) Worthington Stamps (Wayne Worthington - United States) Wulff's Stamps Online USA, France, French Offices, French Colonies, Monaco (United States) Http://www.collect.at/ China - Asia (Friedrich Zettl - Austria) Zillions of Stamps Stamp Dealer Directory (Worldwide) David Saks Home Page Click Above to Visit DavidSaks.Com
Philatelic Links Continue
AB Philea (Christer Svensson - Sweden) Academy Stamp Company (Marshall Goldberg - United States) AD Stamps (Andrew Dyer - England) Adminware Corporation Canadian Stamps (Robin Harris - Canada) Adolf Kosel KG Stamps, Letters, FDCs, Maximum Cards (Austria) AFINSA Philatelic and Numismatic Collecting (Spain) Agent Service, Stamps, Philatelic Supplies and Literature (Sherry Straley and John Van Alstyne - United States) Airmail Collector (Colin Roberts - United Kingdom) Aktiv Software Corporation (Don Cal - Canada) Albany Stamp Company (Steve Radin - United States) All Nations Stamp and Coin (Brian Grant Duff - Canada) American Stamp & Coin Co. U.S. & Worldwide (Dale L. Williams and Peter N. Spooner - United States) Americana Resources Antiques and Collectibles Including Stamps (United States) Americana Stamp & Coin Galleries Rare Stamps, Expert Witness & Appraisal (Jay Tell - United States) AmeriCom Philatelic Mint U.S. Stamps (Martin L. Barron, Jr.- United States) Amos Press Owners of Linn's and Scott (United States) Anthony's Coins, Stamps, Paper (United States) Apex Philatelics Ltd Approvals, Mixes, Auctions (United Kingdom) Aron R. Halberstam Philatelists, Ltd. British Commonwealth (United States) Arpin Philately Inc. Stamps on Approval (Daniel Arpin - Canada) Artmaster Incorporated U.S. First Day Covers (United States) Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association Inc (APTA) (Australia) Australian Coins, Stamps, Albums & Catalogues (Warren and Virginia Spence - Australia) Australian Philatelic Wholesalers PTY LTD (Adam FoX - Australia) Australian Sports Stamps (Noel G. Almeida - Australia) Australian Stamps (Glen Stephens - Australia) Bait Tov Topical & Countries Packets, Israel Stamps (Zvi Tov - Israel) Bangladesh (Bangladesh) Bardo Stamps For Collectors (Jim Bardo - United States) Barewalls.Com - Stamp Posters & Prints (Nick Reit - United States) Bel-Aire Collectibles (Greg Kellermann - United States) Benham First Day Covers (United Kingdom) Bicycle Stamps 10000 bicycle stamps / stationeries – each described by a picture (Arnoldt Rehm - Germany)
Bill Barrell Ltd Great Britain Stamps and Postal History (Bill Barrell - United Kingdom) Bjørn's Stamp Page (Bjørn Ommundsen - Norway) Blue Owl's Stamps (Tim Koch-Australia-New Guinea) Bob's Stamp Page Classic U.S. Singles (Bob Adair - United States) Bolaffi (Italy) Bombay Stamps (Bombay Stamps - United States) Books on Philately (Leonard H. Hartmann - United States) Briefmarkenecke (Carsten Mai - Germany) Briefmarkenversand Rosemarie Greuel (Rosemarie Greuel - Germany) Britzer's Stamp Friends (Germany) Brookman Stamp Company (Michael Jaffe - United States) Buffalo Stamp Scout Topicals (United States) Bulloch VFNH (Peter Bulloch - Canada) Bulterman Filatelie (The Netherlands) C & G Stamps United States (Greg Reeves - United States) Campbell Paterson Ltd (Campbell Paterson Ltd. - New Zealand)Can Stock Photo Stamp Images at Can Stock Photo (Nick Reit)Canadian Stamp Dealers' Association (CSDA - Canada) Canal Zone, USA, British Area, and Worldwide for Sale (Wayne Worthington) Candlish McCleery Ltd Great Britain (United Kingdom) Carolina Mountain Stamps (Sally Campbell - United States) Chalon Stamps Ltd New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain and Pacific Island (Peter Whittaker - New Zealand)
