Thursday, March 31, 2016
Eaton's Poster Stamps & The New York World's Fair 1939Below, from my collection, are the 1930's poster stamps made by the American Bank Note Company for the Eaton Paper
Corporation depicting views of New York City and advertising Eaton's Fine Letter Papers for the 1939 New York World's Fair. 
They looked so real, that the Post Office told them
to stop producing them. People were actually putting these stamps on items to mail. 
New York from the Air 
Brooklyn Bridge 
The Little Church Around the Corner 
Columbia University 
Flagship Over Downtown New York 
New York Public Library 
United States Liner Manhattan 
Central Park In April 
Pennsylvania R.R. Broadway Limited 
George Washington Bridge 
The Eaton, Crane & Pike Company Factory is a historic
former factory building at 75 S. Church Street in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. The brick factory building was built in 1883
by the Terry Clock Company, which had its origins in the manufacture of clocks by Eli Terry in 1793. That company and its
successors owned the facility until 1899, when it was acquired by Arthur W. Eaton and his business associates, the forerunners
of the Eaton Paper Company. The factory was
listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1990. Have a great day !
3:38 am cdt
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Idaho - The 43rd StateIdaho is more than potatoes. It's the Rocky Mountains, ski slopes, nuclear energy, natural beauty and great resources. Home to the largest silver mine in the United States, Idaho earned
the nickname "The Gem State". 
The circular date stamp tied to the flags represents
the anniversary of Idaho Statehood.
Would you like sour cream and onions with that spud
10:24 am cdt
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Hawaii - The 50th StateI haven't been to Hawaii yet. But is there anyplace in the world any more beautiful ? 
The circular date stamp tied to the flag on the anniversary
of Hawaii's statehood, August 21, 1959.
Aloha !
7:22 pm cdt
Monday, March 28, 2016
Georgia - The 4th StateGeorgia has southern charm. Abundant natural beauty and resources.
The circular date stamp tied to the U.S. flag stamp
represents the anniversary of Georgia Statehood.
2:42 pm cdt
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Florida - The 27th StateFlorida is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. 
Go there !
11:11 pm cdt
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Delaware - The First StateDelaware is the second smallest state in my nation. Rhode Island is the smallest. But Delaware is our first state. For
nearly two centuries Delaware's chief industry has been chemicals. Wilmington, Delaware is known as "The Chemical Capital of the World". In the panel below are stamps corresponding to Scott #'s 1633, 2336 & 1960 
The historical circular date stamp is tied to Scott
# 2278, "Flags & Clouds".
It took great courage to become the first of our
fifty states.
12:03 am cdt
Monday, March 21, 2016
Connecting Wynne to the World - Coober Pedy Update

Thank you David Owens and the Wynne Progress. Please let me clarify, however, that I am not a professor, although
I should have been :-), and serve the College of Communication and Fine Arts at the University of Memphis as a volunteer this
day as I have for many years. My sincerest
thanks and best regards to all of my friends and the great citizens of Wynne and Coober Pedy. May this instrument of goodwill unite us in friendship, always.
-David Saks-
12:41 am cdt
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Connecticut - The 5th StateConnecticut has a number of industries that support the
defense of our nation. It's "The Constitution
State". In the panel are Scott #'s 772,
1959, 2340 & 1637 
Connecticut is the third smallest state in America,
but it's impact on my nation's economy is vital. The
historical circular date stamp is tied to Scott # 2278, "Flags & Clouds". 
Connecticut is beautiful.
1:26 am cdt
Saturday, March 19, 2016
My PalsStamp collecting was about the biggest part of my life
when I was ten years old, next to my best pals Cathy Clendennon, Phillip and Linda Settles, Billy and Jack Lufkin, Jimmy and
Buster Pearson, May Eaton, Scott and Rick Morrow, Stan Davis, Ronnie and Larry Becker, Richard and Lee Carter, and Terry Moore. I loved the piano.and listened to Elvis, the Beatles, George Gershwin,
the Rollng Stones and the Four Seasons everyday with my pals.
Monopoly and chess marathons, the all night horror
movies on Saturday, and the endless wiffle ball games in the street are among my greatest memories. Some of my childhood pals are with the Lord now. They were my brothers and sisters and our friendships,
and the memory of them, will stay in my mind and heart forever. Ironically, my stamp club still meets across the street from the homes where we grew up in and played together,
on Rolling Oaks Drive. Rolling Oaks was a street
of dreams in 1962. Maybe it was because, like
our President, John F. Kennedy, we believed in Camelot. I
also believed in and loved my friends, the music, and stamp collecting,
2:58 am cdt
Friday, March 18, 2016
Colorado - The 38th StateColorado is a big hit with everyone who visits. The ski slopes of Vail and Aspen. The music of Telluride and so much more. In the panel below are Scott #'s 1001, 1670, 1958 & 1711 
The commemorative circular date stamp is tied to the
flag stamp definitive, Scott #2531, "Flags On Parade". 
Whether it's warmth from the fireplace in a ski lodge
or wealth from gold, Colorado is waiting for you.