Charity Signed Autographs Signed Covers from Great Britain (United Kingdom) Charlestown Stamps (Matt H. Matzoll - Australia) Chinese Stamps For Sale (Frank Wilson - United Kingdom) Chris' Stamp Room U.S. Used and Covers (United States) Collectibles Insurance Agency Insurance For Collectors (United States) Colorano Silk Cachets (United States) Commemoratives International, Ltd. Postage, Picture Postcards, FDC's (United States) Connecticut Cinderellas Worldwide Revenues and Cinderellas (Raymond E. Petersen - United States) Cool Stamps for Sale (Greg Caron Stamps - United States) Coughlin's (Ray L. Coughlin - United States) County Stamp Center New Issues, Classic Items (Alex Birman - County Stamp Center - United States) CS Philatelic Agency Singapore Mint & Used Stamps and First Day Covers (Tan Chun Lim - Singapore) CS Philatelic Agency (Singapore) CTi Philatelic Displays (France) Cybercoins Stamps Baseball Stamps (Hiram C. Wilson - United States) CyberStamps (Yossi Nulamed - United States) Danish AFA Catalogue (Lars Boes - Denmark) Danish On-Line Collectors (Toke Norby - Denmark) Dave Kaplan Stamps (Dave Kaplan - United States) David Brandon Rare Classic Stamps Rare Stamps from G.B. (David Brandon - United Kingdom) Davidson's Stamp Service (United States) Deutscher Philatelie Service (Ronald Janasch - Germany) Dingus Worldwide Postal History and Revenue Documents (Dingus Moore and Louis) Disler Philatelie (Switzerland) DJ's Stamps (Danny - United States) DK Enterprises (Dick Keiser - United States) Dmitrij and Son Stamps Mint Stamps from Ex-USSR and World for Sale (D. K. Efremov - Russia) Don Lewis Country Collections (Don Lewis - United States) Dragon Cards First Day Cover Cards (Lloyd A. de Vries - United States) E.S.J. van Dam Ltd. (Erling van Dam - Canada) Earl P. L. Apfelbaum, Inc. Mail Bid Sales and Public Auctions (Diane Apfelbaum - United States) East European Stamps (D J M Kerr - United Kingdom) Eastgate Universal Stamps and Coins (Craig Rosen - South Africa) Ed and Matt's Stamp Page Stamps for Sale (Matt LaPlant - United States) Edmunds & Turner Ltd. eBay, Queen Victoria, Errors Varieties, Booklets (Nicholas Turner-Great Britain) Ege Bjerregaard Frimærkehandel (Denmark) Empire Philatelists British Commonwealth Stamps and British Stamps (Stuart Chandler - United Kingdom) Eric Jackson Revenue Stamps (Eric Jackson - United States) Eric Paul Stamps Great Britain (United Kingdom) Espace Lollini, Space Philately Specialist, Album and Catalog Editor (Lollini Bernard and Alexandre - France) Everything for Collectors (Adolf Kosel - Austria) Falmouth Stamp & Coin United States and Foreign Stamps (United States) Fauquex Philatelie (FAUQUEX Philately - Switzerland) Filatélica Penny Black (Giorgio Radini - Brazil) Filatelia Martinez (Spain) Filkom Postage Stamps (Nackaerts Jan - Belgium) First Day Cover Cachet Catalogues and Upcoming Stamp Shows (4-Collectors - United States) Flying Buffalo Inc Genuine Revenue Stamps (Tax Stamps) for Illegal Substances (United States) Fogostamps (Argentina) FotoSearch 33 million stock photos, 68,000 postage stamp images - (Nick Reit - United states) Fortunes of War: Postage Stamps and Paper Collectibles (Michael Hyman - United States) Freeman's Postal History (Greg Sutherland - United States) Freeman's Home Page (Greg Sutherland - United States) Gabriele's Philatelic Service (Gariele Woodbine - Australia) Garfield Philately (A.L. Garfield - United Kingdom) Gary Anderson Postal History (Gary Anderson - United States) Gary Posner, Inc (United States) Gateway Stamp Company (Tom and Rose Wiley - United States) Geir & Jørgens Stamp Site (Norway) Georg's German Stamp Offers (Georg Hammrich - Germany) Gettysburg Flag Works (Philatelic Links) Glen Stephens (Sydney, Australia) Global Stamps (Global Stamps of Olympia - United States) Globe Stamps Ltd British Commonwealth (Sweden) GotStamps Specializing in German States, Europe, Scandanavia and Canada (GotStamps - United States) Grahame W.Mann Philatelist Stamps of Great Britain 1840 - 1970 (United Kingdom) Gregg Nelson Stamps (Gregg Nelson - United States) Guy Olivier (Guy Olivier - Canada) Guy Shaw Latin American Stamps (United States) H.E. Harris Company (United States) Hallmark Stamp Issues Historic Commemorative Stamp Issues in Precious Metals (United Kingdom) Hard to Find Stamp Company Buyers and Sellers of Worldwide Stamps (Boyd and Dianna Eveland - United States) Heathside Collectibles U.S. & Worldwide Stamp Collecting Supplies and Stamps (Matthew Crandell - United States) Henry Gitner Philatelists, Inc. United Nations (Henry Gitner Philatelists - United States) Hermann E. Sieger GmbH (Germany) Herrick Stamp Company New Issues (United States) HH Sales Limited Philatelic Literature (Stephen Holder - United Kingdom) Hugh Wood, Inc. Collectibles Insurance (United States) Hummel's Philatelie-Service (Martin Findel and Richard Hummel - Germany) Hunt & Co. (United States) Iberstamps (Spain) Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corporation (United States) Internet Antique Shop Chat (United States) Internet Philatelic Shop (Czechoslovakia) Iowa Stamps and Coins United Staes Stamps and Supplies (Terry & Rebecca Holdridge - United States) Island Stamp and Coin (Dick Bland - United States) J. Barefoot Ltd Older Stamps of Europe (John Barefoot - United Kingdom) J. Garvey & Sons Mail Auctions, Mail Orders, Appraisals (Joseph Sr. and Les Garvey - Canada) James E. Lee's Philately on the Web (James Lee - United States) James T. McCusker, Inc. (James McCusker - United States) Jamestown Stamp Company Approvals (United States) Japan, Ryukyus, and Worldwide for Sale (George C. Baxley - United States) Jay Smith & Associates Scandinavian Philately (United States) JCM Museum Shop (Jas W Felter - Canada) Jim Forte Postal History United States and Worldwide Postal History (Jim Forte - United States) JOBI Philatelic Services United States and Worldwide. Specializing in Postal History. (Bill Lehr - United States) Joe Frasketi's Space Covers (Tony Frasketi - United States) John Lister Limited British Commonwealth (David Lister - United Kingdom) John Matthews Great Britain, Germany, Kuwait, Thailand, Bahain (United Kingdom) Jonal Art Covers Hand-Painted Covers (Eunice Alter - United States) Jonathan Tung World Wildlife Fund, Topical Issues (Jonathan Tung - Hong Kong) Judaica Sales (Isidore Baum - Canada) Judnick Postcards Covers & Stamps (United States) Kandi Ab (Robert Stolt - Sweden) Karl A Norsten AB (Karl A Norsten - Sweden) Keimar Stamps Worldwide Stamps and Topicals (Keith or Mary Rathbone - United States) Ken Srail United States Pre-1940 and 1893 Columbian and 1901 Pan-American World's Fair Memorabilia (United States) Kennedy Stamps (Robert Kennedy - Australia) Klassische Philatelie (Germany) Knottywood Treasures-First Day Covers FDC's by Colorano & Collins. Illustrated Colorano catalog. (Rex Briggs-United States) KOBRA - Sammlerbedarf (Frank Schlattner - Germany) La Maison du Timbre (Stamp House) French stamps and French Colonies, Andorre, Monaco, Europa (Christian Isaac - France) LC Stamps (Lee R. Clark - United States) Lehmann Christmas Test Seal Covers (Douglas Lehmann - United States) Lindner Hingeless Albums (United States) Lingen.com (Roy & Debbie Lingen - Canada) Linn's