12:26 am cdt
Thursday, March 17, 2016
IKeith Emerson 1944 - 2016I found out about Keith Emerson's death a little while
ago. I wish that I could have stopped him. Depression is a miserable killer. He's one of the main reasons why I wrote music for the piano. 
Getty photo I've posted a tribute to Keith on my YouTube Channel (click here) Goodbye my friend.
12:30 am cdt
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
California - The 31st StateOn September 9, 1850, California became the 31st state
in the Union. Known as the "Golden State",
the natural wonders and majestic redwoods of California will take your breath away. Shown below are Scott #'s 997, 1663, 1957 & 1373. 
The commemorative circular date stamp is tied to the
flag stamp definitive, Scott #2531, "Flags On Parade".
I spent the better part of 1975 in California studying
the piano and composing. I called Berkeley and
San Francisco home for a few months as a young musician.
1:00 am cdt
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Arkansas - The 25th StateArkansas is beautiful. God is gardener. It's
known as "The Land of Opportunity". Represented
below are Scott #s 782, 2167, 1956 & 1657.
Tied by the statehood anniversary circular date stamp
is Scott # 2278.
On June 15th, 1836 Arkansas became our 25th state.
Please visit Arkansas. You'll never forget it's breathtaking cliffs, fresh spring waters
and abundant natural resources. A state with
astounding natural beauty.
1:21 am cdt
Monday, March 14, 2016
Tesla - May 11th Little Rock - Want to Go ?Tesla's a helluva band !
They'll be in Little Rock May 11th. Want to go ? Send me an email.
12:52 am cdt
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Arizona - The 48th StateOn February 14, 1912 Arizona became the 48th state of
the United States. Known as "the Grand
Canyon State", Arizona is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Arizona's mines continue to produce gold, silver and copper, and farming bristles throughout it's
fertile landscape. 
Top to bottom stamps are Scott #'s 1680, 1192 &
Tied by the statehood anniversary circular date stamp
are stamps with Scott #'s 2452 & 2278.
Arizona. The Grand Canyon is one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
1:46 am cst
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Alaska - The 49th StateNorthwestern-most and important to the defense of our
nation, here's Alaska, "The Last Frontier", and the great stamps honoring our beautiful state.
Stamps are, top to bottom, Scott #'s 800,
1954, C70, C53, 2066, and 1681. Full of natural
resources including oil, gold, and salmon, Alaska has paid for itself many times over since we purchased it from Russia in
1867. Alaska became our 49th state on January
3, 1959. 
Dress warm when you visit in the winter. Temperatures can fall to 80 degrees below zero in Alaska. Of course the good thing about it is that you can keep your food
fresh on the porch outside and won't need a refrigerator.
5:36 am cst
Friday, March 11, 2016
Alabama - The 22nd StateToday, let's look at the stamps of "The Heart of
Dixie", Alabama. 
Stamps are top to bottom Scott #'s 1375, 1654 &
And don't forget "Bear" ! (click)
10:41 am cst
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Our Stamps - The 1st 100 Years 1847 - 1947From the Smithsonian:"Timed to coincide with the centenary of the first United States postage stamp, the Centenary
International Philatelic Exhibition was held in New York City from May 17 to 25, 1947. In addition to the stamp issued for
the centenary (Scott USA 947), a sheet issued on May 19, 1947, marked the occasion and served as a souvenir of the exhibition.
The imperforate sheet contained reproductions of the first postage stamps in different colors—the 5-cent blue picturing
Benjamin Franklin and the 10-cent brown orange picturing George Washington. Text around the border of the sheet provided
information about the production of the sheet." Represented
are great examples of the first day cover cachets created by PentArts for the 1947 Exhibition. PentArts was part of a company known as Collectors Surplus of Kansas City, Missouri. There
is little information to be found about the company as of this entry. 

Lots of history here. Glad I can share it with you.
12:24 pm cst
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Naval Aviation 50th Anniversary 1911 - 1961The American Navy's aviation fleet took to the air in
It was honored with Scott Catalog #1185 on August
20, 1961 in a first day ceremony in San Diego.
The 4 cent blue stamp was designed by John Maass
for the United States Postal Service, was perforated 11x10.5, is a rotary press printing and features illutrations of the
Navy's first plane, the Curtis A-1 of 1911 and Naval Air Wings. 
And of course my favorite Naval Aviators are my pals,
and the subject of the trial 70th anniversary stamp I created for them below. See them when you can. You will never forget
12:30 am cst
Monday, March 7, 2016
American Education This stamp and first day cover, issued September
12, 1980, commemorates American Education and is a salute to learning.
The city chosen for the first day ceremony for this
stamp (Scott Catalog #1833) was Franklin, Massachusetts, the home of Horace Mann, the father of American public
The design is the painting Glow by Josef
Albers, part of his Homage to the Square series.
The 15 cent stamp honoring the achievements of American
education was designed by Bradbury Thompson of Riverside, Connecticut. "Whenever the people are well informed , they can be trusted with their own government." -Thomas Jefferson-
7:45 pm cst