Zillions of Stamps (United States) Luk Vanduffel bvba (Luk Vanduffel - Belgium) Maddy's Philatelic Service (Ed Yonelinas - Canada) Mail by Rail (F. J. Wilson - England) Maine Stamp Shoppe (Maine Stamp Shoppe, Daniel Butler - United States) Mark Bloxham Stamps I.T Pickering World Famous Collection of Maltese Cross Cancellations (United Kingdom) Mark Sargent Stamps (Mark Sargent - United Kingdom) Marlen Stamp and Coin Ltd. (Michael Almeida - United States) Mayflower Traders. Ltd (Joseph S. Colello - United States) MCXI Philatelics Europe and Colonies, British Commonwealth (Ralph Greenhut - United States) ME-FIL di Messeri Ugo Postal Stationery, San Marino, Vatican, Trieste and Italian Colonies (Italy) Meerdaal Fil Stamps of Belgium (Belgium) Michael Eastick & Associates P/L Stamps, Coins, Banknotes, from Australia and the World (Australia) Michael Rogers Inc. Asian Philately, World Wide Stamps, Postal History & Postal Stationery (United States) Michel (Germany) Miller's Stamp Shop U.S. Classics (United States) Minnesota Stamp and Coin Company, Inc. (Rick Wolfe - United States) Mowbray Collectables: House of Stamps Ltd New Zealand Stamps and Accessories (New Zealand) Murray Payne Ltd King George VI (Stuart Murray Babbington and Richard George Payne Pollard (Dickon) - United Kingdom) Nederlandsche Postzegel- en Muntenveiling (The Netherlands) Neil Creative Media Full Service Philatelic Ad Agency (Randy Neil - United States) NetStamps.Eu (Jens Jacobsen - Scandinavia) New Zealand Stamps On-line (Auckland City Stamps, David Leng - New Zealand) Nicholas & Turner U.K. Stamps of Great Britain Located in London Noble's Catalog of Cacheted Inaugural Covers (Edward Krohn - United States) Nome Street Booklets of the World (United States) Nordisk Filateli (Morten Persson - Sweden) Norfolk Island Stamps (Sheila Grimshaw - Norfolk Island, South Pacific) North Toronto Stamp Club (North Tornto,Ontario Canada) Northwest Stamps (J. Lindsay - Worldwide) Oceania Philatelic Galleries : British Oceania (Richard M. Parke - United States) OH Frimærker (Denmark) Online Philatelic Literature Catalog (Phil Bansner - United States) Osborne-Kaufmann (Trish Kaufmann - United States) OZ Stamp (Queensland) Ozark Philatelics and Collectibles Boy Scout and Postage Stamp Collectibles (Kirk Doan - United States) Paperless Stamps The Electronic Stamp Store (Rick Mingee - United States) Park Cities Stamps Carriers & Locals of the United States (Byron Sandfield - United States) Parkstone Philatelics Michael B. Mercer (United Kingdom) Patrick Labbe (Lundy Island Stamps: Labbe's Specialized Guide to Lundy Island 2015) Pennies per Stamp Approvals (Roy Lingen - Canada) Pennymead Auctions West Indies (David Druett - United Kingdom) Pennyred.com (Gordon Carroll - United Kingdom) Personal Touch Stamps for Collectors (Duane Morford) Peter Mosiondz, Jr. United States Stamps (Peter Mosiondz, Jr. - United States) Phil Bansner (Phil Bansner - United States, Worldwide) Philagenta (Franz Fedra - Germany) Philasearch - Browse Through the World of Philatelie (Walter Christ - Germany) PHILATE-LIST (Jerry Jensen - United States) Philategenta GmbH (Franz Fedra - Germany) Philatelia Hungarica Hungary and Worldwide (Hungary) Philatelic Albums and Supplies (The Duncannon Partnership - United Kingdom) Philatelic Exposition Material for Sale (C.T.i. - France) Philatelic Market (PHILMART - Lots-A-Stamps) (Lots-A-Stamps - United States) Philatelic Publishers (James Bendon Ltd - Cyprus) philatelic-literature.com (Lawrence) Philately.ch Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, France, Europe (Henry Béhar - Switzerland) PHILIMPEX (A. Zbojnowicz - Germany) Philnet Online (France) PhilNet Mirror Site. Also an English version (PhilNet - France) Pittwater Philatelic Service Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific Islands (John & Tracy Pearson - Australia) Plate Block Stamp Company (Richard Lazorow - United States) Post-Age Collectibles (United States) PostalNet (Don Tocher - United States) PostBeeld (PostBeeld, Rob Smit - The Netherlands) Potomac Supplies (United States) Price Lists for German and Austrian Areas (Ralph Schneider - United States) QVPennies (Geoffrey Chappell - United Kingdom) Rainer's Stamp Corner : Fine Stamps and Postal History Worldwide (Rainer Fuchs - Germany) Red Dwarf Stamp-Centre First Day Covers (United Kingdom) Richard Borek GmbH & Co. KG (Jens Heise-Engelschalk - Germany) Richard Stenlake Postcards (United Kingdom) Rigastamps (United States) Robin Linke Australian Stamp Dealer Australia & the South Pacific (Australia) Robinhood Stamp Company (Chris Howard - United Kingdom) Robstine Stamps (Robstine Stamps - United Kingdom) Romberg Philatelie GmbH (Germany) Royal Philatelic Society The Royal Philatelic Society London est. 1869 (United Kingdom) Royale Stamp Great Britain including Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man & Alderney (United Kingdom) S.C.Virtes Stamps (S.C.Virtes - United States) SAFE Collecting Supplies (United States) Samler-Borsen (Norway) Saskatoon Stamp Centre (John Jamieson - Canada) SBZ - Swiss Philatelic Newspaper (Markus Seitz - Switzerland) Schmitt Investors Ltd. Postal History (Fred Schmitt - United States) Scotia Philately (Colin Harding - United Kingdom) Scotstamps Great Britain and the British Commonwealth (David Buchanan - Scotland) Seven Continents Philatelics United States Stamps, Worldwide Disney Stamps (Frank Bachenheimer - United States) Seven Seas Stamps Pty Ltd Stamps and Philatelic Supplies (Australia) Shades Stamp Shop Ltd (Steven McLachlan - New Zealand) Sherwood Commemoratives Pty Ltd (Australia) Silombra House (Jean Silombra - France) Silver Jubilee Stamps (Tony Ainscough - Commemorating 1935 Silver Jubilee of King George V. - United Kingdom) Sliema Stamp Shop Malta Specialists (Malta) Space and other Topical Covers (Joe Frasketi - United States) Stamp Accessories (Michael Kay - United Kingdom) StampBoards.Com Wonderful Forum for Stamp Colletors - Worldwide - Australia (Glen Stephens) Stamps Center United State - Worldwide (Alex Birman) Stamp and Coin Shop (Stamp and Coin Store - United States) Stamp and Postal Stationery Sites (Andrew Gondocz - Canada) Stamp Fair Online Stamp Auction (Worldwide) Stamp Professor (Frederick Bean - United States) Stamp Shows Stamp Show Directory (Worldwide) Stamp Studio (Bill Kemp - United States) Stamp-Street (Japan) StampWorld (Johanna Paz - The Most Complete Stamp Catalogue in the World) StampandCoin (DeKalb Stamp and Coin Co. - United States) StampFinder Global Electronic Stamp Exchange (Richard Lehmann, President - United States) Stamps and Philately (SAMMLER.COM - Germany) Stamps for Collectors (Stuart Katz - United States) Stamps International (Harry Eaby - United States - Worldwide) Stamps of Bulgaria & The World (Bulgaria) Stamps on the Web (Rob van de Weghe - Netherlands) Stamps Online (Germany) Stamps Oversea Topics Mint and Postcards (Claudia Greuel - Germany) Stamps Shop (Germany) Stamps Studio (Austria) Stamps.com Mailing and Shipping Solutions (United States) Stampsite.com - Moo Stamp Company (Chuck Moo - United States) StampStudio.com (Bill Kemp - Worldwide) stampview.com (Alan Anderson - United States) Stanley Gibbons Great Britain, Commonwealth, European and World Stamps, Online Auctions (United Kingdom) Stanley Lisica (Peter Hagler - United States) Stephabel Stamps for Collectors How to Become a Dealer - Gérard Rault (Canada) Subway Stamp Shop America's Largest Stamp Album and Supply Company (Hugh M Goldberg - United States) Supplies for Stamp and Coin Collectors (Lighthouse Publications - Germany) Swedish Stamp and Postcard Magazine (Bo Bergforsen) Sydney Philatelics Pty Ltd Australasia, British Commonwealth, Booklets, Asia (Sydney Phil. Pty. Ltd. - Australia) Tazi Tiger's Den: The Stamp Place Great Britain & Pacific countries (David Newell - Australia) Tecol International (Victor Slonim - United States) The Collectible Stamps Gallery Worldwide Topical and Thematic Stamps (Dan & Stephanie Nieuwlandt - United States)
The Stamproom (United Kingdom) Thematic Stamp Catalogues (Domfil - Spain) The Ultimate Guide to Stamp Collecting Start Local Web Services (Jacob Crane - Australia) Thomas Gompf's Stamp Shop Bargain-Specialist (Thomas Gompf - Germany) Timbre Orbite Inc. (Timbre Orbite - Canada) Timbres-Themes Topicals (Janice Dugas - Canada) Topical Philately for Sale (Loïc Marchat - France) Topical Stamps (United States) Topical Stamps (Svein Bjerkholt - Norway) Tremoncard Versandantiquariat Postcards (Gerhard Fleitmann - Germany) Trevor Pateman Russia and Related Areas Philately (United Kingdom) U.S. Mint Stamps for Sale (Mark Leon - United States) U.S. Net Price List and Color Catalog (Century Stamps - United States) U.S. Plate Number Coils (Ed Denson - United States) U.S. Postal History for Sale (Jim Forte - United States) U.S. Stamps for Sale DJ's Stamps (Daniel Weissmann - United States) U.S. Stamps on Approval (Duane D. Morford - United States) Ume 98 (Toshihiko Tanaka - Japan) Unicover Corporation (S. K. McConnell - United States) United Nations Philatelists, Inc. (Dennis Hamilton - United States) United States Mint (United States) United States Postal Stationery (Philip and Henry Stevens - United States) Unitrade Associates Philatelic Books and Supplies (Doug Robinson and Al (Gino) Casa - Canada) US First Day Ceremony Programs for Sale (Oxnard Stamp, Bob Thompson - United States) USA Postal History (Stephen T. Taylor - United Kingdom) VACCARI srl Philately (Italy) Vera Trinder Ltd Comprehensive Philatelic Book List (Vera Trinder - United Kingdom) Vista Canada and Worldwide (Canada) Vlastos Philatelic Center / Maria Vlastos Stamps Auctions, Etc. (Phoebus R. Dokos, Jeff Carnahan - Greece) Washington Press ArtCraft, White Ace, and Stamp Mount brand names (Michael August - United States) West Nissouri Stamp Company (West Nissouri Stamp Co. Dennis Jorgensen - Canada) Western Mountain Stamp and Coin Shop US Stamps, Coins (Dave and Brenda Trench - United States) Westminster Collection British Stamps (Will Hall - United Kingdom) Westminster Stamp Gallery, Ltd (Don & Noreen Palazzo - United States) William Lawrence Philatelics (Bill Martin - United States) Wonderful World of Stamps (Isidore Baum - Canada) World Forum Philatelist (WFP) Worldwide Collections (C. de Ruiter - Netherlands) Worldwide Covers and Scandinavian Booklets (Atlas Haftes AB - Sweden) Worldwide Postal History and Covers for Sale (S Andersson and Co - Sweden) Worldwide Revenues and Cinderellas (Rigastamps - United States) Worldwide Stamp Collections for Sale (Colin Deane - Canada) Worthington Stamps (Wayne Worthington - United States) Wulff's Stamps Online USA, France, French Offices, French Colonies, Monaco (United States) Http://www.collect.at/ China - Asia (Friedrich Zettl - Austria)Zillions of Stamps Stamp Dealer Directory (Worldwide)
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